Weird question but what the heck.
Well, I’ve been PE:ing on and off and so on and not got any directly noticeable gains so far, don’t know how long time I’ve PE:d but maybe a few months, as I said I’ve been PE:ing on and off, that means I just do it when I feel like it, and it has decreased dramatically the last few weeks, I hardly do it anymore now unfortunely. The question however is not about PE this time, it’s about the body. I’m a very skinny guy and I was thinking, would my penis size increase in girth/length if I ate more and got more fat on the body? I’m pleased with my penis already but I would love the extra few centimeters though, PE:ing however for me seems to take a long time, or I’m just not doing it enough (I did it once a day, preferably under the shower), so I was thinking that if I ate more than I do right now, that I would get those extra few centimeters, so I could skip the PE:ing at the moment, since I feel I just don’t have enough time for it anymore :( . I will however continuing my PE exercises when I’m in the mood again and got the time for it.