Measuring the whole picture - Volume
≈ Measuring the whole picture: volume
Men tend to look at things in 2-D. We sometimes forget to look at the “whole picture.” For example, the world was once believed by man to be flat – a two dimensional object. It is now known, and has been known for sometime that the Earth is in fact round – a three-dimensional object.*
But even to this day, we men still look at some things in 2-D. Our penis is commonly viewed as a two dimensional object. When referring to a mans size, we usually attribute his size (or lack of) to his length or girth. This is inadequate, and to get the “whole picture,” we have to look at both length and girth – combined together. Measuring in volume allows men to measure with one number (cubic inches), instead of two.
Consider two guys exactly 5.5” of Length X 4.5” Girth – approximately 8.86 cubic inches**. Suppose both of these men exercise their penis to make it bigger. One man gains one inch of length, while the other gains one inch of girth. Which man is bigger? They are both surely not the same…
Starting Stats: 5.5” X 4.5” ≈ 8.86 cubic inches
Length Man: 6.5 x 4.5 ≈ 10.47 cubic inches
Girth Man: 5.5 x 5.5 ≈ 13.24 cubic inches
The guy who gained an inch of length is now approximately 18.2 percent bigger, while the guy who gained an inch of girth is now approximately 49.4 percent bigger. The girth man increased his penis size almost three times as much as the length man! Two sizes which seem very similar are in fact very different. Only using volume to calculate the penis size do we see the whole three-dimensional picture.
Now, this does not mean throw away your length routine and focus completely on girth (although many women and men suggest girth is the true matter of size), length is very important for the complete package as well. First, a longer penis will be able to reach the deeper parts of the vagina – and maybe even hit the cul da sac (an extremely pleasurable area to be touched during sex). Second, a longer penis simply looks better. A fat, stubby penis isn’t visually appealing. Either is a long, thin one. Thinking in terms length and girth combined (volume) is important when exercising the penis.
Furthermore, a man who had 6” X 5” joined the forums a while back. He gained .75” X .75”. It doesn’t sound like much, but he actually increased his penis size by nearly 50 percent! From what I remember, he liked the idea of claiming he had “a penis and a half,” much more than claiming .75” X .75” gains
The PE survey, and volume:
The PE survey, a survey created to build more scientific data on PE, was completely analyzed in volume terms. It is much more practical to analyze data with one solid number (cubic inches), instead of two numbers (length X girth).
Additionally, using volume made it easy to calculate the penis size increase – the percentage the penis increased when exercising the penis.
Calculating volume isn’t as hard as it look! A few easy ways to calculate volume:
You don’t need to do any calculations to find your penis volume. Simply go to the PE data sheet and enter your measurements. The Data sheet will calculate your volume for you! Not only that, but you help build a scientific background to PE. Therefore, enter your measurements, help yourself track your gains; and help others learn more about PE. It is easy as 1 – 2 – 3.
Simply click on the PE data site link: Penis Enlargement Statistics Site and go to “Personal Home Page.”
OR you can calculate your penis volume on your own by using the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder :
(Length X Girth ²)
4 X Pi
*[Did you know? Some people still believe the earth is flat! The Flat Earth Society — Home]
**The penis is in fact not a perfect cylinder, therefore the measurements are not 100 percent accurate, but the measurements are definitely more accurate than the standard Length X Girth method. If you are one of the people who have a penis shaped more like a cone, don’t worry – I am working on a program to accurately calculate your volume for you.
TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?
"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson