Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Total size gains here at Thunder's place?

Total size gains here at Thunder's place?

I just came up with something.

Thunder, can’t you like, make a summary from the PE size database on how much the TOTAL gains are to this date? From all members that is. Would be pretty interesting.

It would also be cool to get an avarage number of the gains per DAY, with all members summarized.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

When I tallied the database, back in what - September maybe (?), the total length gains were 88.37”. I’m sure many more guys have added their data since then. We’ll never know about all the lurkers.

Average length gain was .73” in 4.6 months = .159 per month. Figure .0053” per day. 4.6 months was the average time spent PEing.

Originally posted by hobby
When I tallied the database, back in what - September maybe (?), the total length gains were 88.37”. I'm sure many more guys have added their data since then. We'll never know about all the lurkers.

Average length gain was .73” in 4.6 months = .159 per month. Figure .0053” per day. 4.6 months was the average time spent PEing.

Hehe, nice ^^.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

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