Thunder's Place

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A Female Urologist’s View of Post PE Girth


The swelling you noticed is what I’m trying to get on every clamping sessions. It seems like the only indicator of a good workout. The size of a jelly bean seems horribly huge to me though.

It always goes away after a couple of hours. I guess the ¨Oh shit! What did do?¨ was appropriate in your case :p

To this day I still say, “Its amazing that this shit works.”

All of our lives we’ve heard the patronizing b.s. that “size doesn’t matter,” and we’ve been fed & digested the b.s. that “you cannot an enlarge a penis, except with dangerous surgery.”

And here we are - a bunch of jackasses grinning about our bigger dicks.

It is amazing, isn’t it?

Hahahaha wad i had an almost identital incident with the strange growth on the penis. I just find it funny cause you sounded exactly like me with the thinking, and how it happened.

I love it Wadzilla, this is something special. :) We should all be a little happier in life because of this, that is if we don’t injure ourselves which in my case I don’t think will happen. I’ll remain positive but realistic. :)

That was a great read, really inspiring too and you are lucky to have such a urologist. Keep up the good work. ;)

Way to go BG….Nice, real Nice.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Curiously enough, her thoughts on these various PE tools closely mirrors my own. I do think that jelqs & stretching carry only minimal risk. Pumping is probably next in order of safety - if you’re careful not to use too much vacuum or stay in the tube for too long. Hanging makes me a little nervous. I’ve tried it in the past, but could never get it right (don’t know if its because my penis has a conical shape, etc.) - but it always hurt me, unless it was so loose that it slipped; and my glans always got cold. And I think she’s right about clamping - its almost a sure ticket to thrombosis (with the exception of a clamp that is not too severe - and is fitted more like a cock ring).

Wad I feel the same way regarding these exercises. I think you gotta be brave to hang and clamp.

BG, if only all the female doc’s looked like the one in that post. I’de become a hypercondriac. (spelling).

Hi guys,

I don’t post here that often, so for those who don’t know me I’ll make a short introduction. I’ve been PEing seriously for a bit less than 2 years. I’ve known about PE for about 5 years, but didn’t do much for the first 3 because all I knew was jelqing and stretching, and I wasn’t making any gains so I decided it didn’t work. I found T’s Place and that’s when my PE began in earnest. I’ve since started posting at MOS, and am now much more active there than here, but I do frequent the site from time to time because I consider this to be my original PE “home,” and the place I learned most of what I know about PE.

I’ve been reading T’s more often recently, although not posting, and this is a very cool thread. Some of the other threads on clamping (remek’s article and Big Girtha’s large thread) are fantastic. I’ve been doing various forms of clamping off and on for quite some time now, and it’s my favorite type of PE. I haven’t done any length work in months, maybe even a year. But I should address this statement:

Originally Posted by wadzilla
In the past, I’ve done some very mild clamping - just to keep up engorgement for a while after a session. There was no pain or discomfort, it was even mildly pleasurable. The problem is, guys take it overboard: clamping up near the glans, multiple clamps, guys even doing PE while clamped - even hanging while clamped. That shit is absolutely insane.

Some of that stuff is insane, yes. I would never hang while clamped, but I wonder who is actually doing that. Clamping near the glans is something I never tried until yesterday when I ran across the idea of a “head cockring.” I didn’t like it. Obviously it isn’t the same as putting a cable clamp near the glans, but I could see how it could be dangerous. Using multiple clamps doesn’t even make sense to me.

However, I don’t see how doing PE while clamped is that insane. Maybe to someone with little PE experience, but if you do it right there isn’t much risk. Of course, you should start off by just clamping for short sessions, but eventually you can start to ease into using certain girth exercises while clamped. I do horse440s, ulis, erect bends, isolated compression squeezes and SWM’s “neckbreakers,” all while clamped/in a tight cockring. I’ve worked up to this level of “insanity” over the course of a little more than a year. I’m very bad about not sticking to a routine, so that year has been littered by a few breaks of maybe 2 months at a time. But still, in that time of inconsistent PE, I’ve gained .5” EG. My girth sessions for the most part were just whenever I felt like doing them, so sometimes I had 5 sessions a week and sometimes only 2. My sessions last anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 full hour. I haven’t had any thrombosis, erection difficulties, or any other problems since starting this.

