Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What's up with the ballzinger/blakoe ring?

I have been wearing the BZ for about a month now, The results are still there, but I don’t feel the zinging much, I guess I am getting used to it.
What I have noticed is that the rubber latex tube gets darker and softer with continuous body temperature, and eventually gets loose. I like to wear it “relaxed”. I was almost embarrassed when my Zinger felt off my the bottom of my pants in the middle of a conversation with a client….I have re-adjusted the Zinger by cutting off a little bit of the tubing to make it snug again. It feels great now.

Anyone with some horror stories.?

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Can someone post a link to the instructions for making a ballzinger please? I couldn’t find it at Tom Hubbard’s site.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I have built a four pole Blakeo ring. I use pure Zinc rod about 2.5” in length, and 3/8 in diameter. I also use, pure copper, with the same dimensions as the zinc. The Zinc is placed about 1/4” into the latex tubing, then the copper is placed into the other end of the tubing. This is again followed by the second piece of zinc and copper into the tubing. I also drilled a 1/4” hole through the Zinc. I end up with four pieces of Latex and two Zinc rods and two Copper Rods in the device. I fill the tube with water, this acts as a medium, so that it continuously generates approx. 1.4 volt DC, across the plain of the dissimilar metals.

In addition, I have also made a thinner ring using 1/4” Zinc, and 1/4” copper, one of each. that is about 6” long when spread out, so when it is closed it surrounds the girth of the Dick. The effects of both are astounding, not only does the larger ring give you all the benefits listed in Blakoe’s device, You also get a cock ring that provides a great ZINGING in the base of the dick, and makes the head of the gland’s tingle, that seems to vibrate all the down to the balls. I have had great orgasms since I built it, I wear both about three hours the during the day, I wear both all night. I find that my erections are so hard, that I am sure I could cut glass, if I tried.



Any One Know Where I Can Get Some Zinc Bar From,I’m In The Uk.

Good luck mate, let me know if you find one. I used battery case, but possibility of lead and cadmium content can be a problem for you. :)


Magnesium -2,37
Aluminium -1,66
Zinc -0,763
Iron -0,44
Tin -0,14
Copper +0,337 or +0,521 (depending on the form of the chemical reaction)
Carbon (Coal) +0,74
Silver +0,799
Gold +1,5

Would aluminium work better.

Don’t think newer batteries have zine casing right ?

Anyway I think aluminium seems a easier choice to procure.

Ne1 got the acyual McMaster carr part number handy? I don’t see it posted here.

Tom’s Ballzinger Instructions.

But before you read that, read the Forum Guidelines. ‘Ne1’ is not a suitable replacement for ‘anyone’ and we have a spell checker to help out with those nasty single syllable words that are a pain to spell.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I got both metal rods from mcmaster-carr. I believe the zinc is only plated over a steel core. I am looking for solid zinc high purity.

"Fuck” what the golly gee willickers is that? Sorry if I offended the good people here with my poor grammar. I will surely not do that again. Thanks for the help momento my bad I didn’t look good enough at the Ballzinger instructions before asking.

Well I bought mine from eBay. That’s the one made by paylessplaymore eBay’s store. I just got it last week Thursday and let me describe all the happened events from Friday as today:

1) I have been experienced a electrical sensation along all my penis; caused by this situation I can see all my penis veins coming up from the penis skin
2) Normally my refractory time is more less 45 minutes to 60 minutes ( my “execution time” is normally more than 45 minutes including intercourse) ; after two days I have experienced 15 minutes for refraction!!
3) My “execution time” now yesterday was more than 60 minutes
4) My balls are bigger
5) More juice after ejaculation

I don’t know if that is the evidence of good performance; my ring is fabricated with silver and zinc rods so, as per manufacturer it’s going to have 20 % more electrical performance and also it is including 2 rare magnetos.

If there is someone that could share this information with me, I mean what he has experienced, I will appreciate a lot,


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