B6 from my understanding, does a lot in many reactions and processes in the body. Neurotransmitters and histamine specifically in b6. Vitamin C seems to be another important cofactor along with it.
http://en.wikip … wiki/Vitamin_B6
B12 is another decent worker as well, there is a tiny chance one could in theory be allergic to a cobalt ring derivative of the vitamin from what I read, though it is rare. http://en.wikip … iki/Vitamin_B12 I believe it is cause of the synthetic nature of the vitamin that causes this rare problem.
Less conventional/orthodox approaches puts even greater weight on those two vitamins specifically.
I do not believe they would hurt you really, they would most likely give you a reaction if taken in mega doses like having the shits perhaps before anything permanent or detrimental showed up. Eating right is usually the best approach, but is not as easy with the western lifestyle now as days gone by.
Some people have a difficult time absorbing b12, so there is shots or a patch now for them. Orthomolecular approaches and variants of it specifically.
I see it more as a general health practice than specifically anything PE related from what I have read really.
“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor
I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.