Workout upgrade What do you Vets think
This is the old workout guy’s! I have inserted where I have made the changes. I would like to have someone try this workout (both versions possibly) and give input on the intensity and potential for gains. Keep in mind I have been doing P.E. For a while so this I s a very advanced workout.
Warm up:
10 min in a spice bottle filled with hot water (such as a seasoning salt bottle)
(Adjustment:) I now use a heating pad for 20 min instead of the hot water bottle.
Long slong’s: straight out, down, down to the left, down to the right, left to the side , right to the side, straight up, up to the left, up to the right I hold these for 30 seconds each
Bundled: Same positioning and time as with the long slong’s
Aided V and A stretches: at the base and mid shaft; down, up, left, right I also hold these for 30 seconds each position ( including mid shaft)
10 min pump using john’s only pump
20 min at 40% - 60%
Then I break and shake out the tension. Also I twirl my member around at the base 20 revolutions in each direction( I read that this is very helpful in keeping the ligs loose)
10 more min of the same jelqing ( occasionally I gain a full erection and edge during the entire jelq routine, as well as doing the caterpillar squeeze and a few blaster’s)
Clamping: (using standard cable clamp)
(Adjustment:) I am now using a hose clamp instead of the cable clamp
I put the clamp on at about 85% erect level and gain a full erection before clamping the last notch.
I let this sit until I drop to about 60% then I begin jelqing. I continue jelqing mixed with edging and blaster’s and the caterpillar squeeze. This last about 15 min, with the last 4 to 5 min I do bends ( forward, backwards, left and right, 30 seconds each direction, so 2 reps each) Then I remove the clamp, loosen the ligs again and repeat another set of the complete clamping routine.
(Adjustment:) With the hose clamp, I clamp for 20 min each set ( 2 sets) and do bends for 2 min after that ( 30 sec each direction, so 2 reps each)
Warm down:
I always shower to warm down messaging and doing a few ball stretches and messages with the soap.
(Adjustment:) I received some great insight into the cool down from Springer240, and have been doing the cool down ever since and I love it. I do the cool down with ice for 10 min while wearing my Andropenis stretcher.
I perform the complete stretching from the beginning of the workout
(Adjustment:) I have cut these last set of stretches out of my routine due to the cool down.