Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone thought of Vibration as an aid to hanging?


There was a guy on PEForums a who used to swing weights and bounce them too. He made some pretty impressive gains (close to 2” I think). But you should really be careful and know what you’re doing and understand your penis’ limits before you do anything extreme.

Hi P9:

Yes, having read your postings, I know you have more - a lot more - than I, but hell, who doesn’t (dick head)?

Sometimes I wonder if I’m using the Bib S. correctly - have emailed Bigger on this. I really do very little adjusting to it - which makes me wonder. One of the things I do not understand is this toe in-out thing. I’m not sure I’ve run into anything that explains it and the bib diagram does have anything about a toe.

for one thing, I NEVER mess with the 2 bolts on the bottom of the hanger. i just keep them closed, slip my dick in, I guess towards the top of the hanger and adjust the top bolt. Taking advice from sidecar, I wear the hanger a minute of two before putting on the weights.

I ALWAYS put the Bib on my base. I pull me dick out as far as it will go and clamp on my base - as I tighten the bolt, I pull my skin at the base so the bib won’t pinch. So, P, tell me about the toe thing.

Thanks, Glenn

Hey Lil:

Regarding your new picture (or icon thingy) - i knew you were hanging a lot of weight, but man, I’m impressed.

Was trying to hang with the Bib real tight but my head was getting cold, so I assumed I was cutting off circulation. Guess I’ll try it again and just whack it every once in a while to make it breathe.



First, you are just beginning, so the thing to do is try many many different things to learn what the hanger will do and how it affects you.

I do not like the sound of you not adjusting the bottom hex nuts. Go ahead and loosen the bottom wing nuts and find the inside hex nuts. Then loosen one or both and try a few minutes. If you run out the front hex nut further than the back, that is toeing out. If you run our the back hex nut further than the front, that is toeing in.

You may have to wrap a little thicker to enjoy the different settings. Always remember, the top gap should be smaller than the bottom gap.

Further, I don’t like the sound of you putting the hanger solely at the base. That usually tends to just stretch skin. While you need to stretch skin at first, and at different periods of growth, that is not the only thing you wish to do. Try the adjustments and putting the hanger more toward the head to try and stretch the internal structures.

If you have any problems with the head getting cold, it is usually because you have the WRAP too tight. It is hard to tighten the hanger alone enough to cut off circulation.



I’m not sure I get this at all. I haven’t adjusted the bottom wing nuts because I’m not dealing with much girth here. 3.5” around. So with the bottom nuts totally against the hanger - which means the “rubber teeth” in the bottom of the hanger are “closed,” it’s very simple to open the top of the hanger, insert my dick, then adjust the wing nut on the top.

I’m not sure why I’d be toeing in or out (thanks for the decsription by the way). It looks like when you do this, either the front or back, which ever “toeing” you’re doing, is larger than the other end. What would be the purpose of this?

I’m obviously screwing up somewhere since this seemed to be a lot more simple than it might be (at least getting started). Would sure hate to be putting in all this time for nothing.

I put the hanger at the base because the shaft is very short flaccid - 1.5”, so by the time the hanger is on, it takes up the shaft from the base to the head. I do not use wrap since I read in several postings that if you were hanging with less then 5 lbs, wrapping was not necessary. I did buy the wrap when I ordered, however.

Sorry to be a pain in the ass, bigger. YOU MIGHT CONSIDER A VIDEO TO GO WITH THE HANGER - I can only speak for myself, but i’d be willing to pay additional $$$ if one was offered. Considering the mental hell we guys with little dicks go through, money is not really an issue here.

Thanks, glenn

Glenn Delta,

>I haven’t adjusted the bottom wing nuts because I’m not dealing with much girth here. 3.5” around. So with the bottom nuts totally against the hanger - which means the “rubber teeth” in the bottom of the hanger are “closed,” it’s very simple to open the top of the hanger, insert my dick, then adjust the wing nut on the top. <

Great, now pay attention. You need to try many different things to find out the various options, what the hanger will do, what feels most comfortable etc., while you are in the “learning phase”. Later, as you go up in weight and time, the learning curve will be shorter because you will already know what to do. If you don’t spend a little time doing this, you will be bitching later because you cannot figure something out and Bib will be gone. Sabe?

