Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What I've Iearned so far from AM.


What I've Iearned so far from AM.

Growing Your Own Blood Vessels (p. 110)

This may be new to some of you, but some of us have been foIIowing a new form of P.E. Which can be expIored and tried by going to the Iink above.

I have Iearned that by foIIowing what I wiII from now on refer to as AM, I have gained 1/8” of Iength and an unmeasured amount of girth in approximateIy two months. I measured after a month and discovered I had 1/8” more Iength.

I have Iearned that this method puts a Iot Iess stress on my unit and aIIows quick recovery and a profound improvement in my E.Q.

The first t hing I Iearned was that the veins in my unit became pronouncedIy more distinct and spread out and around underneath Iike they’d never been before. This is the core of the AM method as It proports to increase vein deveIopment, thereby increasing fine new veins caIIed capiIIaries, which increase the mass of the tissue of the penis over time.

In the above thread is the experience of many Thunder’s members who have begun doing the AM and have seen new vein growth, increased E.Q. And some, Iike me, have seen some Iength gain.

There are cIaims by the deveIoper of the AM method, Janus Bifrons, that a radicaIIy restricted vegan diet is necessary for success with AM. I haven’t changed my diet at aII in the two months I’ve been doing AM and I’ve seen positive resuIts, but it doean’t mean that if I had taken on his diet I wouIdn’t have seen greater resuIts.

In concIusion I wouId highIy recommend doing the AM for a coupIe of months and see for yourseIf. You may be pIeasantIy surprised.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

So you really believe that as you get more veins the tissue will grow because of a new food supply and the veins will grow because you stimulated them. The purpose of veins and arteries is to bring food to the tissue and remove waste. Why would the body that likes to conserve energy make a vein if no tissue was calling for more blood?You have veins on the back of your hand. If the theory is that by stimulating a vein you’ll get more tissue than do the same method you’re doing to your penis to the veins on the back of your hand and tell me if it grows. Vein, venuoles,capillaries,arterioles,arteries; they all form in response to the needs of the tissue and not the other way around.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So you really believe that as you get more veins the tissue will grow because of a new food supply and the veins will grow because you stimulated them. The purpose of veins and arteries is to bring food to the tissue and remove waste. Why would the body that likes to conserve energy make a vein if no tissue was calling for more blood? You have veins on the back of your hand. If the theory is that by stimulating a vein you’ll get more tissue than do the same method you’re doing to your penis to the veins on the back of your hand and tell me if it grows. Vein, venuoles,capillaries,arterioles,arteries; they all form in response to the needs of the tissue and not the other way around.

Good questions JB.

You aren’t IikeIy to see growth in the hand as readiIy because of bones. I’m not entireIy convinced that actuaI tissue growth is possibIe with AM, but the improvement in E.Q. Is substantiaI in my case, and that aIone is worth the price of admission.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Good questions JB.

You aren’t IikeIy to see growth in the hand as readiIy because of bones. I’m not entireIy convinced that actuaI tissue growth is possibIe with AM, but the improvement in E.Q. Is substantiaI in my case, and that aIone is worth the price of admission.

Right on. I am not sure of all the mechanical nuances taking place or not taking place when performing the AM, but it will stake its hold as a method for optimizing edging sessions for some, probably not all.

This is actually quite common in medicine, nutrition, fitness, etc… We are all very different, while things work for some , they may not work for others.

I actually used both BE and PR several times throughout my jelqing session today to engorge my penis and flush it with blood. It worked quite nicely for me.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Right on. I am not sure of all the mechanical nuances taking place or not taking place when performing the AM, but it will stake its hold as a method for optimizing edging sessions for some, probably not all.

This is actually quite common in medicine, nutrition, fitness, etc.. We are all very different, while things work for some , they may not work for others.

I actually used both BE and PR several times throughout my jelqing session today to engorge my penis and flush it with blood. It worked quite nicely for me.

I read somewere that bodybuilders are restricting bIood fIow in biceps in particuIar and possibIy other muscIes whiIe training to try to force bIood into the muscIe beIIies to simiIar ends to AM. … lusion_training

We wiII go to the greatest Iengths for resuIts.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
I read somewere that bodybuilders are restricting bIood fIow in biceps in particuIar and possibIy other muscIes whiIe training to try to force bIood into the muscIe beIIies to simiIar ends to AM. … lusion_training

We wiII go to the greatest Iengths for resuIts.

Interesting, my AM is completely open relative to blood flow, so this is slightly different, certainly very extreme. The thought of restricting circulation while I am trying to hit a PR on a curl scares me and raises serious concern for injury. Crazy shit.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by a-unit
Growing Your Own Blood Vessels (p. 110)

This may be new to some of you, but some of us have been foIIowing a new form of P.E. Which can be expIored and tried by going to the Iink above.

I have Iearned that by foIIowing what I wiII from now on refer to as AM, I have gained 1/8” of Iength and an unmeasured amount of girth in approximateIy two months. I measured after a month and discovered I had 1/8” more Iength.

I have gained too … almost 1/4 th of an inch in length. With that said, I could never completely do away with mild stretching (in all directions) and jelqing (20-30 reps) followed “The Angion Method” for 20 minutes.

I am also thinking of adding a few supra slammers to my routine.

What if the AM method was used on recovery/rest days to aid growth.. Seeing that it promotes blood flow and restoration, rather than breaking tissues down?

Originally Posted by Golfclub
I have gained too .. Almost 1/4 th of an inch in length. With that said, I could never completely do away with mild stretching (in all directions) and jelqing (20-30 reps) followed “The Angion Method” for 20 minutes.

I am also thinking of adding a few supra slammers to my routine.

So you’ve gained by doing just 20-30 jelqs in your routine? I thought that 250-300 a session was ridiculous. It’s all about what you do before and after the jelqing, I guess.

Originally Posted by krappyjung
What if the AM method was used on recovery/rest days to aid growth.. Seeing that it promotes blood flow and restoration, rather than breaking tissues down?

Personally the AM caused me no negative PI’s. I am now experimenting with using it on rest days.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by krappyjung

What if the AM method was used on recovery/rest days to aid growth.. Seeing that it promotes blood flow and restoration, rather than breaking tissues down?

Janus stated BE serves as the healing part of AM, so it may be worth considering.

Am I the only person lost in this, what is AM?

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Originally Posted by dsdany606

Am I the only person lost in this, what is AM?

Ha Ha,

I asked the same question yesterday apparently it’s a new method of PE.Called the Angion Method. I’m going to check the video out later on it sounds interesting.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Originally Posted by The Wizard

Ha Ha,

I asked the same question yesterday apparently it’s a new method of PE.Called the Angion Method. I’m going to check the video out later on it sounds interesting.

Wow I just did, it looks really interesting I don’t want to get my hopes up but I’m excited to try it, add it to my girth routine.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Personally the AM caused me no negative PI’s. I am now experimenting with using it on rest days.

Apologies.. What are PI’s?


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