Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What was your Size Pre-PE and did you masturbateEjaculateHaveSex If so how much

View Poll Results:

Masturbation When Young and Pre-Pe Size

I masturbated and ejaculated a lot in puberty and I was short size Pre-PE


I masturbated and ejaculated a lot in puberty and I was medium size Pre-PE


I masturbated and ejaculated a lot in puberty and I was long size Pre-PE


I masturbated and ejaculated rarely in puberty and I was short size Pre-PE


I masturbated and ejaculated rarely in puberty and I was medium size Pre-PE


I masturbated and ejaculated rarely in puberty and I was long Pre-PE

Total Votes: 108. You may not vote on this poll

I started masturbating at around 10 years old. I would do it all the time at night, and do it again and again(I had little to no refractory period :) ).

Maybe when I was about 14, I started getting a tiny amount of semen at ejaculation. Leading up to this point I would masturbate at least once a day.

I think I was around 5” in length by age 15. I then grew almost another inch in a year and was just under 6” at age 16. I started PE when I was 17. I’m now 7.7” in BPEL after 2 years of PE.


I ejaculated(or dry orgasms) everyday; my pre PE size was 5.8”.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

This way can go?

I started masturbating around the age of 11 and ejaculated for the first time around the age of 12. Ever since I started masturbating I’ve been doing it once a day on average. I’m 20 now and have sex few times a week. I’ve lost my virginity 2 months after 17th birthday. Also, I’m trying to reduce masturbation to 3 or even 2 times a week. Starting stats and goal are in my signature.

Originally Posted by marinera
This way can go?

Thanks marinera this is a pretty good substitute poll and should show some decent information if everyone is honest.

Thanks for sharing also man of 10. It would be interested to know what your size would of been if you hadn’t PE’d up until like 20 if you carried on wanking so much.

I hope there will be a few people who comment here who never masturbated or anything during puberty really and what their size is. Of course it might be a fluke.but more date we get the higher the chances will be it’s ejaculation related.

“I started masturbating at around 10 years old. I would do it all the time at night, and do it again and again(I had little to no refractory period ). “

Ah, the good old days!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Anymore people to vote? It’s not hard and theirs only 16 out of the 500 people who viewed the thread who participated.

I voted, where’s my prize?

I voted, however I have a comment:

I masturbated as much as most guys, starting at age 15 or so. Mind you, that was back in the 1970’s so it’s hard to recall exactly. I’d say I was about 6” when I was a teen. I’m still about six inches. So I’ve been jerking off for 35 years or so. I do have above average girth - 6.25 or higher mid-shaft, depending on how aroused I am, but I really don’t recall if it’s always been that way or not. I do recall back in the late 80s having a girlfriend tell me that I was as long as the other guys she’d been with but much thicker. Little did I know that my girth is all that unusual.

However, I don’t think that masturbation and length or girth are related.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

I was small at puberty and masturbated once or twice a week. When I was 18 I was probably 4.5 x 4.5 erect. I haven’t changed much since then. I kept to myself in the HS showers. I got through the army by facing the wall. Stood close to the urinal ever since. Continued to masturbate 1-2 times a week until I got married.

My wife has never mentioned my small size. I developed diabetes about 15 years ago and ED about 8 years ago. Imagine having a small dick and ED. Viagra helped the ED but often have EQ problems. I began PE (including pumping) about three months ago. Since beginning PE, my scrotum has grown at least 25%: however ,I have not yet seen any sustainable growth in erect length or girth.

I have recently concentrated on mini pump EQ exercises which seems to have improved EQ. MY Temporary erect pumped length - 4.9 and girth - 5.2 have significantly improved my sex life.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I was small at puberty and masturbated once or twice a week. When I was 18 I was probably 4.5 x 4.5 erect. I haven’t changed much since then. I kept to myself in the HS showers. I got through the army by facing the wall. Stood close to the urinal ever since. Continued to masturbate 1-2 times a week until I got married.

My wife has never mentioned my small size. I developed diabetes about 15 years ago and ED about 8 years ago. Imagine having a small dick and ED. Viagra helped the ED but often have EQ problems. I began PE (including pumping) about three months ago. Since beginning PE, my scrotum has grown at least 25%: however ,I have not yet seen any sustainable growth in erect length or girth.

I have recently concentrated on mini pump EQ exercises which seems to have improved EQ. MY Temporary erect pumped length - 4.9 and girth - 5.2 have significantly improved my sex life.

Hey that’s good news, and thanks for being honest and participating. Stick with PE doing newbie routine then do more intense exercises after a few months and gains will surely follow.

I stared I beleive around 14, and didn’t ejaculate for the first few times I beleive.

When I was 14, I was maybe 4 NBP erect. I had to masturbate with three fingers on one of my hands. Around 17 I was 5.25 inches NBP, then I started wreckless hanging and got up to 5.8 inches. I masturbated up intil I was 17 almost every day, and when I was 17 maybe 5 times a week.

Now I’m 18.

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP

How our dicks still function as adults is beyond me.

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

I am completely befuddled by this poll and thread.

I wanked as a young lad, sometimes to excess. My saving grace was having partners from a rather young age as well. No idea what effect, if any, this all has had on my adult size. I have never spanked my monkey in public or pleasured myself whilst driving a motor vehicle.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I am completely befuddled by this poll and thread.

I wanked as a young lad, sometimes to excess. My saving grace was having partners from a rather young age as well. No idea what effect, if any, this all has had on my adult size. I have never spanked my monkey in public or pleasured myself whilst driving a motor vehicle.

Haha sorry I’ve heard things before and to me this poll is related to the ‘Does Masturbating/Sex hinder gains debate’. Still I think if we get over a 1000 people who vote the results should be conclusive and I shall spank it after every session instead of torturing myself.


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