Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Will I go to Hell if I PE?


The only hell I know is here on earth when having a small dick or feeling small. Enough said.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I was going to hell anyway. >:-) :chuckle:

See you guys there, I’m calling dibs on the hottest demon.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

There should not be a hell. If god creates a person, he should just use his godly foresite to see if that person will behave. If he sees a person wont behave, he should just not create them, rather than run them through the guantlet and then torture them for it.

Sadam Husaine tortured people for not worshiping him and obeying his rules strictly, none of us approved of this. Why should we hold men to a higher standard than we hold god?

Is God somehow less capable of being not evil than us? What’s worse, working on having a bigger penis, or sending people to hell for working on having a bigger penis?

Sheesh people, there isn’t any being that deserves hell.

I’ll grow my penis big, but no hell for me.

If improving what you have is an automatic qualification for hell then the all of human kind is destined for hell because improvement and refinement marks the upward surge of mankind.
i.e., the natural evolution of mankind is to better himself.

One should always strive for better if and when it is possible.

Count yourself among the lucky because there are many people out there that wish they could have a bigger unit but unfortunately they don’t even know that there is way to accomplish it… just short of surgery.
Many people will avoid that surgery risk and could not afford it even if they were willing to take that risk.

Thunders provides the safer and better alternative and heres the bonus when you succeed in your size goals…

Its heaven for you and the women/partners that you hook up with !!! :chuckle: When women get a look at your unit for the first time they will immediately know that they have died and went to heaven. :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Newbie Post #7

Originally Posted by supersizeit
If improving what you have is an automatic qualification for hell then the all of human kind is destined for hell because improvement and refinement marks the upward surge of mankind.
i.e., the natural evolution of mankind is to better himself.

One should always strive for better if and when it is possible.

You know if we didn’t do anything to try and improve ourselves and lives, we wouldn’t be doing any work, and then someone would just say we are lazy (sloth)

There is nothing wrong with working at eliminating the troubles in life that cause us pain.

Originally Posted by KinXXXize
The only hell I know is here on earth when having a small dick or feeling small. Enough said.

Yeah, maybe we should have just left it at that.

size, women, relationships

Your women is with you because she chose to be, even though though it is quite likely she has had larger penis’ in hand, in mouth and in vagina. Yet, she is with you now. When I was younger, I was dating a woman(Lori) who was friends with a female acquaintance (Julie) of mine. When I told Julie I was dating Lori, she said “You’re brave. That other guy had a really big dick”. Well, that comment stung. I obsessed about hour by hour, and felt so inadequate in bed. Then it dawned on me that she was with me, not the other guy. Despite his larger member, she chose me. If it was all about penis size, ten percent of the male population would have triple digit harems, and the rest of us would keep the makers of Vaseline in mega-wealth.

I really don’t think he posed the question literally. I’d say you guys are answering a rhetorical question made in jest. He is English they have a very distinct type of humor. Very dry very much my kind of humor. I find most Brits to be funny as hell.

With the exception of northstar.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Deadeye, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I almost felt I’d offended some people with my hell talk at first. Damnations some people are too serious.

I thought it was quite obvious that I didn’t literally mean we would all go to hell. I guess I didn’t realise many

people are from America on this forum. It’s safe to say that few English men/women are very religious in a traditional christian sort of way. We have perhaps the lowest church going population in the world and most would laugh at the concept of eternal damnation.

Though I guess I should have made the whole hell thing clear. When I think back now many Americans I’ve met especially from the southern states have been hardcore bible maniacs who have sworn that every word in the bible is the truth. Perhaps it is I don’t know and wouldn’t want to have a conversation about that especially on this sight.

Like I said I just wanted to start a thread on the morality of penis enlargement.

ps I’m not slagging off my american cousins

Yes, we are all going to hell. But since sex is a sin, you can’t screw in heaven. :)

Originally Posted by KinXXXize

The only hell I know is here on earth when having a small dick or feeling small. Enough said.


…and you are going to hell if you don´t do your PE workout…

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!


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