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3 months, still no sensation


3 months, still no sensation

It’s been 3 months since I got injured. It took over a month for the numbness to go away, another month for erections to get stronger. So 3 months I still have almost no sensation in my dick. I’m having sex with my girlfriend and I am bord!? It doesn’t feel good, I don’t look foward to sex. I take some herbal stuff to get my erections to last longer becuase of the loss of feeling it’s hard to stay hard. I can’t jelq or stretch, I did for over a week and stopped for a few days 2 weeks ago and noticed less sensation and weaker erections again. This really sucks. I told a doctor that my girlfriend and I were messing around and squeezed my dick for too long and the next day I woke up numb. Half truth though, I got numb from days of hanging too tight, someone at MOS told me that was normal and not to worry about it. Now look where I am.

I almost lost my girlfriend last week because I’m never in any mood to have sex and stop having sex with her becuase it doesn’t feel good. I’m seeing a Urologist June 2nd, hopefully theres something her could tell of whats going on. It’s pretty amazing how loosing sensitivity kills your want for sex of love for it, it takes a part of your over all energy away. Most likely I won’t be able to do any stretching for a year, but if I don’t get my feeling back, it’s not worth doing it, I’m not excited about it, I don’t even care about sex anymore, god this is killing my sex drive at the same time.

Is there anything I can do to help get the sensation to come back?

Has anyone been down this road and recovered after months of hardly any sensation?

Even I’ve lost sensetivity and sex drive, and I’m only 22. I think someone recommended kegels would help improve circulation, however, I am still skeptical.

As far as it being a mental thing, maybe exercising and getting in overall shape would be a good start for us.

I feel your pain man. If anyone has any advice for coping with lack of sensation, please help. Resting drives me up a wall and I feel like I should be doing something productive.


I will assume you don’t hang anymore. Talk with the urologist, sounds like some nerve type damage. Sensation should return if you aren’t doing any more PEing at the moment, but please realize it may take awhile.

You may have to come ‘clean’ with the doctor and tell him you are hanging weights off your penis and had the hanger too tight. I know, its a bitter pill to swallow, but if you want the feeling back you may have to. Not all doctors will look at you like you are crazy, and it is important information. You don’t say what kind of hanger you were using at the time, I’m hoping it wasn’t a noose type.

I do hope that you will tell the sorry sob at MOS what his ‘advice’ has done to you. Not to blow our own horn too much here, but the guys at Thunders know better than to tell a guy its ok to lose feeling in your dick.


Are you hanging? If you are losing sensitivity QUIT PEing for awhile. Let it rest. If you continue you can do damage. Please listen, a bigger penis isn’t any good if you can’t use it.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Of course I am not hanging, I did for a total of 2 weeks over 3 month ago. I have tried jelqing and stretching here and there, but find I can’t do it with out loosing sensation again, even after a light work out. I don’t believe I need to tell him that I was hanging. One I never got cold or discoloration or hung to much or too long, it was plain tightening too tight. I am going to tell him all the simptoms and specifics besides hanging. I wish I never hung, I didn’t need too, all from someones bad advice. Be careful people who listen too no matter how popular a PE forum the person is.

Thank god I can get erections and have sex, thats the way Im looking at it. But still, I gotta satisfy my girl.

How exactly were you hanging? Was it with a Bib or a home brew?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

It really doesn’t matter at this point becuase I know what I did and I will never try hanging again. It was the Captain’s Wench, I was hanging 5lbs, it kept pulling my skin and sliding down so I would tighten it really tight so it would stop slipping. Yes I’ve been told it might have had to do with how I was wrapping. Plus my head would always stay engorged. So I did something to my nerve by over tightening. I’ve heard that the nerve heals but takes a long time.

From what I recall, nerve regrowth occurs at the rate of about a millimeter a day, so it can take a while for nerve damage to heal. A couple times I’ve damaged nerves in my foot, and lost all sensation on the side of my toe. Both times, it took about 3-4 months for my toe to feel normal again.

