Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Measuring the whole picture - Volume

This really doesn’t seem right, I mean calculating volume is wrong in my opinion. Knowing your gains in volume is useful becausd you are seeing in total how much meat (flaccid) or blood space (erect) there is. Really the only accurate way to know is by water displacement.

I have a cup that I use for warmups that fits perfectly but you could use any long cup as long as your balls don’t go into it and you don’t force too much fat pad into it. Basically:
1. Fill the cup to the brim, tip into a measuring jug, record the amount
2. Refill the cup leaving a bit out so you don’t spill so much and dip your penis into the cup.
3. Measure the remaining water and subtract that from your first measurement. Done. 1ml is 1cubic cm and other conversions google will do for you ie. “120ml in ci”

An alternate method would be to put the cup inside the measuring jug as you insert into a full cup (no spillage). *Either way this is a simple and accurate (and imo the only) way to measure volume.*

I will try this way and by calculating before I start PE again in a few days and report on the inaccuracy of using a generic equation (every penis is a different shape)

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Last edited by Czepa : 11-18-2013 at .

Women like Choi amplifier coarse man. But men penis size does not necessarily represent a woman Flirt degree, sometimes skill is still very important.

I have used the mathematical formula for calculating volume. I believe that is what is used here at Thunder’s, because I get the same volume which is given when one enters his data. My volume is just a tad under 29 cu. in. I believe that no matter which method is used, that is still quite a bit of penis volume. Basically everything is relative.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Originally Posted by remek

You are correct. The volume displacement method is probably the best way to get an EXACT measurement. However, I am sure that doing a simple mathematical equation would be faster, easier, and will get the job done.

But what about us guys who don’t have the same girth all the way through? I have NBPEL 7.25” and girth just under my head is about 5”.midshaft is 5.5 and base is 6”.
Would it be sensible to just say average of 5.5 all the way? But even then there are people with more severe differences. Just going average of 5.5 I guess that leaves
Me with 39.875 cubic inches? That seems alittle high to me

"You may only go as far as the tractor will take you. Then you must walk" -myself


Well, if you measure your true volume (with help of water or whatnot),

you will have an equation system with 3 variables, 2 known, 1 unknown - volume, length, girth.

You can solve for girth and have a pretty much average girth for your length that yields your actual volume.

Thats an idea…

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

Quoting from remek on page 1: “Simply click on the PE data site link: Penis Enlargement Statistics Site and go to “Personal Home Page.”

OR you can calculate your penis volume on your own by using the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder :

(Length X Girth ²)

4 X Pi” ..

My personal stat page shows my current volume to be 9.52, but working the formula: 6 x 6² / 4 x Pi = 17.18. What’s wrong with my calculation?

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Does anyone have an answer for this discrepancy? I’m sure I’m not alone here, or am I ?

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Hi everyone one this will be my first post in a long, long while. For the most part I’ve been a silent observer, but measuring volume popped into my mind as well, so I was glad to see a discussion already going and couldn’t resist but to weigh in as well. :)

Remek made this point already, but just to reiterate, if you’re only taking linear measurements to measure progress you are missing out on the full picture because volume does not scales linearly. But why do we care about volume?. We care because volume is the physical meat you’re adding to your member and I think is really what is perceived with “size”.

To use an example similar to remek, take two guys:
“Average-ish Guy”: Length: 5.75” Girth: 4”
“Big-ish Guy”: Length: 7.25” Girth: 5.125”.

The big guys linear dimensions are only about 25% bigger than “average guy” and on paper they don’t seem that drastically different, but if you were to see them in person I think girls and guys would agree the big guy in comparison looks massive — like twice the size massive — and if you do the volume calc you’ll see that in fact he is. So I think there are two main takeaways:

Firstly when it comes to TRACKING progress you’re selling yourself short (yes pun intended hehe XD ) because where you might only measure a 10% increase in length+girth, that’s really ~30% more meat you just packed on. That’s huge! Think about how buff (or fat) you’d look after adding 30% to your body weight :)

Secondly (which is where I am most interested) volume can play an important role in MEASURING progress. Since volume changes more rapidly than linear dimensions you’ll detect change easier, and I think volume can also be measured more accurately and would be harder to fudge.

So now the question is how, and I think goonbaby framed the problem perfectly:

Originally Posted by goonbaby

Design Program:
1) Accurate measurement of erect (bone pressed) volume based on water displacement
2) Use materials that are readily available to most (all?) members
3) Easy setup, measurement, and disassembly with consideration for time, money, and storage

Any thoughts?

