Thunder's Place

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What's up with the ballzinger/blakoe ring?


Can someone give me a link to where I can buy a piece of solid copper rod? Right now I’m using tubing and I’d like to trade it out for solid.

Here’s a strange thing that happened; I’ve been wearing my Ballzinger for a couple of months. Usually I wear it with the copper on top of my whole package and the zinc below “the boys” but a few days ago I wore the copper on the right. After a few hours it started burning, so I removed it. Now I have a red streak the exact size and placement of where the copper was. It’s like the current got too strong and burned my scrotum a bit. I’m hoping it heals up quickly, as my wife and I finally have a weekend where we can do some extensive playing!

I often wear stainless steel cock rings and/or cock bands around my balls. Does anyone see any problem with doing so in addition to wearing the Ballzinger at the same time? Anyone with experience doing that? I’m just wondering if there might be any negative reaction between all those metals. Thanks.

Has anyone here tried the zinger II on eBay?

I ordered one - it’s MUCH easier to take on and put off, and the fact that I can adjust the snugness of fit is nice as well. Sometimes the clasp mechanism gets a bit pinchy, but all things considered, I’ll be using this 95% more than I’ll use my regular version.

Alright, just built my own ball zinger, and it’s on as of now. Kinda weird it seems in that I recall reading somewhere to make the rods 3” long, but now it feels like I may want to cut those in half. Hm. Well, waste not, want not. I’ll wear this as is over night and during the day tomorrow, next chance I get I’ll cut these rods in half and make it into two ball zingers; then wrapping around just my nuts. Uncomfortingly right now the rods are tight together and my balls kinda slip past each other, one higher, one lower, oh and my dick is within the zinger as well. Next ones will probably be nuts only.

Note to self: I have to get myself one of these.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Got my BZ II in the mail this past weekend from the same eBayer. Wasn’t sure what to expect since this is my first BZ but I’m pleased enough with it despite the pinching that you too mentioned. (More irritation from the rope than actual pinching from the bead.)

Still want to make my own using the rods from the referenced site in this thread.

Since you have experience with BZ’ do you think the one from eBay ranks, zing wise?

Originally Posted by ptrck
Got my BZ II in the mail this past weekend from the same eBayer. Wasn’t sure what to expect since this is my first BZ but I’m pleased enough with it despite the pinching that you too mentioned. (More irritation from the rope than actual pinching from the bead.)

Still want to make my own using the rods from the referenced site in this thread.

Since you have experience with BZ’ do you think the one from eBay ranks, zing wise?

I’ve used both a home made BZ and the ebay BZII. Since I got the BZII I haven’t worn the BZ. I think the new model is just a lot more comfortable, and I’ve never had it fall off like the old one did occasionally.

That being said, I seldom actually feel any zinging or tingling. I have gotten some skin reaction, particularly on the zinc side, that is either a result of the electrical stimulation or is just a reacton to the zinc itself - I suspect the former.

To be honest, I don’t know if it helps anything or not. I do seem to have a better hang and definitely have larger testicles, but whether that’s because of the BZ or the damiana or the stretching or a combination is impossible to say.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Wondering if there might be some truth to this thing. Got my BZ II on Halloween and wore it religiously for a week except for when my girl was in the mood or the thing fell apart. (Fortunately, I noticed before an embarrassing situation could arise.)

Haven’t worn it much this week but things have remained fuller in all areas from flaccid state to “the boys”.

Started Damiana on Monday of this week and the boys have been even fuller despite not wearing the BZ. Quite possibly Dad2Four was onto something?

Aluminium Copper or silver BallZinger

Well Hello Everyone:

This is my first post so go easy on me please?.

I’ve been reading all about this Ballzinger. It is all quite fascinating.

My problem is low testosterone. My endocrinologist just put me on DHEA and pregnenolone in order to boost my T. So far nothing has happened too much, so I am very interested in this Ballzinger to get the T producing again..

I live in Canada and McMaster-Carr won’t export the zinc rod here. I’m having a hell of a time getting zinc and filing that penny to get at the zinc was a nuisance.

I was reading Tom Hubbard’s P workshop and it is suggested that aluminium has a greater “-” potential than zinc does..

I was thinking of cutting a beer can and rolling a narrow strip up to make the negative side and then use copper (or even better a Looney silver coin) for the postive terminal. You think that would work?

Any comments would be appreciated.Thanks.

Havn’t read anything on this subject in a along time.

Hi Graal and everyone ;)

How could we know please how we should wear it? Like this http://penis-en largement-manua … 2/images/BZ.GIF or more like this http://penis-en largement-manua … ages/device.GIF what’s the difference?

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length

I ordered it and have it on me since last night so maybe 14 hours. Of course no observations yet exept that I made it maybe a little too tight because I’m reading that we want to put the equivalent of our finger between each part and the skin to have an idea of the best lenght that must have the device. I will arrange that.

***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm

BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length


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