Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A girl's opinion on size


A girl's opinion on size

Well some time ago I was talking to one of my friends and some way or another the topic came to dick size. Well I’m pretty good at talking to people and I know how to get information out of them. So I played it cool and didn’t really show how much I knew about the topic (thanks to these forums :chuckle: ).

Well my question first was about what size she considers to be ideal. She seemed hesitant at first but then answered, and I quote “about 6,7, or 8, that seems to be a good average size.” Well my first thought was how can a range so wide as that be considered the average, it’s more like the range that contains 80% of the men out there. Well anyways I then asked her what she considered big, and she said “anything above 8 is big, anything above 9 is huge, and 10 or above is too much.” This surprised me somewhat, but only because this girl is pretty petite and thin so the idea in my head of her being able to take in 9” and not thinking its too big seemed pretty crazy. So then I thought this girl must’ve had some pretty big cocks in her past to be able to say this, so I asked her what the biggest she’s ever had was. To this she said that the biggest she’s had is 7”. Now I don’t really understand how a girl who’s only had 7” can claim that she will be able to handle 9+” without thinking it’s “too big.”

All this talk of course led her to start asking about my own size. My usual policy with girls who ask (and for some reason a lot do) is that if they really want to find out they can check for themselves. All I gave her was that “I’m bigger than that size” to which she seemed to get very excited about. I haven’t brought up the matter again with her even though I’ve wanted to so that I don’t seem insecure or anything. Hopefully by the time I can get this girl I’ll be a little above 8” so we can find out what she really can take. My instinct is telling me she either doesn’t know the true size of the numbers she’s quoting, or she was simply told by someone that a smaller penis was 7” so that she thinks she can handle a 9 incher. Oh and by the way, this girl doesn’t get around that much, I’m pretty sure she’s had very few partners (or else she must’ve been cheating on her bf like crazy).

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

From the conversation you said you had with her she really didn’t say she could take 9. She said that 9 was huge to her and 10 was too much.

If she said she has had a 7 before she is probably gauging that number on what she was told by the guy. If he had told her he was 6 or 8 she probably would have taken his word for it also.

Unless she is really good at eying measurements or had a ruler handy to be sure she’s not going to know the difference in a couple of inches one way or the other.

The reason a lot of women even guesstimate is because men ask them about what size they like. Also men usually announce their size so if a woman thinks a 7 is a 9 thats because somebody claimed to be that. No we don’t have measuring down to a science just eying it. Even so we still get asked what size is the best.

Good luck in your quest though

My girlfriend can’t handle me without alot of lub, so but careful what you wish for, plus on that note, unless you find a pornstar, you have zero chance of experiencing anal sex when you do PE.

But in saying that, there is alot more to big penises than just sex. Size looks incredible, I go to the swimming pool just to change in front of men and gloat.

It is enough to feel Alpha male all day when you see the tears in their eyes.

having a big dick is like have a secret confident friend, nobody can disturb your zone when you know what you got packed away. My boss used to look down on me until he caught a look at it in the toilets. Soon the office heard about the new guy and the girls…SWEET

DW I completely agree with you. I think in my post I came off as accusing her of being dishonest with me and that really wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to share what I heard and how it confused me a little.

Also, although I didn’t mention it earlier I did ask small little questions about preference. What she said was 6,7,and 8 are good sizes but she would also be fine with something up to about a little above 9. When she said this was “huge” I asked if this meant that she would consider it painful and not pleasurable and she said no, but anything above 10 she wouldn’t consider because of that.

I just think that she may have a skewed perception of size because of what her previous partners have told her. I mean I do think its possible that this girl could handle 9+” but just given how she’s talked about it, and how she has no experience with that I think what she “thinks” is 9” might actually be in the 7-8” range.

Even so, like I said I’m not accusing her of anything. I think she’s a great girl and no matter what she would have said to me I still think she’s amazing.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

I think alot of womens perception of penis size is, maybe, related to the dildos they have used. They purchase a 7” dildo and realize that taking it is relatively easy, but they don’t consider the fact that they are only inserting maybe 5-5 1/2” of useable lenght. The 7” dildo measures seven inches from stem to stern. When inserted, the last few inches don’t get used.

hyyprr I don’t think you were accusing her of anything. Basically jackleg is right on in his thoughts on how women determine size. Dildo’s and just taking the guys word for it. Thats what I was also relating in my post.

All of you are correct about women not knowing sizes accurately. I have yet to get out a ruler to determine the exact size of any man. I never even measured a dildo either to see if it actually was a certain length. I just figured it was whatever size the box said it was. If a guy tells me he’s 7 or 8 then thats what I believed from then on.

Unless your just obviously exaggerating you could tell her your almost any size and she would never doubt you. Women usually are not going to be concerned with the specifics of size like men are.

Men want to know what size we like best. So you will often get an answer like hyyprr’s gal gave. She probably won’t answer your question with an exact size she prefers. More likely will give you a range of anywhere from 6 to 10.

What always gets me, is just about now matter how many girls I have talked to about sexual experiences, and more accurately, penis sizes of past lovers, they always claim that there was this huge 11 incher, and as big around as a soup can! Well, I think that they we’re just used to an average size, and maybe had a 8 or 9 incher and just exaggerates cause of lack of accurate eyeing ability.

