Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A discussion of PE and getting big

A discussion of PE and getting big

Ok, so I’ve really sat down and weighed up PE, and my reasoning behind getting bigger. Just thought it would be interesting to summarise and share. And see what other people think.

Getting bigger discussion:

Does my girlfriend ever wonder what it’s like with a big cock?
I would consider myself not a bad looking lad, in the past I have been with some pretty girls, but over the last year and a half have been in a steady relationship with a very good looking 20 year old girl. I’m the first to admit I’m probably punching above my weight. But still I treat her well an I know she really loves me. But when she’s out she gets a lot of attention and other men talking to her etc. It’s not easy to handle but I have to. But I always think if they are good looking and have the confidence to speak to her do they have big dicks? I wonder if she wonders if they do and what it would be like? Would she love it?

Will my girlfriend eventually want to try a big cock?
So she’s only 20, and I’m her third sexual partner. At a guess I think the lad she lost her virginity to may have had a relatively big dick. He’d shagged about a lot and looked like a bit of a stud. But the fact she has only slept with 3 people makes me think if she’s thinking what it would be like with someone else? She cums regularly when we have sex and loves being fucked. I know she has high morales when it comes to being faithful, but the thoughts still run through my mind. The fact she’s going to university (in the same city, but still) doesn’t help, surrounded by lads her own age (I’m slightly older).

The usual - Porn
No matter how much I promise myself I won’t watch it, I always find myself slipping back in to the routine of watching massive cocks ramming in to tiny 18 year old pussies. It’s soooooo depressing. I can’t get over how easy some of them take it. Would it slip into my girlfriend as easily? I’m aware of the whole camera angles, small girls and short men to create the image of a huge penis. But I’m convinced most pornstars are at the very least 8 inches by 6 inches. Considerably bigger than me.

Every guy I stand next to seems bigger?
I’m not gay but your not telling me you’ve never looked at the guy your pissing next to’s cock. It always looks bigger. I’m aware of the whole perception of looking down at your penis and it appearing smaller than it actually is. But it still doesn’t make it easier.

Uncomfortable in my pants
I know it seems like a minor issue. But my penis doesn’t seem to want to hang, instead, even when really flaccid it kind of pokes out a bit, not laying on my body (if that makes sense). I know it sounds petty, but it’s quite uncomfortable, and I’m convinced if it was longer and thicker it would hang much more comfy. Anyone else find this?

Is PE a good idea discussion:

Some sort of hope to get a least a bit bigger?
Obviously theres no guarantee that theres going to be major increases (but there might) but it’s safe to say if performed with commitment everyone should see some gains, even if there minor. I remember when I first stumbled across Thunders. I had previously paid for a similar routine thing (not in as much detail) given it a couple of months (but not committed) and given up. But to see the proof of it working for so many people really brightened my day. So whats to stop anyone having a go.

The dangers?
Glancing at the injury threads really put the creeps in me. The fact you can cause permanent damage? Is it really worth it. But then I heard about the trolls that may be the source of some of these threads, plus the fact it the chances of such permanent damage are really slim. So I figure as long as I build up gradually and cross my fingers I should be fine

A community, and safety in numbers
Even if I don’t gain from PE it’s nice to know there are plenty of guys out there that think about there penis just as much as I do, and even just reading some of the threads acts as relief from the depression of thinking I’m inadequate. People are in almost identical situations to myself I.e good, solid relationships, good sex but still dying for a bigger cock. I’m not one in a million. So thanks Thunders, I’m going to give it a go. Take it steady and enjoy my time on the forum.

Why do other people feel then need to get bigger? And how do they assess PE?

Open discussion

I WILL Double my Volume! Size Doesn't matter - THIS DOES!

If you remain obsessed with the idea that some other guy is going to take your girl away, whether it be due to his penis size, his looks, his being wealthier, or whatever, it is likely to become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Women tend to tire of men who are always worrying about “loosing them” and dismiss them as “clingy”.

Some guys who have a lot of confidence around women have large penises. Some have small penises. Most are average.

Contrary to what is seen in porn, most women really don’t care to be jackhammered with enormous cocks. Some might be inclined to try a guy much bigger than average out of curiosity, but they wouldn’t necessarily want to face it on a daily basis. In my experience, what the average woman considers an “ideal size” and what the average man considers ideal (especially around here) are two very different things.

