What is the Best penis stretcher out there
Here is my deal.
I have been doing PE on/off for 10yrs. Since it has mostly been off I have gained only 7/8 of an inch in length. I started at 6.75 erect length and now I am 7 5/8 erect length. I really now have an intense desire to get bigger. My goal is 9 inch length.
I have been doing ADS at work for 4-6hrs 4 times a week. At home I have been hanging with Bib’s hanger 20min-40min/day. 4-5 days/week with 13.2 lbs. I have also been pumping 10min-20min/day. 5 days/week.
I feel that I could use a penis stretcher for a longer amount than I use the bib. The bib is not comfortable to me. I have to release after 20min. At a time.
Which stretcher is best and most comfortable?