It hasn’t been my experience for women to state a number when talking to them personally. They said the words smaller, about the same, bigger. I only had one say a number and that was because he measured in front of her. He was “8 1/2 inches and some thicker” (I don’t know if it was bp or nbp). He hurt her badly during sex and she was very loud with him, while my size of 6 1/4 bp x 4 3/4g (base) caused no sound and pain in her at all. So I have trouble with the thought that women can’t tell the difference in sizes during intercourse. I think women can tell from sight and feeling during sex if someone is smaller or bigger or similiar to what they have been encountering. I do agree that women in general are not good with numbers, but their abilty to compare is outstanding I think. For a guy to lie and tell a woman he’s 8” L when he’s really 7” L might trick her on the number, but she will still know he isn’t as long, is close to same, or is longer than other men she’s been with.

Originally Posted by hyyprr
Well some time ago I was talking to one of my friends and some way or another the topic came to dick size. Well I’m pretty good at talking to people and I know how to get information out of them. So I played it cool and didn’t really show how much I knew about the topic (thanks to these forums :chuckle: ).

It could be she knows a lot from the internet also. You’re only an 1/8” away from 8, so you could go ahead and get her impression.

Originally Posted by beenthere
It could be she knows a lot from the internet also. You’re only an 1/8” away from 8, so you could go ahead and get her impression.

If her last or still boyfriend is 7 she claims and hyyprr is basically 8 that is an inch difference. I’m sure that she will be pleased with the extra inch but to what extent?

See I think you guys are setting yourself up for a fall. If women don’t measure you and they didn’t on the last guy either it’s going to be awfully hard to recognize and inch of difference.

Your gains are important but your never going to be happy with her answer to the size question. Mainly because your discussing exact measured size with someone that will be guesstimating what that size is.

Originally Posted by DiamondWinds
If her last or still boyfriend is 7 she claims and hyyprr is basically 8 that is an inch difference. I’m sure that she will be pleased with the extra inch but to what extent?


It’s unclear anyway as to how the number 7 was arrived at. Did he say his size and did he tack on some; was a measurement done in front of her and was it done properly on top; is this nbp or bp she is talking about? Without more info, a comparison to hyyprr would have to be based on visual, but the result still might help know how accurate her knowledge of “7” is, or if it was just a guesstimate (which of course you’re right Diamond, they are often just guesses) that may be way off. More information from her is needed at this point hyyprr, as to how she determined “7” as her longest.

DW I sense that you feel women are not nearly as concerned with size as men are.

Originally Posted by Kawaihae
DW I sense that you feel women are not nearly as concerned with size as men are.

Kawaihae of course size matters to women. Usually though it’s not a big problem we run into very much. It’s not like there are 1000 sizes to choose from. There is not that much of a difference in size variation from one man to the next.

From 6 to7 to 8 is a whole 1 inch to 2 inch difference. How much better can an inch possibly feel?
Well I guess it feels about an inch better. Not all the difference in the world

How many women do you know that are like………

“OK buddy I only like 8 inch cocks. Sorry but you are 1/2 of an inch off. How can I tell just by looking you say? I have trained my vision as to be able to spot a perfect 8. I can tell even when your flaccid if you will reach exactly 8 inches when hard.”

Actually we have no idea what-so-ever the difference in 7 or 8 inches just guesstimating. If we were not pressed to pick a fave between 7 or 8 inches it wouldn’t matter at all. ;)

I agree that a girl may not notice a difference of 1” length, but I think a 6” compared to an 8” is alot of difference. Or a 5” to a 7”, again, a world of difference.

Girth I think makes a huge difference, and even a +/- 1/2” will be noticed. I was always over 5” girth, and every girl I’ve been with has been quite vocal, I thought this to be more just them doing this to turn me on, but now that I’m closer to 5.5” girth they are getting even louder. Some girls are a tight sqeeze and the look on their face when I enter them is priceless.
I can’t wait to be 6”+ girth! >:-) (Bring on the lube, I’m gonna need it!)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

My two cents. Since I’ve been clamping for the past 3-4 weeks the wife noticed a difference. Last night during sex she said, “I feel stuffed”. I let out a small yeah right chuckle and she said, “No really. I feel stuffed”. I told her, “Well you are”. (Knowing that I’ve been clamping like a madman.) She then asked, “Have you been hanging again?” HaHaHaHaHa!!!(in my head) I’m normally 4.75” around, but have managed to at least temporarily surpass that with a quarter to a half inch increase. I haven’t measured, but it’s a noticeable change whatever it is. I’m going to wait for a couple of months before a take an official measurement. She also said, ” It feels like you’re hitting my cervix.” ” I know you’re hitting my cervix.” I don’t fully understand that comment because I almost always hit her cervix. She said, “I don’t normally have this much trouble especially when using lube.” (KY). Buy a clamp guys. Oh yeah and some porn and L Arginine. Also vitamin E lotion. And cooking oil, warmed in the microwave of course. :) Almost forgot. My flaccid stretch is now at 7.25”BP. I did measure that. More is better. Especially when she says, “I’m stuffed”. Read below.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

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