Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who has followed the Newbie Routine and what gains did you get with it


I may say I used Newbie Routine the first 3 days.
Here is my current routine. Stay in the shower for 5 min or so, stretch it while there just to make it ready for PE. Then I stretch it for 15min or more, take little break. Go again put some heat on it for few minutes in the shower, and then I jelq it for 20min or more. It depends on how I feel.

The first week, I have done it 5 days and took 4 days off b/c of Donuts shape to heal. Then I kept the same routine for an other almost 2 weeks. Lately, I am going through depression with divorce, and I only PE half the time, sometimes just stretching for few minutes. I hate divorce and the pain that you will lose everything you had. I hope it won’t stress my dick and shrink it.
About gains, I saw significant gains in this 5 weeks. I am looking forward to get to my Goal. May be 7.5 to 8 max. Just for more confidence.

So what is ideal for the length of PE excercise?(as in amount of time) and if anyoneelse can tell me there first routine and what gains they got with that?

There is no ideal length for PE exercises. As you read, you will come to realize that some people gain really well with shorter PE sessions with more rest, while others feel like they gain better doing longer session or even two sessions a day. The newbie routine is a starting point, I am doing it right now and I change up the intensity depending on how my member feels. I have only been at it for two weeks, but I am noticing better penis condition which is what I am focusing on at this point. Once I measure after the first month, if I make decent gains I will stick with it. If I don’t make any significant gains I will intensify my routine with the satisfaction that my penis is becoming well conditioned. Good luck on your endeavours!

Last edited by ErnieBanks : 05-09-2017 at .

Happy with the first month gain.

I already listed my routine in the previous post. It takes me about 45 minutes to do total PE. And like what I said before, I am downgrading at the moment b/c of stress I am going through with Divorce.

About my gains. I was about 6.125 when I started on April 29th 05. At the moment, there are 2 ways I measure it. One way, I stretch it when I am done with PE exercise and measure it, the results is 7”. The 2nd way is when I am EBP 6.6/8 to 6.7/8. I also was doing one day workout and one day off for the last 2 weeks I believe. From what I did read somewhere, one day on one day off can help the cells to have enough time to heal and grow up faster. Well, I am doing it.

I hope I will get to my 1st goal soon.

Originally Posted by dlg1920
There is no ideal length for PE exercises. As you read, you will come to realize that some people gain really well with shorter PE sessions with more rest, while others feel like they gain better doing longer session or even two sessions a day. The newbie routine is a starting point, I am doing it right now and I change up the intensity depending on how my member feels. I have only been at it for two weeks, but I am noticing better penis condition which is what I am focusing on at this point. Once I measure after the first month, if I make decent gains I will stick with it. If I don’t make any significant gains I will intensify my routine with the satisfaction that my penis is becoming well conditioned. Good luck on your endeavours!

dlg1920 has the right attitude. Please, new guys, for the love of all that is good, use the Newbie Routine. It is there for a reason for it. You need to properly condition yourself, and learn how to perform the exercises properly. That is the basis for the routine. You probably won’t gain much if anything from it but that is ok. Conditioning is just as important (more important if you ask me) in the beginning. Don’t be so impatient that you have to get gains right away. PE is a long process and needs to be done with care and discernment. If you get too ambitious, odds are you will end up hurting yourself somewhere along the way, or at the least make it harder on yourself to gain.

Guys please, I am not making this post because I think I am better than anyone else, or because I want to tell you what to do. I am making this post because I don’t want to see anyone get hurt, and I want everyone to get the maximum benefits from their PE routine. Good luck to you. Be careful and do good.


Last edited by ErnieBanks : 05-09-2017 at .

Just getting warmed up, big guy. :leftie:


I have been using the newb routine for a few days now and I think I will do it twice a day. For 2 days with one day of rest after.

Dude, this thread is hellah old.

I’m only hoping the OP won’t come back asking ‘anyone? anyone?’.

Originally Posted by GTO2010

I have been using the newb routine for a few days now and I think I will do it twice a day. For 2 days with one day of rest after.

Dude.. 2005?

Damn, lovinthebeach had one fine avatar. Jesus! Don’t you guys know about resurrecting old threads. You gave me a freakin’ boner dude. Damn!

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

I’ve been doing the Newbie Routine for a while now, sometimes I add V stretch and the A stretch to the routine, and I gained half an inch from it, so I went from 5” to 5.5” then within a couple of weeks I hit 5.7”. These gains probably came from a not so long ago when I started PE, only did it for a month then had 2 months off but on occasion I’d stretch for the hell of it. Then I started doing routines again.

Welcome, JustBatman. First, congratulations on your growth. The newbie routine works wonders. Keep at it. Second, good first post. Finally, this thread is over 11 years old. Bonus on you for digging deep into the bowels of Thunder’s place. :)

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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