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Will I go to Hell if I PE?


Will I go to Hell if I PE?

Hello everyone I discovered this forum while looking for tantric methods to make my dick harder. You guys seem to be quite a carring comunity. Odd really to have such comradship over something as ego centric as penis enlargement. Jeeze I’d hate to meet some of the bigger lads in the shower.

Though from looking at some of the photo’s I’ve realised that a few absolute monsters I’ve seen in my time were definately due to hard PE work rather than innate talent. I once saw a guy who had a shlong of easily 7-8” limp. Scared me away from the swimming club for about a year! Though he clearly seemed to be buzzing about my horror. Now it’s not like i’m the smallest but I’m definately no where near the biggest either however like most people a bigger penis would be very nice. I think this wish is due to watching monster dick porn which will remain in my fragile male consciousness for ever. Oh and various felmale friends used to always talk about the bigger the better blah, blah, blah. What is society like when a pole is regarded higher than a man’s skill or intelligence.

There was once a naked gameshow with Keith Chequin (a British presenter). The poor man was slated in the national press because his limp penis looked small. How crazy is that. Surely society must change otherwise we’ll all be comparing ourselves to king dong and always feeling miserable. I also would like to share another hypocracy with you. There’s a fairly famous naked protester in the UK who campaigns in the nude for liberation from clothes. This guy is fairly well hung and has a well built body. Now my point is that before coming to this website I thought this guy was naturally well hung. However, I’m fairly sure PE plays an important part in his life (the British weather is cold). Now surely his form is not going to encourage many to strip and liberate themselves.

Dear me what will this PE vanity lead to? And do you think there are better ways to spend my time for example I could be fluent in French in a couple of years if I put the same about of time into this as some put into PE.

I was just wondering about the morals of Jelqing! I’ve read tales on this sight about people being afraid to have a shower because they have a walnut sized limp dick. Indeed without any jelq routine a really heavy hardcore session of sport should turn the knob into a walnut. After all blood is sorely needed elsewhere. Which makes me think perhaps some of those 100m runners have a jelq session before they run.

Anyway (i digress), these same people who used to have walnut shower penises would no doubt say that the shower is not a problem now! But surely these people are simply making other men feel paranoid about thier members!!! Where’s the justice. After all when I see a huge muscular guy I don’t feel too inferior he’s earned those muscles through hard graft. But pretending that post PE penis is natural just doesn’t seem right.

So why is this PE thing such a big secret? Why not tell all your friends if this penis lengthening works? After all a man with a 4” penis or 5” or 6” or 7” 8”etc etc still wants an extra inch. So it seems there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone wants more dick. We can all go to hell together.

As for me I will endeavour to start on a routine but of course only for pure scientific purposes.

Gosh - did I write all that incoherent rant sorry

PE is not a secret. If you don’t want to tell your friends, well, that’s your hang-up. Improving various parts of the body is hardly a new concept. It basically started when Adam and Eve decided they needed the fig leaf. Vanitiy and all that.

If Hell is where I’m going by doing this - I’m on the express train with bell’s on :)

Will I go to Hell if I PE?

Simple answer:

Yes. Have you seen the requirements for getting into the upstairs department? We are all going to Hell, so we might as well enjoy it while we can!


Why would you go to hell for doing the best with what you got? Guys have to get over the fact that if you look at another guy when he is naked it is only natural. It doesn’t mean that you want to have sex with him. We are in a friendly penis competition-we men.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could say to some guy in the shower room, “Hey, you got one nice looking dick there. How big is it?” Of course that is not allowed in our society. You can say “nice car” or you did a nice job on your house. But you can’t say , “your balls hang nicely.” :D

Yeah, you are right. From now on I will only shower with a sign around my neck saying: “I am a PEer. Without it my dick would be a small as yours, you lame bastards” :-)
At least it is more fair, that the ones who work hardest doing their PE homework get the biggest dicks.


Originally Posted by monument
Why would you go to hell for doing the best with what you got?

Consider the seven deadly sins:
Envy: You see the other guys in the gym and start PEing
Wrath: You hit the plateau
Sloth: You give in when you hit the plateau
Gluttony: You want a bigger cock
Pride: When you finally get that 8x6
Lust: You use it
Avarice: You keep PEing!

Like I said, we’re all going to hell!


If Hell is where I’m going by doing this - I’m on the express train with bell’s on

Tickets, tickets please…
Have your tickets ready please…

I have had a few guys in the locker room say to me ” hey that’s a nice dick there”, believe it or not. But I do live in Calif. with all the liberals, soooooooooo…

Originally Posted by Lordbase
Will I go to Hell if I PE?

Simple answer:

Yes. Have you seen the requirements for getting into the upstairs department? We are all going to Hell, so we might as well enjoy it while we can!


Wait a minute. I thought THIS was hell. You mean there is someplace worse?

Cheers guys for the friendly advice - I’ll book a one way ticket then.

To be honest I’m not a religious type. I just wanted to see what sort of feedback I would get about the morality of PEing. There does seem some justice in PEing (assuming it can work for me).


when you get those people in the showers going hey nice dick are you like…

“yeah I do 500 jelqs a day, I have have a nutritious penis carb diet and swear by the penis PE 9000 plan -
you too can work your way to monster girth with effort.” or are you like “yeah I was born with 10” runs in the family - cruel genetic world.”


I like the deadly sin talk. If we hypothesise that god and the devil take a human form - Does this mean Satan is hung like a hoorse (or a ram) while god has a pencil penis?


A good idea perhaps a large tatoo would be a better way to advertise your success though!

Do you really believe there is a hell? U_u

Abril ´04 BP 15.8 x EG 11.4 // Marzo ´06 BP 19.6 x EG 12.5 // Sept ´07 BP 20.3 x EG 13

GOAL: 20x14 - Big enough to make that ass cry for mercy!

Originally Posted by delectric

And do you think there are better ways to spend my time for example I could be fluent in French in a couple of years if I put the same about of time into this as some put into PE.

I guess your options are: have a bigger dick or be a bigger dick. If you learned French that would mean you would talk to Frenchmen!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Concentrate on your PE and forget such non sense!

In a word: Probably.

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