Originally Posted by john william
I’m wondering if I didn’t make myself clear. By wrapping I don’t mean the sock wrap to warm down as opposed to soaking with a hot rag or in the tub. I mean I get an erection and wrap an ace bandage around the base of my penis tight enough to engorge the shaft and head. Is this considered clamping? I don’t use the plastic clamp but I stay fully erect for ten minutes and my girth temporarily has increased up to 3/8’s more than normal. I do the evening ace bandage thing without warming up.
The term “CLAMPINGmay have originated because guys must have found an easy way to trap blood using the cable clamp. I use a velcro when im clamping. The effect is just the same depending on how tight you tie the ace bandage or the velcro. What you are doing is surely clamping but with an ace bandage.
Originally Posted by john william
I must admit that I’ve always been rough with my penis and I didn’t follow the recommended one day on one day off routine. I started right away with two days on one day off then three days on and one day off. I also have experimented with different ways of jelqing and learned the hard way slow and steady wins the race.
Thats a great lesson to learn.
Originally Posted by john william
Now I do 12 minutes of stretching. Tub soak for ten minutes. 5 more minutes of stretching straight out, left and right, down and up. 5 minutes V-stretch. 12 minutes slow firm jelqs(200) strokes. 5 minutes jelq and hold with one hand pulling my testicles firmly down to keep skin tight. 200 more intense two handed jelq.
200+200+ 5 min jelq & hold = Overworked dick.
Keep it to not more than 200 jelqs in a day.
Originally Posted by john william
Then the ace bandage wrap 10 minutes. 10 minutes hot rice wrap. Then I massage to keep an erection for thirty minutes. Keep in mind the routine I began with was much shorter-20 minutes total PE this is my first week of the full routine I listed. What is your routine like and how long have you been doing it?
Keep the ace bandage wrap for the next day. Maybe you could do 2x10 minutes of ace bandage after a good warmup. the 30 minute erection is akin to ballooning. So it makes sense to jelq, stretch on one day and clamp,Ulis, Ballooning on the other