Thunder's Place

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Wet dreams-Jelqing

Wet dreams-Jelqing

I only started PE last Friday. I’m using the newbie workout, and I have a few questions.

I just turned 18 on Wednesday. But I’m at the puberty level of someone like 15/16, my Doctor says I’m a slow grower. I am having wet dreams, and I want to know if this will hurt my gains, because I stopped masturbating when I found out it hurts gains. If it does, how do I stop wet dreams?

How hard should I be squeezing when I jelq? I feel like I have gotten some done, but not like my penis is growing or anything. I’ve never done this though, so how should it feel? I’m sort of afraid to “Pop” my penis, but I know that won’t happen. Still I’m afraid. I was doing the basic overhand/underhand alternating OK grip, and I tried the C-grip and was really afraid to push hard. It feels like I could injure myself.

How long should I wait before I begin to add exercises? Also, do I really do 2 days on- 1 day off? Because I have seen other plans that go 6 days on, 1 day off.

Also, will PE stunt my penis’ growth?

Wet Dreams will not affect gains. Don’t try to stop them. They are a natural biological function. Your body at that stage is making a lot of semen and it needs to get out once it builds to a certain level. When you get older it slows down. No worries.

I grip pretty firmly when I jelq, but I do it at a low erection level. I think the higher your erection level the lighter grip you should have. (Just my opinion.)

I don’t think PE will stunt your growth, but certain injuries may, so take it easy. You’ve only got one penis, don’t ruin it. Slow and steady wins the race, said the turtle to the hare.

Originally Posted by Jake15
Also, will PE stunt my penis’ growth?


Yeah, that’s why we’re all here. For stunted penis growth.

Call it the completion backwards principle. :whatever:

Originally Posted by HanginB-low
I don’t think PE will stunt your growth, but certain injuries may, so take it easy. You’ve only got one penis, don’t ruin it. Slow and steady wins the race, said the turtle to the hare.

Right. Injuries are bad. Consistency is good. Even so, it should be mentioned that the penis is a fairly durable organ, which doesn’t mean you should beat the hell out of it, but you may have less to worry about than you think.

Originally Posted by Jake15
I just turned 18 on Wednesday. But I’m at the puberty level of someone like 15/16, my Doctor says I’m a slow grower. I am having wet dreams, and I want to know if this will hurt my gains, because I stopped masturbating when I found out it hurts gains. If it does, how do I stop wet dreams?

This is a new angle. “Will wet dreams hinder gains?” We should start a new thread.

Originally Posted by HanginB-low

Wet Dreams will not affect gains. Don’t try to stop them. They are a natural biological function. Your body at that stage is making a lot of semen and it needs to get out once it builds to a certain level. When you get older it slows down. No worries.

Maybe we don’t need to. Well said, HanginB-low. It’s clear, medically accurate, and has good common sense.

Even those who feel that ejaculating negatively impacts PE, feel this is only the case immediately after a PE session. There was a survey compiled (it’s here somewhere, search around) and the survey showed only the barest correlation to those who refrained from ejaculating after a PE session and slightly larger gains. Finally, even those who believe this do not quarantine themselves off in a remote tower for the purpose of remaining abstinent until they get all the gains they want. People still go out and get wild on Saturday night (or whatever).

Your penis is for more than just peeing and exercising, I think.

Originally Posted by Jake15
How hard should I be squeezing when I jelq? I feel like I have gotten some done, but not like my penis is growing or anything. I’ve never done this though, so how should it feel? I’m sort of afraid to “Pop” my penis, but I know that won’t happen. Still I’m afraid. I was doing the basic overhand/underhand alternating OK grip, and I tried the C-grip and was really afraid to push hard. It feels like I could injure myself.

How long should I wait before I begin to add exercises? Also, do I really do 2 days on- 1 day off? Because I have seen other plans that go 6 days on, 1 day off.

Also, will PE stunt my penis’ growth?

There’s a lot of worrying going on in this part of your post.

Just do the Newbie Routine for three months, make sure you warm up and stay warm throughout the work.

When stretching, do the same thing with your dick you would do stretching other parts of yourself. Pull right up to the threshold (note I said “threshold”) of pain, then back off a bit; relax, and breathe into the stretch. Hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds and up to 30. Jelqing is to be done firmly with moderate pressure with 60%-80% of an erection. If you start to get more of an erection, stop. Relax. Breathe. Wait until you are once again in the zone (60%-80%) and resume. If your erection flags whilst you jelq, you may be doing it a bit too hard. Again, stop. Stimulate yourself until you are once again in the zone (60%-80%) and resume - maybe with a bit less pressure.

Do not kill your penis. Firm, steady, and consistent. Do the 50 Kegels afterward - every time.

The people who believe that ejaculating hinders gains, for the most part, believe this only to be the case if you cum within the first two hours of completing a routine. No one here is doing these practices with celibacy as a goal (at least I hope not - what good is growing your dick if you don’t use it?). There are others, many others, who feel that enforced abstinence after a PE session is nonsense - and have had good gains all along. Would they have had better gains had they waited a couple hours on a consistent basis? Possibly. We’ll never know.

In any event, if you finish up by jacking off you won’t die. Some people just like to keep it separate so they can differentiate between masturbating and PE. I say whatever works for you.

One last thing.

Why should we believe this: I just turned 18 on Wednesday. But I'm at the puberty level of someone like 15/16, my Doctor says I'm a slow grower. ?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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