Thunder's Place

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What width should a cock ring be? Are O-rings too thin?

What width should a cock ring be? Are O-rings too thin?

I really want a jelly cock ring. They look really stretchy. Where should I go to try and get a good one? I don’t want anything fancy, like a vibrator or clit stimulators. I just want it to be jelly. Until then, I’m thinking about trying an O-ring. They tend to be very thin, unlike the very thick jelly rings. I know the thicker the better with cock rings, and was just curious about O-rings.

In a nutshell, I really want a jelly cock ring. I want to buy one online once I get a debit card. If I can get the same exact effect with no damage with an O-ring, then I will buy one at a hardware store. I did search for jelly, cock, and ring. I found the Homemade Cock Ring, Wonderful World of Cock Rings, and other threads that talked about cock rings. I just want it to get the job done, and nothing more.

Is this something I might want to consider? I would just cut off the spikes.

All you need to do is go to a hardware store like HD and get the 10 ft latex tubing, some electrical tape, and find an object a little smaller diameter than the latex tubing to fit inside. Roll it over the small object all the way, so you can’t see the outside of it, and then tape it.

The problem I have had with jelly cock rings is that they bust really quickly. Most of the time I can’t get through the first session of sex without it busting before I cum. I do like the way they feel though, if only they were stronger. I Like the metal O ring ones. Those are my favorite , but hard to find in the size that fits me. I would assume the rubber o rings from HD would be good. I am actually going to try these out myself as soon as I can get around to going.

Yeah I’ve been considering getting a jelly cock ring so I can wear it all day in order for my dick not to turtle whenever I go to class. I don’t want to buy it online since my parents might get suspicious and stuff. So are Home Depot rubber O rings just as good as jelly rings online?

The O rings are HD are metal with rubber coating. The only thing close to rubber rings is buying latex tubing. Latex Ring You can make many different sizes with the 10’ tubing.

Well I have three cock rings. One is a metal ring. Part of a three part set I bought. It is like the three bears story. One is too small for me. One is just right for my penis about 2 inch diameter to get me really hard. One is a little bigger and suitable to wrap my penis and balls. Not as tight and doesn’t get as quick a result but it good for enhancement without any pill sex. I also like my latex ring over my rod. I have had some that pop after a few sessions of love making. I also foolishly bought some expensive “rubber bands” that pop after a few sessions but do a good job. Maybe all you need is a good rubber band. I find that anal with lube causes most cockrings to slip whereas vaginal sex they do not. I enjoy “ring sex” because I am about 1/2 inch thicker in girth than without them.


I like the jelly cock rings myself. I have several different shapes and sizes. I also have some rubber cock rings that aren’t nearly as stretchy. I use them when edging often; it’s just fun!


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Can jelly rings be used to clamp?

Can anyone explain the benefits of different types of cockrings, and how to size them properly ?

Rings on his penis, bells on his toes

Hi Springer, What can I say, cock rings are fun! J Meister has done a lot of research on rings and has a great thread: The Wonderful World of Cock Rings I’ve also posted my experiences with cock rings on this thread. I like the weight and feel of metal rings, preferably stainless steel ones, due to corrosion resistance, safe metal composition, and weight. My current "thing" is to wear multiple cock & ball rings (placed behind my cock and balls) and smaller rings on my cock. Because I am uncut, I’m able to hold a small ring just behind the corona of my glans, and then cover it with my foreskin. The result is that the metal rings around my cock are held in place by this small ring because their inside diameter is too small to slip over it. The combination of both sets of rings is a real turn-on during the day and I hope will act somewhat as an ADS, as I add more rings around my cock. Time will tell. Best of luck. MC

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