Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why are people lying?

Why are people lying?

I been here for a long time and still do the exercises (pills included) increases blood flow, but any way I always like to get myself pumped up before I do my excersizes and I read this article in google all those damn lies like nothing works jelqing is a lie and pumps don’t work why all the lies look at all the results that alot of ppl had can you please explain this to me.

They aren’t really lying per se. They actually don’t know that it works. But that’s good. If everyone knew that PE worked, then more people would do it and the average size would go way up. Then you would have to work just as hard to be in the same relative position you are now. The fact that most people don’t know that PE works is incredibly fortunate for us PEers. If there is ever a conversation about how you can get a bigger penis, I always say that PE doesn’t work and is dangerous. Around here we call never talking about it the “fight club mentality.” It’s the only way to retain your advantage over people who might want to have sex with your wife/girlfriend. ;)

Alright I get it now it’s like a secret you know and don’t want to share I got ya thanks

Originally Posted by herewego616
I been here for a long time and still do the exercises (pills included) increases blood flow, but any way I always like to get myself pumped up before I do my excersizes and I read this article in google all those damn lies like nothing works jelqing is a lie and pumps don’t work why all the lies look at all the results that alot of ppl had can you please explain this to me.

Bro, you just joined Dec 2004, which is about 4 months ago…

I understand how it feels hoping to see result fast, but you need to understand everything needs to do correctly, moderately and efficiently… Perhaps you should step back and ask if you did anything incorrectly which resulted no gain.

Dump pump, pills and jelqing stuff all together may not be a very good idea…

Have faith, reflect your routine, improvise it and give it another 2 months before giving up if no result.

Originally Posted by liquidman
They aren’t really lying per se. They actually don’t know that it works. But that’s good. If everyone knew that PE worked, then more people would do it and the average size would go way up. Then you would have to work just as hard to be in the same relative position you are now. The fact that most people don’t know that PE works is incredibly fortunate for us PEers. If there is ever a conversation about how you can get a bigger penis, I always say that PE doesn’t work and is dangerous. Around here we call never talking about it the “fight club mentality.” It’s the only way to retain your advantage over people who might want to have sex with your wife/girlfriend. ;)

Yeah, whenever a friend of mine mentions PE (not in a deadly serious context), I usually say that there’s no point, it won’t work .etc and i’d rather spend the time working out.

What I meant was I was doing exercises before I came to this site,and I don’t expect to see results rapidly fast then again I would.. But anyway the pill are for blood flow just in case it does make the process, maybe, remember I said maybe now, itry not to keep myself from quitting thats why I have to get my head straight before I do it, plus can someone explain what a Uli is, and where to place a cable clamp at I’m used to the straight forwards of PE not all the new shit like hanging.

Lying down, that is! :leftie:


Welcome to the posting side of the forum. I encourage you to read the Forum Guidelines : either that, or get the Shift & Period keys on your keyboard fixed: your posts are slightly difficult for us “foreigners” to read.

I’m not exactly sure who you think is lying: the folks at the website you mentioned, or the fine folks here at If you’re talking about the other guys, well, liquid has a good point: the world at large (or small if you prefer :chuckle: ) has no idea that PE even exists, let alone works. Keep doing your exercises, and you’ll soon just laugh at reports of “Bogus Penis Enlargement Scams”, ‘cause you’ll have the results that prove them wrong.

Oh, and if I were you, I’d junk the pills (if you’re taking those Special Penis Enlargement Pills that are advertised everywhere on the internet these days): they really don’t do much in the way of helping enlarge your penis.



If you’re looking for info on how to perform some of the exercises, check out the Link to bad forum (forumid 33) removed: there’s a lot of great and detailed info there, along with pictures and video of some of the exercises.

In terms of blood flow, I myself take something called “Ginko Biloba” which is supposed to be good for the blood flow. I was under the impression that you were taking some sort of “Patented Penis Enlarging Formula”: most of those things are about as useful for enlarging your dick as Magic Beans bought at the county fair.



How about interrupting your posts every once in a while with a thoughtful dot? That would make reading and especially comprehending them a lot more easier.

Anyways, I don’t think they are lies, but false beliefs. You know, “the earth is flat” kind of beliefs.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


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