Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 months, still no sensation


Being in the medical field, I agree with the above opinions about the time it takes for nerve damage to heal. Bottom line is if you disturbed blood supply to nerves it is going to cause damage. The extent of damage depends on the length of time the nerves were without a blood supply. The other way that nerves can be damaged is direct insult as in pressure or laceration. Without indication of severe trauma (as in being hit with a heavy object or cut off) there is a excellent chance that the nerves will heal. Word of caution to all of you penis pullers out there is damage can happen…..go it slow.

Hi Mustbedreaming,

We’ve spoken before. I am going through something similar. It has been one month for me since I lost sensitivity while jelqing fully erect.

I can say that the sensitivity is coming back slowly and I expect it to be fully back after another month…. but I am having problems with the tip being cold every so often, some pain and the fact that I can’t have sex, masterbate or touch it with any pressure.

I tried masterbating twice in one month so far and both times set me back like a week in terms of healing. One time, I became really really hard while watching tv ( I was very horny from not being able to cum ever) and that night I woke up in some pain around my head just from the big pressure my head felt against my jeans while erect??

This will take lots of time and it does SUCK royally!! The best advice I can give you is to do nothing to your penis for another month. Consider it an investment in your penis health and future well being. If your girl wants sex, do everything but use your penis. Do oral, manual, use a dildo all to keep her happy.

I will keep in touch with you and perhaps we can give each other tips.


Yeah, this is the next step is to not have sex for a month. I have the same issue as you, sex or strong erections set me back a week it seems each time. But the soreness at the tip has faded and doesn’t happen with erections any more unless I get 100% hard, lately I’m at 90% which sucks cause thats an extra 1/2” in length and 1/4” in girth I’m not getting. And also from not doing PE I lost gains I didn’t get to cement, it does suck.

Ok, so until the middle of next month no sex, I’ll shoot for it.


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