Wish me Luck!
I first heard about PE about 4 years ago. I have tried a few exercises here and there, but hav never seen any results. I think I was doing them all wrong, but now that I saw the videos, hopefully it will get better. Anyways, I have always been very skeptical of PE. Never shure if it really works. My problem is that I am very impatient. We’ve all received those ads that guarantee to give you 3-4” gains within 3 months. So after I saw such miniscule gains, I would get fristrated and quit. Then I saw this site a couple of days ago. I’m excited to try this. Please wish me luck!
I do have a question about measurement though. I curve a little to the left. So this means that if I press the ruler back, I am close to 7” on the right side, but maybe 5.5” on the left. I figure that I should try to just keep it straight and get it in the middle, which comes to about 6” give or take a little. Is this right? Also, is baby oil ok to use when jelquing?
Here are my current stats and goals………..
BPEL- about 6”
EG- about 4.75
BPEL- 7.5”
EG- 5.5”
Do these goals seem pretty reasonable? Well, I am heading into the bathroom now to begin my first session and hopefully I get the technique down right this time. Wish me luck!!!!