Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

8" BP is average???

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
perhaps the doc was talking about your flaccid girth — 2”…keep it up!

You may be correct.

And, yes keeping it up…that is the actual end goal for us all isn’t it.:)

Keeping it up that is.

Good point about signature stats. I’ve added mine.

Regardless of the “average” statistics, I look too small to me, even with a body fat percentage of around 7%. I keep looking for the “Objects are larger than they appear” explanation on the lens of my eyes.

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

Originally Posted by mravg
You should sue her for malpractice.

Why? It was after all, an itty bitty thing. Especially being turtled into a much bigger fat pad than I have now. She just stated a fact. Besides, when I need test or ancillaries, it’s good to have a friend who’s an MD who is willing to find a legal reason to prescribe them.

Anyway, I think I’ve inadvertently somewhat hijacked this thread…sorry about that. Back to the topic of 8x6=average??

Why? If you were a doctor and a woman came to you for a breast exam and took off her shirt, do you think it would be appropriate for you to say, “huh, I guess I’ve seen worse, a couple of times”? Or would you be a rude ass hole for saying something like that?

A doctor is supposed to look at the human body from a medical point of view. Penis size is no concern for a doctor. She shouldn’t be interested in size any more than she should be checking your ear size if you have an ear ache. Not only that, but she insulted you. If you call a fat girl fat, you insult her. It doesn’t matter if it is true or not.

Horny Bastard


You haven`t hijacked the thread, I wasn’t expecting any bullet proof answers to my question, I was simply a little surprised by the data from the survey and started a thread about it, Just to get a few opinions from others on this subject. You have shared your experience and thoughts. So I would say that you have contributed to the thread, Not hijacked it.

This has almost never been discussed here before :rolleyes: so I thought it was about time :-,

The survey is on the front page of this site, I haven`t read it since I joined here, And had completely forgotten about it, To bad I had to look at it again :)

Originally Posted by kristian69


When you go to thunders, Not the forum but the front page, Where you have to confirm that you are over 18 years old, There is a link to the surveys called “see how you measure up” or something along those lines,

And I must say that I was not pleased by the result :cry:


I found it.

It shows Kinsey data, in table form that the mean is 6.21”x4.85”.

The “definitive penis size survey” which is self reported internet reporting, shows a mean of 6.4 Bone Pressed.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by chobbs
From the site - the QA section has this to say:

I haven’t looked at the study, but I presume that is NBP. So if we use the 1" average fat pad estimate that puts the average around 6".

In any case, 8" ain’t the average. Well, maybe the average measuring the underside of the penis. ;)

- Chris

With Dr. Wessells we can be more accurate than the average 1" fatpad add on. He noted that his participants in general were heavier than usual, and he thought that accounted for a thicker fatpad. Nbp plus fatpad came to 6 3/16".

He also thought there might have been a bit of loss in length from consistent lack of erections.

Last edited by beenthere : 01-03-2007 at .

Here it is:

/kinsey_penis_l … nis_Length_Data

Seems like I may have had a tiny bit too much to drink or something, 22,7% are bigger than 6.5” NBP, And more than 14% are right at 6.5”.

That didn`t work out quite as planned, The link brings me right to the forum?

Does it work for anyone else?

Originally Posted by beenthere
With Wessells we can be more accurate than the average 1” fatpad add on. He noted that his participants in general were heavier than usual, and he thought that accounted for a thicker fatpad. Nbp plus fatpad came to 6 3/16”.

He thought? Sorry I haven’t looked at the study itself, just the site that quoted it, but if I am reading your post correctly, they did not measure the fat pad and were simply guessing? That seems odd to me, but if it is true how do we know how much to add for their average fat pad?

- Chris

Originally Posted by chobbs
He thought? Sorry I haven’t looked at the study itself, just the site that quoted it, but if I am reading your post correctly, they did not measure the fat pad and were simply guessing? That seems odd to me, but if it is true how do we know how much to add for their average fat pad?

- Chris

He measured the fatpads, so we do know that, and he even compared the younger men to the older men in erection length and fatpad thickness. He considered/thought the overall average of the fatpads extra thick because of their overall extra weight.

Originally Posted by beenthere
He measured the fatpads, so we do know that, and he even compared the younger men to the older men in erection length and fatpad thickness. He considered/thought the fatpads extra thick because of their overall extra weight.

I am not completely following what was done. If he measured the fat pads why didn’t they get included for an average BPEL number? I mean we can’t take the average of both the older and the younger guys NBP but add on the older guys fat pad as a standard. What am I missing?

I have googled the study but can only find abstracts. Do you have a link?

- Chris

Could a mod please fix the link in my above post?

I cut and pasted the survey, But the link brings me to the front page in the forum.

spintman provided the link in this thread. Unfortunately the link no longer seems to go to the study. In my first post following his link I estimated it. When I had time I converted the metric and came to a more precise overall average, which I posted in that thread. The older men had thicker fatpads and less nbp, and the younger men had less fadpad and more nbp showing. I do recall that adding the two age groups separately still arrived at the same bpel for each group. Maybe someone can locate the study in detail as provided in sprintman’s link. Any clearer now?

Average size, who are we kidding?


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