Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

VOLUME POLL: I have 1.25 Penises. How about you?

View Poll Results:

After at least TWO MONTHS of PE, how much has your ERECTION VOLUME increased?

Between 0 and 10%


Between 11% and 20%


Between 21% and 30%


Between 31% and 40%


Between 41% and 50%


Between 51% and 60%


Between 61% and 70%


Between 71% and 80%


Between 80% and 90%


Between 91% and 100%


More than 100%

Total Votes: 50. You may not vote on this poll

VOLUME POLL: I have 1.25 Penises. How about you?

Hey Gents. I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate having 1.25 penises. What I mean is that from the time I began PE, my erect volume is now 24% greater. It’s hard for me to believe, because I really haven’t done all that much PE. I think my stats are simple, and not all that impressive, but volume is the bottom line (so to speak), and that’s grown nicely.

I'd be interested in other members posting volume percentage increases here as well. Please participate in the poll. I figure if gaining about 0.4” of length and girth has increased my volume by 24%, some of you out there must have well over a dick and a half! Hell, anybody double their volume? (Granted, those of you starting with larger stats won’t have as dramatic a percentage increase from your gains.)

It’s easy to find out your erect volume by using “PE Statistics” from the “Quick Links” drop-down menu. To find the change in percentage is a two-step process. First, take the DIFFERENCE in your two erect volume stats. Then, DIVIDE the difference by your starting volume stat.

Here’s an example with my stats:

Difference in erection volumes: 12.8 - 10.3 = 2.5
Divide difference by starting volume: 2.5 / 10.3 = 24.3

To all our continued gains …

BEGINNING : BPEL 6", MSEG 4.6", NBPFL-Hang ~4" x 4", BPFSL 5.8"

1 YEAR : coming up! BPEL ", MSEG ", NBPFL-Hang " x ", BPFSL "

MY PROGRESS: Affirming My Cock: EZduzzit's PE Journey

Last edited by EZduzzit : 03-18-2008 at .

(15-12.6) = 2.4

(2.4/12.6)*100 = 19% increase!

my objective is 50%!

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

That’s great, Ruz. My objective also is around 50%! I think it’s totally achievable.

Ruz actually included a third step in his percentage process. After he divided the difference of his erect volumes by the starting volume, he then multiplied it by 100 to get a percent. (Just see his example above.) I forgot to write out that step in my example.

Thanks to everyone who has already responded to the poll!

BEGINNING : BPEL 6", MSEG 4.6", NBPFL-Hang ~4" x 4", BPFSL 5.8"

1 YEAR : coming up! BPEL ", MSEG ", NBPFL-Hang " x ", BPFSL "

MY PROGRESS: Affirming My Cock: EZduzzit's PE Journey

(4.481/10.324)*100=43% increase

Don’t really have a volume goal.

Start: 5.75 inch BPEL 4.75 inch girth BSEG (Nov 1 2007)

Current: 7.4 inch BPEL 5.4 inch MSEG 5.75 inch BSEG (Oct 24 2009)

Goal: 7 inch NBPEL 5.5 inch EG=> New Goal: 7.75 inch BPEL 5.75 MSEG

EZduzzit, that is the coolest avatar EVER!

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Aznteddy - those are outrageous volume gains for someone just starting up in November. By the time you reach your goal, you’ll have easily more than a dick and a half!

Straightchaser - thanks! - and congrats on starting PE.

BEGINNING : BPEL 6", MSEG 4.6", NBPFL-Hang ~4" x 4", BPFSL 5.8"

1 YEAR : coming up! BPEL ", MSEG ", NBPFL-Hang " x ", BPFSL "

MY PROGRESS: Affirming My Cock: EZduzzit's PE Journey

No problem, EZduzzit. That Imperial Rocker rocks hard!

Thanks for the congratulations, although I haven’t quite started PE yet; I use a penis extender, don’t know if that counts, and am waiting until I know that my penis can handle the work-load.


:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

So far results of the poll are:

54% (15 out of 28) have increased erection volume between 0-20%.
46% (13 out of 28) have increased erection volume over 20%.

It’s pretty intense to consider that nearly half of the members who completed this poll have added over 20% to their erection volume.

Anyone else interested in taking the poll?

BEGINNING : BPEL 6", MSEG 4.6", NBPFL-Hang ~4" x 4", BPFSL 5.8"

1 YEAR : coming up! BPEL ", MSEG ", NBPFL-Hang " x ", BPFSL "

MY PROGRESS: Affirming My Cock: EZduzzit's PE Journey


:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"


Commitment, Dedication And A Positive Attitude (measure gains on rest days) My Motto: "fill her up!".

2007-05-13 BPEL=7.250 EG=5.500 FL=5.500 FG=4.000 EW=1.751 EV=17.452

2008-03-01 BPEL=8.250 EG=6.250 FL=7.875 FG=5.500 EW=1.989 EV=25.645

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