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What causes penis size gains


What causes penis size gains

When you’re PEing, what is it that increases penis size? Is it how much blood you force throughout the penis, how much of the skin is stretched and elongated, how many damaged cells repair, etc.?

Maybe these are all important factors, but I want to know if there’s a sole factor responsible for size gains in general.

I ask because I’ve been PEing for 3 months but only gained 1/4 inch in flaccid length, with erection length unaffected, and gained a only a little girth around the base of my penis. While I’m PEing, I don’t feel like I’m gaining anything, and maybe I’ve been doing it wrong for the whole time. What is it that working out during my PEing?

Hi, Burningfire, I would like to know the answer to this one as well.

So far as I can figure it out we need to enlarge the tunica of the corporae cavernosa; if we can do that I’m pretty sure the softer tissues will easily cope with a larger tunica.

The way to do it is stretch+heat+time.

How much heat is fairly simple - as much as is comfortable
How much stretch and for how long is the real question. The only answer is to keep trying until you find the right levels.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

There are many - divided - opinions on how important the one or the other is, and how it really works. Generally speaking, I believe that when you force your penis to change shape beyond that which is your normal erect size in one or many dimensions (such as when stretching, clamping, jelquing) you gradually increase the possible maximum size. This is a slow process and there are plenty who report no or small gains for the longest time.

Jelq and squeeze to the point where you feel your unit swelling up to the point where you can “feel” it, where it is nearly “uncomfortable”. Stretch it so you can feel the tug. And do use heat.

That’s it in a nutshell, in my opinion.


So basically, you’re telling me that it’s the corpora cavernosa that’s being worked out?

And yeah, I think my insignificant gains are a result of trying to avoid that “uncomfortable swelling up” feeling, which I avoided because I thought it was harmful.

And what do you mean by heat? Like the room temperature should be warm or something?

There are different theories on this as well - that increased length is a result of elongating the suspensory ligaments, allowing the body of the penis to hang “low” and slightly “out”, another theory is that you make the part of the shaft already outside your body grow. Most people believe seem to believe in both.

I think that you need to work your unit hard enough to feel that something “new” is happening - at the very least, one handed clamping should result in the shaft swelling up greater than a normal erection. You don’t want to work it so hard that you hurt yourself - lymphatic buildup around the circumcisions scar, urethra etc is one sign of pushing it, red spots on the glans is another and finally burst blood vessels on the shaft is a definite call for rest.

Heat means heat. Warm. Uncormfortably so. Right up to where you can’t stand it. And keep it hot for ~5 minutes, repeat during routine (once again, various opinions on this but one thing is for sure - it won’t hurt progress).

I suggest you spend the next couple of days perusing the threads by mbuc, search for “heat”, “rice sock” and definitetely look at the videos and read up on westlas PC muscle thread and the Jelq and stretch 101.


Keep in mind that clamping is a hardcore form of PE, that should only be done after you’ve conditioned your unit for it with jelqing etc for a few months.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Redwood, thanks for clarifying - when I say clamping, I meant manually clamping around the base, as in making a jelqgrip and holding it, maybe adding a finger to increase pressure. I never thought of that as hardcore, but maybe I’m wrong there?


Ok, well they are less hardcore for sure, because you are in control of the force exerted.

I did manual clamping before ever doing it with a real clamp, and I’d recommend everyone do it in this order to avoid injury.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

You are a very intelligent newbie, you answered your own question. It’s about the blood. And what is the carrier of blood? That’s right, your vascular system. When you squeeze the end of a balloon it increases in length and girth at the opposite end, the reason it increases in size is the additional pressure which increases expansion (or volume) to the opposite side. Now, think of the balloon as an artery or vein in your penis; if you can get that blood carrying hose to hold more blood you will increase the size of your penis.

This is why enlarging your member is a slow process, it takes time to make permanent changes to your vascular physiology; after all, your dealing with a network of hoses that will strongly resist expansion (but not too strongly with a disciplined approach). So, the idea is to create a larger volume of blood with the same pump that has always been in the system; to do this requires larger pipes. Guys with large cocks have veins that are 3x the capacity of those born with average pipes.

I would not worry about your flaccid size, if your small to begin with you probably will stay small (thats just the nature of it). It is erect size that you can dramatically change. Although if flaccid size is important, you can fluff yourself in the stall and come out sporting what appears to be a fine, healthy swollen penis (but you cheated).

There is a lot of unused capacity in your Johnson, you just have to go after it. Girth gains come from increased blood volume and length gains will come from bringing out your so called “inner penis” through stretching and hanging routines.

Once you get to a certain level in your PE gains you will hit new obstacles that are even more difficult to surpass. Take your balloon and insert it in a cylindrical cardboard tube, now start blowing it up. How far can you blow it up? Only until it expands as far as the cardboard tube will let it. Thats what your vascular system is running up against; it can only get so big and then there is another hurdle. There is a sleeve in your penis much like the cardboard tube and it’s resistance to expansion is much greater than the walls of your arterioles, so you must modify your techniques to squeeze out very tiny future gains.

Originally Posted by Salvo
…if you can get that blood carrying hose to hold more blood you will increase the size of your penis.

