Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

8x6 Magic Number

8x6 Magic Number


Like a lot of people here my goal is 8x6. I don’t think I would want to be bigger. True a 10” dick would be great to whip out parties and intimidate the hell out of your friends. But it would probably scare away plenty of ladies too :)

Starting at a little over 7x5.5 if PE works I think my goal is attainable.

I have mentioned before that I am skeptical of this whole PE bandwagon. (Which is why I am keeping meticulous records of my progress) So far after my first week I have definitely noticed an increase in my flaccid length, this could be attributed to swelling in damaged tissue. Time will tell.

Anyway, seeing as so many people here share my goal, and this site has been going for a number of years. Are there any statistics on what proportion of members actually achieve it?


PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg


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