I should change my user name to WasteofSpace since that phrase basically sums up the responses to my posts.
At any rate, I never cared either about the size of my dick. Well I mean it wasn’t something I was happy about, but it also wasn’t something I beat myself up over.
I’m stuck at a shorter height than most of you, and that’s one facet of my life I definitely can’t do anything about except wearing big shoes as well as maybe sticking a bunch of shit into my shoes to make me appear a few centimeters taller. Same goes for the length of my fingers, toes, hands, and feet.
I used to think my dick was another part that couldn’t be increased (without painful gruesome looking surgery).
That was until I found out about PE.
When I looked at my cock, I was living with the “this is the hand God dealt me and there’s nothing I can do about it” type philosophy. Now that I know this belief is no longer true, I can grow into something better.
I honestly never cared much about my size before and after finding out about PE as far as what someone else thinks. Truth of the matter is, whenever I was with a chick who was interested in me, the last thing I thought about was whether or not she’d care about how big my dick was, because she didn’t seem to care about how tall I stood as a person. But if there is something I know I am capable of doing that can impress others, I sure as hell am going to do it. If I were paralyzed, it’d be a different story. I am perfectly healthy though, and PE is a gift few people know about. Taking a gift and pissing it away is just a pathetic thing to do.
I won’t ever be able to do anything about how tall I stand, and that’s something I just have to deal with. However, ignorance is definitely not bliss, because I used to suffer from depression in my early high school years and used to assume all sorts of shit about people’s thoughts, and then when I finally found out that it was all in my head, I realized that ignorance is more like a death wish. If you know you can become better, why the hell not try? Yes someone will always be richer and stronger and taller and bigger, but there’s no reason why any of that should stop you from working with what you have.
I’m not really sure what the hell the point I was trying to get across here anymore, but I guess I’m basically hinting at the fact that when you know about something you can do to better your mind, body, and/or life… you DO IT, and be thankful you have the ability to do so. Today you can build your chest, back, forearms, shoulders, arms, stomach, legs, neck…and now your penis too…into something more impressive. How can you possibly regret finding out about any of this? Just doesn’t make sense to me…