Thunder's Place

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Why shouldn't you jelq with a full erection

Why shouldn't you jelq with a full erection

Supposedly, it’s because you could force to much blood in and pop some capillaries or whatever. But isn’t the whole point of jelqing to supersaturate the penis? How can you possibly force the penis to be bigger than it normally is without a full erection? Thanks.

You can also injure the dorsal nerve and that would be a bad thing. When you jelq at a 40 to 60 to 80 % level you have more room to bring blood in to the CC and CS. And expanding those is what causes girth gains.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Sorry, I don’t know what CC or CS means. However, please explain why these can only be reached with a less than full erection? I mean, erections are just filling up the penis, right? So, why would MORE blood in there be a bad thing? Isn’t that the whole point?

Hello shakeandbake, I personally practice 90%+ dry jelqing. However, it is something that should be eased into. It’s very easy to injure yourself doing too many jelqs too quickly. I would suggest you to start at a modest 100 per session and bump it up 50 every 2 - 4 weeks. I tried to move up too quickly and ended up bursting a vein in my foreskin. Even if you are cut, you still run the risk of getting an injury. See if you get any gains with jelqs alone. If you don’t, try throwing in Uli’s with your routine. I got decent gains with dry jelqs and Uli’s, then took a break for 6 months. I recently restarted my jelqing routine and haven’t gotten any gains jelqing alone, so I think Uli’s are the key. Anyway, if you are going to jelq at 80%+ erection, take your time and start slow. A thrombose vein will derail your PE quickly.

Good luck!

P.S. If Jelqing and Uli’s are the routine you choose, be ready for some discoloration on the underside of your unit, it comes with the territory.

Last edited by Relight : 10-22-2006 at .

The CC and CS are the internal chambers of the penis, they fill with blood during an erection. Read this:

glans - the “head” of the penis, normally covered by the prepuce (foreskin) it is abnormally exposed by circumcision
body - the “shaft” of the penis mainly containing two corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum
urethra - the tube through which urine and semen exit the body, contained within the corpus spongiosum
meatus - [me-ate’-us] the opening of the urethra at the end (usually) of the penis, an abnormally placed meatus is called “hypospadias.”
scrotum - the “ball sack” or “nut sack,” a pouch of skin that contains the testicles. It is separated into two chambers by a septum so your testes and supporting structures don’t get twisted around each other.
corpus spongiosum - a sheath of spongy tissue which fills with blood during an erection and surrounds the urethra, usually abbreviated “CS.” It expands at both ends. At the base the expansion is called the “bulb” of the penis. At the other end it is called the glans. Blood within the CS can flow freely between the bulb and the glans.
corpus cavernosum - one of two (plural is “corpora cavernosa”) tubes of spongy tissue that fill with blood during an erection, usually abbreviated “CC.”
tunica albuginea - a tough sheath of connective tissue in two layers, one surrounds each corpus cavernosum and forms the septum between the two, the other layer surrounds the the CC and the CS. The spongy erectile tissue in the CC would not cause an erection without the tunica because the skin covering the shaft is able to expand. Because of its tough fibrous nature, the tunica resists further expansion after the CC are filled with blood and, under the pressure of the contained blood, forms the rigid structure that is an erection.
deep fascia (Buck’s fascia) - the deep fascia of the penis is a connective tissue sheath that surrounds the CC (and tunica), the CS, and the major nerves, arteries and veins of the penis. The superficial dorsal vein of the penis is outside this sheath. The deep fascia extends from the corona of the glans to the fascia covering the pubic bone and is covered by the skin.
fundiform ligament - this ligament supports the penis in a sling-like fashion. It originates in the lower abdominal wall and splits to surround the base of the penis where it attaches to the deep fascia.
suspensory ligament - this strong band of tissue originates at the pubic bone and splits to connect to the deep fascia of the penis. It does not attach to the tunica.

Ok, do this for me, get a glass and fill it with water, then add more water to it. Its going to overflow as it was full to begin with. This is the best analogy I can give as to why you only jelq with a 40 to 80% erection level, you have room to bring in more blood and stretch those chambers.

I hope this was helpful and not clear as mud.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

OK, but it’s unclear to me how you can “stretch” these chambers without a full erection. How can anything less than full saturation stretch your chambers beyond what they’re used to. It would make sense if all you were trying to stretch were the far end near your glands, b/c you could push all that 60% of blood into there. However, there’s no similar ability to “flush” the base of the penis, so I don’t see how less than a full erection is effective. If the base is only 60% full, than how could this possibly constitute “stretching” of the base? Does anyone else see what I’m saying?

Nice post sunshine. Shakeandbake, you should take his word for it. Otherwise, continue to search this site.

Starting Measurements - BPEL 6.5" EG 5"

Goals - BPEL 8" EG 6"

Current Measurements - Gaining length mostly

Originally Posted by ToolMan69er

Nice post sunshine. Shakeandbake, you should take his word for it. Otherwise, continue to search this site.

Her word.

If you try to jelk at full erection, you find that your dick is too rigid to really push any blood forward. The tissues that become rigid, in fact hold back the rest of your penis from stretching and swelling during a jelk. You might want to experiment a bit and look at how your girth expands when you do a jelk at 70% erect. You can swell to more than your normal 100% girth.

Even though you are not full of blood at 70%, you become full when you jelk, and since you are not rigid, you stretch more easily. It is actually easier to feel this phenomena than to explain it.

Horny Bastard

Sorry sunshinekid. Didn’t look at the ‘Female Member’ before posting. Just watched the Penis Reduction video. Very disturbing.

Starting Measurements - BPEL 6.5" EG 5"

Goals - BPEL 8" EG 6"

Current Measurements - Gaining length mostly

Wanted to bring up this issue again. Isn’t the idea behind clamping/uli’s precisely expansion beyond 100%? Since this is the case I don’t see the big deal with full erection jelqing, as long as you take the standard precautions required for any exercise on this excellent site.

Toward the 2nd week of my PEing I noticed something different. I used to jelq with 100% erection and like you guys, I did not see what the heck was the problem. But one day at the very end of my jelqing session I noticed my dick got HARD as a ROCK. I mean Literally ROCK hard for 10 mins. I couldn’t even get it down. IT was out of my control. And then, after that my EQ has decreased. I don’t know if that was the reason my EQ has decreased but I wish I hadn’t done that. So, be careful.

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