PE is time-consuming and there are other things that you might do with that time that could well make you more attractive to women than the size of your cock (which is generally not apparent to them unless you are at a nude beach or orgy) such as working out at the gym, learning a foreign language, learning to play a musical instrument, or some taking up some other artistic endeavor. And no matter how big you get, there are always going to be guys with bigger dicks than you. Millions of them, in fact.

Do you know what makes a guy sexy to a woman? It is a guy who makes her feel pretty, sexy, and good about herself. If you can make her feel sexy, you will be sexy. If you are more focused on your cock than you are on her, you won’t be.

Having said that, if you feel better about yourself, you will also feel sexier. And if you feel sexier and more virile then you are sexier and more virile. The evidence appears clear that PE works to some extent for most guys who make some committment to it and stick with it. I’m convinced that some of the reported injuries are real, but it is hard to get a handle on how frequently they occur and how often they are the result of doing something really stupid.

I would say that if you have the time and privacy requirements, and the motivation, and proceed in a patient and sensible manner not expecting enormous gains quickly there is an excellent chance of getting “at least a bit bigger” with a very small risk of any serious, permanent injury. As for enlargement of flaccid size, this is often the first thing guys notice. If this makes you feel better about yourself, the improvement in self-confidence may well make you more attractive to your girl. But it will probably be the improvement in your self-confidence, not the bigger size of your penis, that will make you more attractive to her.

Last edited by redbear52 : 05-28-2010 at .

I’m a confident individual, with a good career, good education, good background. But I know exactly what your saying about women tiring of the worry of losing them. It’s strange because for so long she has really struggled with trusting me. Partly because of her personality but also probably because in the beginning I portrayed that I did get attention from women. Probably to try and make her think she was on to a good thing because I felt I was punching a little over my weight. But obviously it backfired. Now the roles have reversed. I hate her going out, although I’d never tell her and deep down I trust her. But it’s my own insecurities which may cause me to be a bit off with her, maybe because of a comment she made that I took the wrong way, that was probably not in anyway meant to offend me. Then afterwards I think what a dick I was. I’ll work on it. It’s not as bad as I make out but still a part of my life.

Any other takes on getting bigger and reasons for PE?

I WILL Double my Volume! Size Doesn't matter - THIS DOES!

Unless she watches porn or her girlfriends go on about huge dicks and they loved it ALL the time. She won’t ever get the idea she wants it in her mind.

About your dick pointing out and not hanging, I have the same problem to a degree and I’m generally around 5NBP in flaccid. But I don’t measure flaccid much. I think it’s due to some turkey neck, when it’s a little cold the balls hug up higher which is something for your dick to rest on. If you pull your balls down, like just put a for finger at the base of your dick and push in a bit it should drop more so.

I’m not going to lie to you, you’re a little under average. But I promise you these cocky guys, half of them aren’t anywhere near as big as you’d believe. If you do PE, I don’t think you’ll regret it. The dangers are minimal, take it easy and build PE into your life so it’s not a hastle but a joy and something natural, so you will stay consistent and make gains.

I’m doing PE for confidence because I’m such a shy guy, doing PE makes me feel good about myself, I’m some what of a perfectionist and get all depressed about things I can’t change but this is one thing I can and I will. I’m 20 now and within a few years I can use my hopefully huge dick for a lifetime. In the meantime, I can at least used the gained confidence with this over average hidden weapon in my pants. I’ll just have it there and will know I can at least impress/satisfy a woman that way if nothing else! And I probably did watch to porn to much, I too like you love watching 18 year olds stuffed by huge cocks. I don’t like seeing small dicks in porn so I can’t see why women would want to have one. Of course women are so different to us and not so visual. But I’m building my dick mostly for me! After all I have to live with it all my life.

I PE because having above average sized penis is better than having average sized penis. :)

Originally Posted by 19052010
Audacia? Have you gained with PE yet?