Why yes, goonbaby. I have a thought :)

So actually I think I’ve got something that works quite well and meets those requirements quite elegantly. The method:

1. Take a plastic water bottle (Dasani worked perfect for me), and cut off the top. The top is tapered so cut it just far enough down that you fit in without catching the edges.
2. Fill the bottle to the top and weigh with a scale. Ideally the scale should be accurate to the gram. (you can pick one up for ~$10).
3. Get hard AF.
4. Cram it into the bottle. (I’d be standing in the bath tub at this point)
5. Measure the weight of the remaining water.
6. Subtract the two measurements measured in grams, and multiply by 0.061 for in^3. Equation: ([Weight Full] - [Weight Remaining]) * .061 = Volume (in^3)

So its a pretty cheap/easy/one size fits all sort of approach. And if you can’t fit in the water bottle or its not long enough, you’re done.. No more PE required ;)

A few Notes:
- Try not to tip the bottle too much until you are all the way in and you have it pressed up against your pelvic area. At this point you have a pretty good seal and you can tip it a bit more horizontal.
- The custom sized opening is nice because you can press it to your pubic bone and not get fat or ball sack in the bottle.
- You only need to take the full weight once (in step 2) as this won’t change from week to week if you are using the same bottle.
- If you don’t have a scale, you can run through steps 1-6 then set the bottle on the counter and a ruler up next to it. Have the 0 end on the counter. Record the height of the bottle (this only needs to be done once) and then the height of the remaining water level. Take the difference of the two and that’s your “normalized” volume measurement expressed in inches. It is meaningless in absolute terms, but its meaningful to you as long as you record your start point. This linear length will then change in direct proportion to volume so should be more sensitive than length/girth measurements and again will be harder to fudge. — if this is a bit too abstract then just drop the $10 on the scale ;)

Anyways these were just my thoughts on this. I’ve been an on and off PE’er for the last ~7 years (actually ~14 years if you count gripping your dick super hard and vigorously rubbing as PE. Because if so I’ve been on that routine daily :D ) but I just ordered a pump which I am excited to give a try; this will be my first time. My hope is a bunch of unlocked new gains which I’ll try to measure/track with the volume approach outlined above.

And on one final note since I saw this pop up throughout this thread lol, for anyone wondering about “the cul de sac”, its referring to the “Rectouterine pouch”. In sex terms this would be the “a-spot”, which is basically another “g-spot” all the way at the back. You need to go balls deep with a pretty long dick to hit it and it doesn’t work for every girl, but if you have the dick and you have the girl, it can be some of the best sex of your life.

Originally Posted by Trekker
Quoting from remek on page 1: “Simply click on the PE data site link: Penis Enlargement Statistics Site and go to “Personal Home Page.”
OR you can calculate your penis volume on your own by using the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder :
(Length X Girth ²)
4 X Pi” ..
My personal stat page shows my current volume to be 9.52, but working the formula: 6 x 6² / 4 x Pi = 17.18. What’s wrong with my calculation?

The formula is right, your calculations are right. The 9.52 is incorrect

Thanks, Buckfever - I’m glad you agree. If the sites volume calc for my stats is incorrect I guess everyone’s volume as calculated by this website are also wrong. How do we get that set right?

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

This means that progress analyses based on the published volumes will be misleading. Hey Thunder, what to do?

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Originally Posted by Trekker
Quoting from remek on page 1: “Simply click on the PE data site link: Penis Enlargement Statistics Site and go to “Personal Home Page.”
OR you can calculate your penis volume on your own by using the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder :
(Length X Girth ²)
4 X Pi” ..
My personal stat page shows my current volume to be 9.52, but working the formula: 6 x 6² / 4 x Pi = 17.18. What’s wrong with my calculation?

Did you use girth circumference squared? You need to use DIAMETER squared.

Volume of a cylinder = length x circular area
Circular area = diameter squared /4 x Pi

So your girth of 6” is a diameter of 1.91”
Volume = 6 x 1.91 sq /4 x Pi
Volume = 17.19

Looks like you got the answer right, I think you just wrote the calc wrong?

Thanks for the help, RomeoPlus. Do your own stats get the right answer for volume? Since the volumes calculated by the website on my stat page seem to be wrong, I wonder if it’s an error that needs to be corrected for everyone, or if just mine are in error.

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

I’ve discovered the difference: Remek’s formula in Post#1 of this thread [Length X Girth ²)/4 X Pi] expresses volume as *cubic inches*, while this website converts that answer to *fluid ounces* [fluid ounces = cubic inches × 0.554114], so by remek’s formula my volume is 17.19 (, but the website converts that to 9.52 (FL.oz.). Hmm.

I wonder why that conversion to fluid ounces is done? (Maybe to keep me from getting big headed?)

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Well done finding that!

Who on earth would use fluid ounces as the unit to measure volume of a physical object’s shape?


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