Further, the wing nuts are not the adjustments. They simply hold the right half of the hanger on the adjustment nuts. The adjustment nuts are the hex nuts, one on front and one on the back, that can be moved along the adjustment bolts. Do not loosen the hex nuts next to the hinge.

>I’m not sure why I’d be toeing in or out (thanks for the decsription by the way). It looks like when you do this, either the front or back, which ever “toeing” you’re doing, is larger than the other end. What would be the purpose of this? <

Because toeing out, or sometimes toeing in is much more comfortable. It is an option. Toeing out compresses the inner structures of the shaft better and usually takes pressure off of the head. Simply try it.

>I put the hanger at the base because the shaft is very short flaccid - 1.5”, so by the time the hanger is on, it takes up the shaft from the base to the head. I do not use wrap since I read in several postings that if you were hanging with less then 5 lbs, wrapping was not necessary. I did buy the wrap when I ordered, however. <

Try it anyway.

>Sorry to be a pain in the ass, bigger. YOU MIGHT CONSIDER A VIDEO TO GO WITH THE HANGER - I can only speak for myself, but i’d be willing to pay additional $$$ if one was offered. Considering the mental hell we guys with little dicks go through, money is not really an issue here. <

I am not making hangers anymore. I am surely not making a video.


Thanks, Bigger:

Got it. I was using the wing nuts to adjust. I’ll also try the toe out - makes sense. I’ll play with it a bit (the hanger). Will also go through your website stuff I printed out for a review.

Too bad you’re not making the hangers any longer - saw your post about stopping at the first of the month, which is why I ordered mine when I did. Thanks very much for the opportunity you gave us - I for one appreciate it


Thanks Bib-- And "Good Experimentation" Glenn

Thanks for getting involved here Bib.

It’s a very involved process, getting hanging right, and I’m by no means sure that I have done it yet.


Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

r.e. Vibration while hanging

As you can see, I am still new to the forum. I just started hanging after a month of jelqing and manual stretching (pretty good success so far). I posted on the hanging forum about a friend of mine who is a Urologist (I have already asked him to participate in this forum and he said no) and also a PE’er. He gained about 2.5 inches in one year. He repeatedly stressed that it is important to use a lot of moist heat while hanging. He said that he applies heat between each hanging session. He hangs for 20 min. - applies heat for 10 min - then hangs again for 20 min. He stressed that the ligs can tear completely if too much weight is applied. He cautioned me to avoid swinging. He did say it was OK to hang at different angles. He also said that the moist heat will help loosen and then stretch the Tunica. Although I am not a physician, what he says makes sense to me. I am thinking that you veterans who have been hanging for a year or more might get past some plateaus if you increase the amount of moist heat that you use.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

? for Jelktoid

Your uroligist friend is a great resource. Please keep us informed of any good info you get from him. The moist heat in between hanging sounds like a great approach to gains. What got your uroligist freind into PE? I mean, what was his story behind it? Does the medical community treat it as their own little secret? I was just curious, I find it interesting what the “real” story is within the medical community.


>>I was just curious, I find it interesting what the “real” story is within the medical community.>>

Believe me the medical community doesn’t have a fucking clue about PE. The mindset is that they really are only concerned with whether your dick is functional enough to knock somebody up. That is their view of dicks. So a 2 or 3 incher erect if every thing else is functional is nothing to be concerned about.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Sorry your urologist friend won’t join in, he would be of help to us. Even more sorry he has warned against swinging. I do it for several minutes each hanging session. However I’m not swinging so hard as to have the weights “bounce” a I’ve read some do.

Anybody have experience with this?


I use a massager/vibrator and it feels great. When ligs begin to burn a little it takes that away. I think it lengthens the ligs by relaxation. Now the problem…they all must be stretched evenly, because I now have to use a lot of weight to reach fatigue—24-27lbs. And I have only been hanging 6 weeks! I don’t get sore in the slightest. I wonder if vibration evens them out too much and makes it hard to stretch them without further efforts to divide and conquer? And should I fear going up in weight? BIB to the rescue?

BIB is gone. The only way I know to contact him is I guess email…

I have no experience with a vibrator/massager so others will have to chime in here.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

I once thought how a vibrating cell phone could be brought into PE, but this is possibly a mad idea.

Before I could log in I received an error message “zero sized reply”. How about teaching the server some PE techniques? :-)


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