Thunder's Place

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Anyone thought of Vibration as an aid to hanging?


Anyone thought of Vibration as an aid to hanging?

I’ve been wondering for a while whether anyone has thought of —gently— using a vibrator aganst the ligs —and penis shaft— while hanging in order to get the tough little buggers to stretch??

I have never owned or even used a sex shop type vibrator. My only experience— in typical P9 industrial strength overkill style— is an orbital sander— minus the sand paper. (LOL).

Many years ago I discovered that gently applied to the dick through a few layers of clothing, it’s a great sexual stimulator. Normally I can last at least a few minutes, but with this heavy duty device I shot my load in my pants in maybe 20 seconds.

Wonderful feeling, but he (??) didn’t say how good it was for him, or offer me coffee afterwards.

Obviously this would be an unwanted side effect with PE, but applied to the ligs at the lower abdomen I just wonder…….???

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Are you trying to say use the vibe as a way to further weaken or move the ligaments faster and then heal open, hence more schlong? Interesting idea! Have to ask others too!

Good theory, I’d be worried some of the vibes would arouse me too much to hang safely though.

Haven’t tried any vibration, but along a similar thought I have let the weights swing a little bit. I think it was Boxcar who said he swings the weights. It does seem to speed up time to fatigue. But it could also be risky. I have only done it while hanging over the edge of a chair, with 6 - 8 pounds.


i’ve only been PEing a month (on May 3) and just started hanging with a Bib Starter (worth much more than $85) 12 days ago. I do 15 mins in morn and 15 mins in pm, I hang 2 lbs. I plan on taking it slow and easy because I REALIZE I’M HANGING EARLY IN THE PROGRAM. like Sidecar, I swing the weight - feels tremendous. First I swing back and forth between my legs for a few minutes then I leab forward and swing back and forth like a pendulum. By the way, I ALWAYS hang standing up.

Tonite, I squatted down fairly low and was able to swivel my hips slowly, therefore moving the weight in a circular motion. I don’t know if any of these movements help out, but sure feels good and beats just sitting there bored as hell. I’ve done btc a time or two but realize it’s a bit early for me to start this. However lil 1 seems to be doing very well with nothing but hanging, and fairly good weights at that. I will also tell you I have a very small dick (which is why I’m here) so I have to watch for the bib slipping over my head. other than that, it’s a piece of cake unless i’m doing this all wrong.



Glad to hear all is coming along fine.

I also had no probs until I began to increase weight. At that point wrapping and positioning became very important. Hanging at lower weights and increasing slowly also gives you the groundwork for improved hanging later on.


What exactly is the swinging motion supposed to do? Are you going clockwise or counter clockwise? Just wanted to ask before I statrt hanging. Thanks! TT


Yes, that’s why I’m starting off slowly. I’m not wrapping yet in that bib’s instructions say you don’t have to at 2 lbs. It’s when you start hanging heavier weights that you need to wrap. I’ve gotten a lot of information on wrapping - all confusing but I think the wrapping picture on Tom Hubbard’s site is the most helpful.

Twat: I don’t know if any of this swinging really matters, maybe Bigger and Sidecar can comment. I just know that it feels nice and breaks up the monotony, since I do my PE exercises in my bathroom (don’t think my wife and son would enjoy watching).

for the 3 swings I do - pendulum, backwards and forwards between my legs and the cirular motion (it’s clockwise). Never thot about counter - will add that tonite.

Bigger and Side - what do you think? I know that Side swings but what do you think it does. Of course all this is VERY scientific.



I gently swing in all directions…back forth, side to side, clockwise, anti clockwise (no difference there I imagine). With heavier weights you can really feel the different ligs take on the different strain. I reckon it’s good becasue it FEELS good (my favourite word for today).


There’s a post from BIb on PEForums about a guy who rides his exercise bike with his hanger attached to a strap around his leg, and it’s doing him good PE-wise. His cadence was between 60 and 70 rpm. So I decided to try a rapid cyclical variation in resistance by doing some fast calf raises. I had 10# on my hanger at the time and counted about 90 raises per minute, Right away my ligaments made themselves felt, and so did my arches. That was 2 hours ago, and I can still feel it in my ligaments. So this weekend I’m going to dig out my old rebounder and try it that way.

Vibration and cyclical variation of resistance are related and need some serious research - frequency, waveshape, sinusoidal or pulsed, methods of obtaining, etc. Great Minds, are you reading this?

“The road goes ever on …”


Measureing the wave form????

Hang on there lads , I’ll just rig up my cathode ray oscilloscope to my vibrator— or the excercise bike, and awaaaaaaayyyyyy we go.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Hey Tex!

The rebounder ……. isn’t that one of those little trampoline thingys? :eek2:

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Sounds like we have a bunch of frigging physics majors amongst us. Jeez!!! Hey, lil, we’ve corresponded before. Can’t remember off the top of my head what you started off flaccid. I know you do nothing but hang with no pre- or post warm-ups, etc. Help me with somethjng, I have the smallest dick attached to an adult male - well, I guess it could be a clit and I’m just mistaken.

Flaccid, which of course is the way you’re supposed to hang, is 1.5 inches long about 3.5 around with a tape measure. I’m hanging 2 lbs (remember, I just started PE April 3 and hanging about 12 days ago). When I put on the Bib Starter, I shove it up to the base as far as it’ll go. However, because of the short shaft, it does pull down to my head. I make sure it doesn’t slip over onto the head, but t’s tricky. It almost looks as tho I’m doing circumcision reconstruction (which I’d actually like, too). Got any suggestions?

Yeah, I swing the damn thing all over the place, as I said, don’t know if it does any better than just standing there hanging stright down, but it sure as hell feels a lot better.

All you guys have a great weekend - Glenn

Hi Glenn!

Yes, it’s a bit tricky to start with! I too started with a very small faccid, but it does get easier! Try to stretch out the penis while wrapping to get your max length - the Starter is less than 2” wide so you should still have a little to spare. Also remember to tighten it quite firmly so it doesn’t slide down over the glans - it can be quite tight and it must grip the internal structures. You will get skin stretch to start off with but this is normal and important for future gains.

Keep at it - you’ll get there!

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

BIb "Toe Out"Angle Adjustment +P9's ramblings

Glenn, I have the regular size moulded Bib, and —-how do we tactfully say this—- a few more inches of dick to play with (BUT—- have my own troubles…..See below)

Assuming that the starter also has two adjustable bolts at the bottom, I have found it most beneficial to adjust these so that the Bib grabs my dick at the point on the Bib furthest from the glans, or closest to the abdomen.

ie I recommend Adjusting for “Toe Out”. (You may already be doing this.)

This both ensures that the structures of the shaft are clamped, and gives more space for blood so that there is much less blood blistering of my glans .

I have also recently moved my Bib even closer to my abdomen, so that in this respect I’m hanging in the style of you guys with shorter flaccids.

The lig pull is much more intense than I have ever felt before,and I’m hoping for some gains……….

If I don’t get anything by the end of June, I’ll have to really reconsider this whole thing. Many days in the week I’m hanging both morning and night, and not getting gains. (though the All day stretch is giving me flaccids in the 5.5 to 6 inch range. Amazing.)

I have resigned from my Q-A job, effective July1.

Planning a trip to Europe and USA in July -Aug so most of program will be “on hold”anyway.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

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