Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Measuring the whole picture - Volume

LittleJoshua -

It might be bit of a struggle to take my erect penis which is pointing 45+ degrees up, and proceed to either reverse gravity so I can put a glass full of water upside down, or do a hand stand while two buddies hold my legs like I’m doing a keg stand and try to get it in there. Either way it’s not going down.

It would be the most accurate if you did it right, in fact the only reasonable way to do so. If it just was practically possible.

But, my alternative would be to get some of those Make-A-Mold-of-Your-Penis kits for cheap from amazon and use those. That would be an EPIC way to keep a journal as well.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Simple Way to measure volume

Get a large big gulp cup, fill it with water, immerse your unit. Now weigh the cup, fill the cup back up, and weigh it again. The difference in weight is the volume. If you weighed the water in grams, multiply by 0.06102374 to get cubic inches.

Keep a record.

I try to not make this any more technical than it is, or this is suppose to be an enjoyable thing. I’ve been using a roll off of a finish toilet paper roll. As I get thicker I notice that it get harder to push my boy in the tube as for the length I just measures from bottom of base to head tip. What y’all think?

I’ve previously done a spreadsheet that keeps let’s you log your gains.
You can also calculate your volume using ((mseg+beg)/2) as girth.

Ritte88 - PE Spreadsheets Compilation

Personally, I agree with the cylinder formula in terms of calculating volume. I’m not classifying water displacement as an inaccurate way of measuring volume, but it is very awkward in terms of method. It may work for the people who came up with it, but not to all. Man-of-ten also provided a good idea on averaging girths. I can provide some formulas and thoughts accompanying them as well. I’m assuming everyone knows some basic math terms.

**Have a calculator ready because it’s way more accurate!**

Rough equation + method:
-Obtain erection girth measurement for the base, mid-haft, and upper-shaft of penis. (BEG,MSEG,USEG)
-Multiply together, and divide by three to obtain the average erection girth.(BEG x MSEG x USEG)\3) = AEG. 3 because that’s how many numbers you multiplied together.
-Take your AEG and and divide it by pie, which is 3.14159. This new number is the “diameter” of your AEG . (AEG/3.14159) = Diameter.
-Divide diameter by 2 to get the radius. (Diameter/2)= R .In order to find a cylinder, you need the radius. Radius is half the diameter. Radius= R
-Multiply R by itself (squared is another way to put it), and then multiply by the value of PIE. It yields an area.(R x R x 3.14159) = A
-This number , A, is then multiplied by your BPEL, which obtains your volume. (BPEL x A) = Volume

Equation summary:
-(BEG x MSEG x USEG)\3) = AEG
-(AEG/3.14159) = Diameter
-(Diameter/2)= R
-(R x R x 3.14159) = A
-(BPEL x A) = Volume

Staying consistent where you measure is very important. When I say upper-shaft, It’s personal preference to where you measure. I do around the glans.
The only way to prove which is more effective is to measure both ways!

Hope it helps, and if this needs to be moved anywhere, go right on ahead!


Last edited by guitaristguy757 : 03-10-2010 at .

“Multiply together”? Shouldn’t be “add together”?

I don’t even know why I was thinking multiply because I add when I do the calculation, but your absolutely right. I’ll change that right away.

MY apologies, it’s actually addition :) .
Corrected part of formula:
-(BEG + MSEG + USEG)\3) = AEG
-JL needs to hop off our dicks.

Guys, I hope you all know that by setting volume goals you are assuming that giving women(or men) the “filled up” feeling is what you should be aiming for. If you think you should be aiming for giving them a better stretch and better overall stimulation, by increasing the surface area that you stimulate, then surface area is what should be measured.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by man-of-10
Guys, I hope you all know that by setting volume goals you are assuming that giving women(or men) the “filled up” feeling is what you should be aiming for. If you think you should be aiming for giving them a better stretch and better overall stimulation, by increasing the surface area that you stimulate, then surface area is what should be measured.

I rather think you’re wrong. The best way to increase the surface area of your penis would be to stretch the skin.

Originally Posted by Frtnkr
Get a large big gulp cup, fill it with water, immerse your unit. Now weigh the cup, fill the cup back up, and weigh it again. The difference in weight is the volume. If you weighed the water in grams, multiply by 0.06102374 to get cubic inches.

Water displacement is the best way to accurately calculate volume as the penis is not a uniform shape. Using the volume of a cylinder or even a cone isn’t accurate. The only other alternative would be to calculate some crazy difficult interval.

Unless of course you have a Pringles can or a 2A battery for a cock.

Originally Posted by remek
You don’t need to do any calculations to find your penis volume. Simply go to the PE data sheet and enter your measurements. The Data sheet will calculate your volume for you!

This isn’t accurate because the tool assumes a cylinder in order to calculate width and then volume. See redworm - size’s PE data revalations 1

The best estimation would be to use the volume of a cylindroid (elliptical cylinder).

V = pi * a * b * h

Where a is the semimajor axis, b the semiminor, and h the height.

