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Vibration effect on extending timeframe

Vibration effect on extending timeframe

I have a vibration motor on the way. Also a Best Extender and vacuum cups. Initial plan was to use the BE at 5 lbs tension for about 5 hours a day.

How would you guys adjust this when using the vibration motor? Or would you hold the timeframe steady and just allow greater fatigue and faster gains (hopefully not overtraining)?

It’s easy to rub your dick and get small cuts on your skin
because the vibrations are too fast to transmit to your body
ineffective design want to increase your gains or exercise honestly
always want to take shortcuts
For example;(normal)You work out two days and take one day off ( 2(+)+1(-)=3x3=9(day))

(Vibration) One exercise skin wound bleeding ( 2(+)+3(-)=5x3=15(day))

Wasted time injured no fatigue after exercise dick (compared to normal exercise)

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