Thunder's Place

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What workout do you get the best lenght gains?

What workout do you get the best lenght gains?

i dunno wut happened but my thread was deleted..

i was wondering wut workout i can do to get the best lenght gains?..

does the jelqing work the best for lenght gains?

or should i focus more on the stretches?..

with the stretching.. the hand on the back of the penis pull.. is it suppose to be pulling from the skin that is near the back of the head.. and use the other hand to help it pull from the front?

on the bibs hanger..

is there other way to make your own hanger?.. like i dunt have money to buy bibs hanger.. and im kinda embarrased to buy it online.. so i was wondering if there is a way to make it yourself with tools you can find usually at home?..

thanx in advance..

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