Last edited by redworm : 10-28-2010 at .

Originally Posted by remek
≈ Measuring the whole picture: volume

Men tend to look at things in 2-D. We sometimes forget to look at the “whole picture.” For example, the world was once believed by man to be flat – a two dimensional object. It is now known, and has been known for sometime that the Earth is in fact round – a three-dimensional object.*

But even to this day, we men still look at some things in 2-D. Our penis is commonly viewed as a two dimensional object. When referring to a mans size, we usually attribute his size (or lack of) to his length or girth. This is inadequate, and to get the “whole picture,” we have to look at both length and girth – combined together. Measuring in volume allows men to measure with one number (cubic inches), instead of two.

Consider two guys exactly 5.5” of Length X 4.5” Girth – approximately 8.86 cubic inches**. Suppose both of these men exercise their penis to make it bigger. One man gains one inch of length, while the other gains one inch of girth. Which man is bigger? They are both surely not the same…

Starting Stats: 5.5” X 4.5” ≈ 8.86 cubic inches
Length Man: 6.5 x 4.5 ≈ 10.47 cubic inches
Girth Man: 5.5 x 5.5 ≈ 13.24 cubic inches

The guy who gained an inch of length is now approximately 18.2 percent bigger, while the guy who gained an inch of girth is now approximately 49.4 percent bigger. The girth man increased his penis size almost three times as much as the length man! Two sizes which seem very similar are in fact very different. Only using volume to calculate the penis size do we see the whole three-dimensional picture.

Now, this does not mean throw away your length routine and focus completely on girth (although many women and men suggest girth is the true matter of size), length is very important for the complete package as well. First, a longer penis will be able to reach the deeper parts of the vagina – and maybe even hit the cul da sac (an extremely pleasurable area to be touched during sex). Second, a longer penis simply looks better. A fat, stubby penis isn’t visually appealing. Either is a long, thin one. Thinking in terms length and girth combined (volume) is important when exercising the penis.

Furthermore, a man who had 6” X 5” joined the forums a while back. He gained .75” X .75”. It doesn’t sound like much, but he actually increased his penis size by nearly 50 percent! From what I remember, he liked the idea of claiming he had “a penis and a half,” much more than claiming .75” X .75” gains

The PE survey, and volume:

The PE survey, a survey created to build more scientific data on PE, was completely analyzed in volume terms. It is much more practical to analyze data with one solid number (cubic inches), instead of two numbers (length X girth).
Additionally, using volume made it easy to calculate the penis size increase – the percentage the penis increased when exercising the penis.

Calculating volume isn’t as hard as it look! A few easy ways to calculate volume:

You don’t need to do any calculations to find your penis volume. Simply go to the PE data sheet and enter your measurements. The Data sheet will calculate your volume for you! Not only that, but you help build a scientific background to PE. Therefore, enter your measurements, help yourself track your gains; and help others learn more about PE. It is easy as 1 – 2 – 3.

Simply click on the PE data site link: Penis Enlargement Statistics Site and go to “Personal Home Page.”

OR you can calculate your penis volume on your own by using the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder :
(Length X Girth ²)
4 X Pi

*[Did you know? Some people still believe the earth is flat! The Flat Earth Society — Home]

**The penis is in fact not a perfect cylinder, therefore the measurements are not 100 percent accurate, but the measurements are definitely more accurate than the standard Length X Girth method. If you are one of the people who have a penis shaped more like a cone, don’t worry – I am working on a program to accurately calculate your volume for you.

the survey gave me an automatic width value that is less than my actual erect width…

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

I have always kept track on my volume change and as it looks so much better than just length and girth, it also keeps me motivated.

Started out at 9,51” cubic, I am now 14,3” cubic. That is a 50% increase!
In length, I went from 5,9” to 7,1” so far, 20% increase.
In girth, I went from 4,5” to 5” so far, 11% increase.

If I make it to my goal, I would have a 17,8” cubic, an 87% volume increase!!!

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

Full measuring penis

But how. Penis exersise

Originally Posted by remek

**The penis is in fact not a perfect cylinder, therefore the measurements are not 100 percent accurate, but the measurements are definitely more accurate than the standard Length X Girth method. If you are one of the people who have a penis shaped more like a cone, don’t worry – I am working on a program to accurately calculate your volume for you.

I assume the differences don’t significantly affect the calculation, but out of curiosity, do they bias the percentage difference in gains higher or lower? I assume it would be lower. If you calculate that the difference before and after gives you a 24% gain, it is probably closer to 22% or something like that.

Or am I completely off? :-)

Thanks for the excellent article!

Regarding the “standing on your head to get an accurate volume” problem:

You could use a pipe (or tube) open on both ends, cap one end, fill it up to full then dump the water into another container.

Then uncap the tube, put it over your erect penis, sealing it as best you can at the base and fill it to the top with the water from the other container.

Whatever doesn’t fit should be equal to your penis volume.

Just throwing it out there.

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