Yep but I started over a year ago, April 09 is when I discovered jelqing. Then Thunders around June 09. I guess I didn’t get really really serious till my join date in August. I measured myself really really well in June. Obviously I had done jelqing and some stretches before which I learnt from other sites. But coming to Thunders I read things how it was important to keep records. So In June I measured exactly 6.5BPEL. Now I’m a bit over 7.5BPEL I also remember measuring my dick before I had even heard of PE and I couldn’t get it passed 6 when bone pressed. So unofficially I’d say I’ve gained more than an inch in length. But officially can’t say for sure. As for girth, I haven’t really focused on that but I’ve gained a little. When I hit over 8NBPEL then I will do girth to keep things in proportion. Oh and in all this time I very rarely missed workout days. I stuck to my routines. It wasn’t easy to gain and I put so much time in.

I’m doing PE because I realized that my dick size is actually an obstacle in my life and has been for years. I’ve always been scared of being known as the skinny dick boy and seeing as my main ‘prey item’ ;) are black chicks, who I assume have seen some pretty big dicks the pressure is even bigger. I want to have the 100% confidence that when I’m interested in a chick I know I can at the bare minimum fill her up good. I don’t have to be her biggest but I really don’t want to be one of the smallest either. I just want the peace of mind.

I do PE because I have a size fetish and a burning desire to have a bigger wang.

I also do it because it is fun and keeps me healthy.

I do NOT do it because I am afraid of guys with bigger dicks somehow getting the drop on me. There are too many fish in the sea to worry about that kind of shit.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Hi 19052010,

Good post and it is a good strating point to look at why you want to do PE.

On the big cock issues, yes with PE I believe EVERYONE who is consistent and dedicated will gain something, however, none of us here are likely to be the biggest guys around. It is important to realise that and set yourself realistic goals and expectations. Gaining an inch is very tough for most and will require blood, sweat and tears over perhaps a year or more.

Commenting on the injury issue, yes they are possible but only if you tend to do something stupid. This may seem like it may never be you, but we can all push a little too hard for gains and make errors, I guess this is true in many areas of life. However, with a sensible approach you shouldn’t have any long term injury problems.

PE with dedication, skill and time will do exactly what it says on the tin, increase the size of your penis. What it won’t do is alter your insecurities.

One final point, the toughness you mention in your hang could be a very good sign. I maintain much of my gains came early because also I didn’t have a decent flaccid hang, in me that was because of tight ligaments I believe which yielded good early gains from stretching them.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

Does my girlfriend ever wonder what it’s like with a big cock?

Will my girlfriend eventually want to try a big cock?
Not if she loves you.

Most pornstars are NOT as big as 8x6

Every guy I stand next to seems bigger?
Stand next to a mirror and look at yourself from the side, I bet you look bigger in the mirror

Uncomfortable in my pants
Probably the result of anxiety, I’m the same, PE will help

Just about every man on the planet feels insecurity about the size of his penis. It’s part of the human condition. Inferiority/superiority complex.

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
I do NOT do it because I am afraid of guys with bigger dicks somehow getting the drop on me. There are too many fish in the sea to worry about that kind of shit.

Some really nice posts. This is the major point which I think every guy doing PE should focus on mentally

I WILL Double my Volume! Size Doesn't matter - THIS DOES!

Originally Posted by Ruz_
PE with dedication, skill and time will do exactly what it says on the tin, increase the size of your penis. What it won’t do is alter your insecurities.

One final point, the toughness you mention in your hang could be a very good sign. I maintain much of my gains came early because also I didn’t have a decent flaccid hang, in me that was because of tight ligaments I believe which yielded good early gains from stretching them.

I’m sure already with the knowledge theres a good chance I can make gains has helped my insecurities. Not diminished them, but certianly helped comfort them. So I would have to disagree with the insecurity statement.

The toughness point is very encouraging. Thankyou. Although I appreciate it’s only a suggestion.

I WILL Double my Volume! Size Doesn't matter - THIS DOES!

Originally Posted by whiskeyfish
I do NOT do it because I am afraid of guys with bigger dicks somehow getting the drop on me. There are too many fish in the sea to worry about that kind of shit.

Originally Posted by 19052010
Some really nice posts. This is the major point which I think every guy doing PE should focus on mentally

You (and your sex life) are more than your penis, or your penis size.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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