I think this kind of girth work, approached with a level head and plenty of patience, can be very effective. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the novel. :D

My signature is cooler than yours.

Originally Posted by 9cyclops9
….in that time of inconsistent PE, I’ve gained .5” EG. My girth sessions for the most part were just whenever I felt like doing them, so sometimes I had 5 sessions a week and sometimes only 2. My sessions last anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 full hour. I haven’t had any thrombosis, erection difficulties, or any other problems since starting this.

I think this kind of girth work, approached with a level head and plenty of patience, can be very effective. Any thoughts?

Just the act of placing a tight clamp on the penis for an extended period of time really leads to an enormous & sustained pressure buildup. The tissues & vasculature of the penis were simply not designed for this. To further ramp up the pressure with bends, manual squeezes, etc., is literally asking for trouble. I don’t think its any more complicated than that.

So you haven’t incurred any injuries or erectile problems yet? That in no way validates the safety of this type of PE. The fact is that a number of guys at this forum have been reporting injuries from this type of PE for as long as I’ve been a member here; UlcasterDropout is only the most recent casualty.

I’m also wondering how permanent your gains have been from this type of PE. I know you’ve mentioned your inconsistent workouts, but how long have you gone without PE, and did you keep your 1/2” girth gain? I’ve just come off a 7-month break, cold turkey. My PE was standard, manual. After 7 months, I lost only 15% of my EL gains & 17% of my EG gains. Not too bad.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Just the act of placing a tight clamp on the penis for an extended period of time really leads to an enormous & sustained pressure buildup. The tissues & vasculature of the penis were simply not designed for this. To further ramp up the pressure with bends, manual squeezes, etc., is literally asking for trouble. I don’t think its any more complicated than that.

Well, I can see where you’re coming from. It is certainly not a technique to be experimented with lightly. I’ve slowly built up a tolerance for this type of PE over a very long period, and though I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to anyone, if someone wanted to try it I would tell them to build up to this point as slowly as possible. The only people I can think of off the top of my head that have consistently done this type of girth work are SWM, REDZULU2003, and I believe philadelph used to. These are all vets with a very long history in PE, and people who really know what they’re doing. For anyone else to try this would definitely be asking for it.

So you haven’t incurred any injuries or erectile problems yet? That in no way validates the safety of this type of PE. The fact is that a number of guys at this forum have been reporting injuries from this type of PE for as long as I’ve been a member here; UlcasterDropout is only the most recent casualty.

No, it doesn’t validate anything, it’s only my experience. But I believe that many people jump into this type of exercise way too soon. Before I ever even tried a clamp, I had a lot of experience with jelqing, and several months of more advanced girth work such as ulis and horse440s, etc. My first clamping sessions lasted no more than 10 minutes, and no squeezes or anything, and over time I built up to this level.

I’m also wondering how permanent your gains have been from this type of PE. I know you’ve mentioned your inconsistent workouts, but how long have you gone without PE, and did you keep your 1/2” girth gain? I’ve just come off a 7-month break, cold turkey. My PE was standard, manual. After 7 months, I lost only 15% of my EL gains & 17% of my EG gains. Not too bad.

In the last week, I’ve come off of a 2 month break, also cold turkey, and I lost perhaps 1/16” EG in that time. Not too bad in either case.

Again, I don’t think that the way I do my girth work should be done by anyone else. This is something I’ve found that works for me and only a few others. But done correctly, I believe it can be safe.

My signature is cooler than yours.

I wonder if she knows the average nbp length/girth, and the top and bottom 25th, 20th, 10th, 5th, and 2nd percentile?


good read. What else do you do besides clamping for girth gains? What exercises do you do for length gains? thanks much!

For those of you following this saga, I’ve continued it on another thread. Perhaps the two threads should be merged, I’ll leave that up to the powers that be. Meanwhile the follow up exam story continues here:

Okay, Clampers. Listen up: Do as I say, not as I do.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big Girtha's Picture of Beautiful Woman

Darlin’, now How did you get my picture? You naughty boy! Caught me “exercising”, didn’t you?


This thread is gold.


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