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Vary the amount of blood in glans while stretching

Vary the amount of blood in glans while stretching

How do you do this?? Do most of you do your manual stretching in sets and then take a lil break then do another set?

I stretch in one direction for a count of about 30 seconds, then let go and massage the head a little, then do another rep in another direction. It’s just to make sure you still have good circulation in your glans and the rest of your penis. :)

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

I move quickly from one manual stretch to the next. Each set is short but intense. If my glans feels “undernourished,” I slap my penis a few times against my thigh until it’s flushed with blood again.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


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