Hey man you should give it some more time. Also get your testosterone levels checked. Good luck. I think I have fully healed but sometimes I feel like I had more sensitivity before.

Originally Posted by pihkal
From what I recall, nerve regrowth occurs at the rate of about a millimeter a day, so it can take a while for nerve damage to heal. A couple times I’ve damaged nerves in my foot, and lost all sensation on the side of my toe. Both times, it took about 3-4 months for my toe to feel normal again.

Jeez what a horror story. I really feel for you MustBeDreaming. I sincerely hope the feeling comes back. 3 months is a long time.

Pinkal, It’s great to be optimistic, but lets be realistic too; the feeling may never come back. We do not know exactly what the damage is/was.

PE can be dangerous when performed in an over-zealous manner. As far as PE is concerned, jelqing and manual stretching are probably the safest exercises. You only have one cock, so be careful !


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Thread Hijack...

Originally Posted by JAPP

Pinkal, It’s great to be optimistic, but lets be realistic too; the feeling may never come back. We do not know exactly what the damage is/was.

PE can be dangerous when performed in an over-zealous manner. As far as PE is concerned, jelqing and manual stretching are probably the safest exercises. You only have one cock, so be careful !

I don’t agree with the blanket statements above. He would have to seriously fuck his shit up for the feeling to never come back.

Second of all, what is your basis for proclaiming jelqing and manual stretching the safest exercises? On the contrary, I disagree for the simple fact that the amount of force you are exerting on your dick can not be measured, quantified or regulated in any way. Therefore, how do you add more tension next time? It’s kind of a crap shoot.

I’ve been overzealous with the hanger and have had a loss of feeling, it took a while but I got it back.

Make sure the top of your hanger is not digging into your shaft below your head. On the BIB, the top bolt was digging into my shaft. That did it for me. Just be careful. Second of all, I doubt this sudden loss if sensation just occurred in a split second. Be honest, did you ignore warning signs? I had warning signs, but I pushed on in pursuit of gains.

On the bright side, it will come back. Do a search on here for nerve damage. It will come back, it just takes a while.

I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden your dick just stopped working…


"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Make sure you tell the urologist enough information about what you really did so he can help you. I wouldn’t worry about what he thinks. They’ve seen it all. Do you really give a shit what he thinks? It’s your dick, not his. You never know how much loss of sensation is nerve damage and how much may be related to something else. I’d be as forthright as I could be.

Hope it works out for you pal.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I never said all of a sudden I lost feeling, it seemed like it though. The last 3 times I hung I got numb, I asked someone who hangs about it and was told that that is normal at first. The next day I did it, OMG, horrible numbness the next day. The hanger never put pressure on my head, made it cold or turned it color. I tightened it too tight 2 inches below my glands using the Captains Wench.

Now I shouldn’t say I lost all sensation, I can feel below my head and the tip more, but it’s not at all like it used too. Secondly if I squeeze my head lightly at the bottom of the glands, there tough tissue that goes down my dick (nerve?), and it’s a light numbing pain only if I squeeze from the side but not the front, I don’t remember this before. No where else on my dick does it feel like this. I will be telling the Urologist about it.

Last edited by MustBeDreaming : 05-19-2004 at .

Nerve damage does take several months to heal. At least you are able to get a hard-on. As far as pleasing your woman, just let her climb on top so she does the work. I know it must be difficult to see sex as a CHORE but this is part of the recovery process. Take the herbal stuff and I’m sure it’s OK with her if you don’t cum every time. She should understand that there’s healing going on and at least you care enough for her to give her the time. Make sure that you do schedule the time for her! You don’t want your relationship with her to be a victim of this injury even if you have to go through the motions. Don’t let this injury leave that kind of damage! Remember you’re not just doing this for her, it’s also for your relationship.

Try looking at this just like any injury with functional impairment that takes several months to heal.

It’s character building time.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 05-19-2004 at .
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