Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Female Urologist’s View of Post PE Girth

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
She’s unsure about hanging, but feels certain that clamping is insane. (I showed her a CableClamp.) She also says I have a vein that is very close to thrombosis. }

Does she really think it’s insane or just scary and risky? If you tell me a doctor thinks it’s “insane”, I might just believe her.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
….She feels manual stretching, jelqing and very gentle vacuum pumping is PROBABLY safe. She’s unsure about hanging, but feels certain that clamping is insane. (I showed her a CableClamp.) She also says I have a vein that is very close to thrombosis. }

Curiously enough, her thoughts on these various PE tools closely mirrors my own. I do think that jelqs & stretching carry only minimal risk. Pumping is probably next in order of safety - if you’re careful not to use too much vacuum or stay in the tube for too long. Hanging makes me a little nervous. I’ve tried it in the past, but could never get it right (don’t know if its because my penis has a conical shape, etc.) - but it always hurt me, unless it was so loose that it slipped; and my glans always got cold. And I think she’s right about clamping - its almost a sure ticket to thrombosis (with the exception of a clamp that is not too severe - and is fitted more like a cock ring).

Anyway, cool story BG. I wonder if the good doc really did lurk here, or she was just humoring you. I also wonder if she meets a man she’s interested in, but finds out he doesn’t quite measure up, would she send him here? LOL

One more point, BG….professional smofessional….she’s a woman also. And I wouldn’t doubt that maybe a few of her squeezes, fondles, etc. were purely gratuitous. I also wouldn’t doubt that she wondered - at least for a few moments - what it would be like to have that fat bastard inside of her.

Good story to tell. I just wished I had a urologist like her.

Same here fiero19 :)

Holly shith

Man, talk about irony. I was just browsing Supersizit’s foot fetish thread and one of the girls in that thread looks exactly like my doctor only a little younger. It’s the face, the face looks like her, same eyes, same nose, same lips. Even the same hair, only doc always has hers pulled back in one of those French braids and her tits are not as big. Doc has nice legs, too. I’ve never seen her feet though.

Man, I’m sitting here in the middle of my Clampathon and I see this shit:


It helps a little to stay hard in the clamp fantasizing that it’s her, but then I see her holding the clamp I just gave her, looking at me over the top of her glasses shaking her head from side to side telling me that clamping is insane, and I lose my erection.

Wad. She may be right. This might very well BE insane.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

In the postcoital glow tonight, I mentioned to the wife that I needed to find a female Urologist. It went over like the proverbial fart in church.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.


Oh, shit. It just dawned on me that I have attached a link to a naked girl pic to a thread in Main. I think this may be a violation of Forum Guidelines and the edit button has expired. Mods to the rescue, please. Man that photo really threw me.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Originally Posted by Eroset
In the postcoital glow tonight, I mentioned to the wife that I needed to find a female Urologist. It went over like the proverbial fart in church.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

If your Doctor looks anything like that picture I want her number.

For medical reasons only, of course.

You do all the different PE right? Do you have your routine down somewhere? I can’t remember.

What would you say has been your mainstay and what have you got the best results from? Also, if remember right you don’t take any days off? Give me a summarized re-cap if you would be so kind.

Comedy only goes so far.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
If your Doctor looks anything like that picture I want her number.

For medical reasons only, of course.

Yeah, I just found myself wondering how it would go over with the wife if I mentioned wanting to move to Las Colinas. :D Ummm… wow.

Seriously Girtha, I’ve had two female doctors in my life. One was my Adolescent Specialist, and I don’t think I would have made it through puberty without her. I got used to having a female doctor check out the private parts at a pretty young age… thank god she didn’t look like yours, or at age 15 I just wouldn’t have been able to handle it. ;)

With both of them I had more trust and more rapport than with any male doctors I’ve ever seen. Even now, the only doctor I trust is the doctor that my son and wife see, she’s a Pediatrician / OB and as such won’t officially take patients like me. When I really need a doctor, I usually piggy-back on an appointment with my son or my wife, she gets a big kick out of it, but knows that if she doesn’t help me, I just won’t get help at all, so will see me or give me a script if I need one. She’s excellent, and with the very complicated medical shit both my son and my wife have had to go through, I’ve seen first hand her competence and compassion, I trust her like nobody else. I just wish she would actually be my ‘real’ doctor.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Last edited by Eroset : 07-10-2005 at .


We don’t need no stinking routine, Just do EVERYTHING. Hello, Mr. Happy. I’m not sure where my routine is either. All over the place I think. But it is easy to sum up. Basically I do everything and do it with great gusto, much more gusto than is probably safe, and I PE 24-7. I’ve taken five days off in two years. I think most of my gains have come from These monster Clampathons that I would recommend to no one, and to wearing the lead rings continously. But most of all I feel certain all my flaccid gains come from my motto NEVER LET IT TURTLE. Use the method of your choice, just do whatever you have to do to keep that little sucker outside the body.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks, T.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Wad. She may be right. This might very well BE insane.

Hey, as in most things, we must do a cost-benefit analysis. Your girth gains speak for themself; and if all you’ve suffered so far, after all this crazy shit, is that you have a vein that’s beginning to be thrombosed, you’ve been pretty lucky.

In the past, I’ve done some very mild clamping - just to keep up engorgement for a while after a session. There was no pain or discomfort, it was even mildly pleasurable. The problem is, guys take it overboard: clamping up near the glans, multiple clamps, guys even doing PE while clamped - even hanging while clamped. That shit is absolutely insane.

And while I’ve never had a problem with girth (at my smallest ever I was 5.2 midshaft & about 5.6, 5.7 base), I wouldn’t take similar risks if clamping could be adapted for length gains - which I really am after.

Once, after only a few months into PE, I bought into the “shocking session” bullshit, and I did a crazy number of very strong jelqs. I stopped the session immediately when I noticed a swelling the size of a jelly bean on the left side of my shaft, just below the glans. It scared the shit out of me. I never knew what it was. If it was fluid, it wasn’t a donut because it was just on the left side. It wasn’t hard, and it went away with a day or so, so it wasn’t a thrombosis. Whatever it was, it taught me a lesson. I remember thinking, “Oh shit! What did I do?”

I’m very careful now. Sure, another inch of EL would be great, and I wouldn’t mind recovering some lost EG - especially since the Mrs. and I are history. But I don’t ever want to say again, “Oh shit! What did I do?”

I’m very careful now. Sure, another inch of EL would be great, and I wouldn’t mind recovering some lost EG - especially since the Mrs. and I are history. But I don’t ever want to say again, “Oh shit! What did I do?”

Sounds like me right now wadzilla. I am actually trying some new techniques that seem to be working great for me, but since I am trying new shit, I did some research on the anatomy of the penis and scrotum because I need to know what the fuck I’m exactly doing so I don’t hurt myself. This is why I alwasy think to myself that people who PE are not crazy but they sure do have guts. If done not to the extreme and with intelligence I think PE can be a nice safe activity to enlarge a penis. All this is exactly why even with my amazing quick gains so far I cannot and will not right a article on exactly what I did to achieve my gains. Everyone is different, everyone has to use different techniuqes etc for PE. I can help people out like this, through posts but I am not going to recommend any of this new shit I’m trying until I live for a couple years and everything pans out good (I might give out some knowledge though). I believe everything will be fine because I do PE intelligently, so we’ll see what happens for me. PE time!

PE actually gives me a great sence of pride and accomplishment since I know every other man out there (even with big dicks already) wants to know our little secret. I actually am starting to feel more confident as a person and more happy with who I am because of what I have been through with my PE and what it took from me to get here without hurting myself. :)


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