While blood volume in the penis and blood pressure contribute to erections in all penises, increasing them alone will not make a penis larger. PE techniques are about adaptation. You have to stress the tissues during your workout and it’s the adaptation to that stress by the tissues that makes them grow.

Jelqing with a 50-70% erection moves a volume of blood within the corpora cavernosa (CC). Moving this bolus of blood from the base to the glans increases the pressure on the tissues of the CC stretching the cells and damaging some. Over time the tissues expand as they adapt to the repeated higher pressure. You can’t do this fully erect (no room for the blood to move) or with less than a 50% erection (not enough blood to move).

Stretching and hanging apply a different kind of stress to the tunica (covering of the CC) and the ligaments. Traction on the tissues makes them try to adapt to the repeated stress by elongating or adding new cells.

Some feel heat helps the tissues stretch, but many have made gains without warm-ups or repeated applications of heat. I feel that the use of a rice sock or heating pad before exercise will prevent sudden injury, but I’m not certain heat actually contributes to gains.

Originally Posted by westla90069

I feel that the use of a rice sock or heating pad before exercise will prevent sudden injury, but I’m not certain heat actually contributes to gains.

I’m with you on this one Westla. I made my gains without heat or warm-ups, but I now use heat before and “feel” better after my sessions. I don’t get that “exhausted” feeling.


Originally Posted by RoomToGrow
I’m with you on this one Westla. I made my gains without heat or warm-ups, but I now use heat before and “feel” better after my sessions. I don’t get that “exhausted” feeling.

I neglected using heat for my first year of PE, which was probably a mistake.

Last month to try and speed up my gains (about 0.4” length and 0.25” girth in a year) I started using a rice sock to heat while doing manual exercises and light hanging.

I can actually measure an extra 10mm of extra stretch when I heat up my penis while hanging.

In a couple of months I’ll find out if this extra stretch (which is unmistakable) translates into faster gains.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Blood volume in my opinion is the critical factor. The physiology of the penis already has the excess capacity for expansion, as demonstrated by squeezing the penis and watching it grow under the pressure, the task is to increase the volume of blood to take up this excess capacity permanently. Naturally, there is some cellular breakdown initially with the small capillaries but overall size gains will result from the larger inlets.

Penis length gains are more a result of exposing the “inner penis” to the outside air. If the ligaments are tearing and regrowing constantly under stress, you could grow your penis to the floor. You might achieve some elongation this way with an immature physiology but an adult will not get very much gain under this methodology. The fat boy will gain an inch instantly upon dropping down a trouser size or two; in effect, we are all fat boys where the penis is concerned and must expose penis length that is hidden. Since our weight is in check, we must exploit it in another way.

These are the reasons most people will plateau after awhile because most of your excess capacity has been reached. Depending on where you started and if we go by the average male, you are now harboring an 8 x 6 tool in your pants. Based on the limiting factors that exist in the anatomy (put there by intelligent design) you will not be able to go beyond that preset limit.

Some of the theories that exist in this forum are erroneous and give false hope for a niner. If your to get the niner you better have Johnny Holmes in your lineage.

Banned for posting bullshit.

Heat does not make the tissues stretch. Heat will cause the groin area to thermo-regulate but nothing else. However, it does feel good so do your PE in a tanning salon.

Originally Posted by Salvo

Blood volume in my opinion is the critical factor. The physiology of the penis already has the excess capacity for expansion, as demonstrated by squeezing the penis and watching it grow under the pressure, the task is to increase the volume of blood to take up this excess capacity permanently. Naturally, there is some cellular breakdown initially with the small capillaries but overall size gains will result from the larger inlets.


You can’t increase the volume until you increase the size of the container. The “container” consists of the tunica surrounding the 2 CCs. The tunica is not a blood vessel; it’s a tough sheath of connective tissue. It can be stretched about 5% of its normal erection size before it bursts. If you want to grow your penis, grow your tunica.

Originally Posted by Salvo

Penis length gains are more a result of exposing the “inner penis” to the outside air. If the ligaments are tearing and regrowing constantly under stress, you could grow your penis to the floor. You might achieve some elongation this way with an immature physiology but an adult will not get very much gain under this methodology.

Some gains can certainly be achieved by stretching the ligaments and exposing the “inner penis.” But there’s a limit. The penis can never be longer than the tunica. Surgeons cut the ligaments during phallopasty. That deosn’t cause the penis to fall to the floor, however.

Originally Posted by Salvo

These are the reasons most people will plateau after awhile because most of your excess capacity has been reached. Depending on where you started and if we go by the average male, you are now harboring an 8 x 6 tool in your pants. Based on the limiting factors that exist in the anatomy (put there by intelligent design) you will not be able to go beyond that preset limit.

You are completely ignoring tunica gains.

Originally Posted by Salvo

Some of the theories that exist in this forum are erroneous and give false hope for a niner. If your to get the niner you better have Johnny Holmes in your lineage.

C’mon Salvo. “Ask and yee shall recieve.” “God helps those who help themselves.” Keep the faith, man.

BTW, the effect of heat is not theory; it is fact. Do a search and you’ll find many threads here pointing to legitimate studies showing that tissues expand further and faster when exposed to heat. I personally don’t think that expansion has much to do with permanent gains, but that’s just my opinion.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

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