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A good cock ring!

A good cock ring!

any of you guys know where i can get a real good cock ring to ware after my sqeezes and jelqs


What’s your goal in wearing a ring?

If you want to hold a major percentage of your erection for a time after your workout, use a flexible poly ring on your cock shaft only. But keep in mind that these shouldn’t be worn for more than about a half hour at a time to assure good blood circulation.

If you just want to stay somewhat engorged and hang heavier, try a cock and ball ring or adjustable strap. The advantage of the strap is that you do continue to have adequate circulation for healing, they’re comfortable and can be worn for hours - unless you adjust them to a strangle-hold.



im looking for 1 to make a uli affect after a work out to keep it pumped


Cock RIng for Uli Effect

A8 and J4L, what about a leather ring, the type with a section in the middle without any studs, pulled tight around the dick at the back of the balls??

I have seen this done , and the results of it are one of the most impressively thick dicks I have ever seen…….(It’s about 71/2, cos it’s just a bit shorther than mine, by 7 around, he tells me.)

I didn’t ask how many years of effort it took, but judging by the stretch marks on the leather, quite a while.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


how in the world do you have sex with a 7.5 around penis?and how big is your girth?

im not in any way trying to say anything bad about

homosexuallys by asking this just was woundering.


I thought this was a good place to put my cock ring horror story

My buddy wore a cock ring back in high school. And he lawys tells me how he went to take a piss and pissed out a fu——- vein!!..Ouch!! He said it didn’t hurt but it freaked him out that a huge blue vein came out. AFter that, he said he was pissing blood for a while, then he went to the doc.

I assume he wore the thing for too long. That story gives me shiveres thinking about it….

Perhaps more experinced cock ring users like P9 could share with us the methodology and techniques behind the cock ring as it does seem useful for the uli effect.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Extreme Girth

As I have said elsewhere, using a cock ring like this is not in my current repetoire. I’m hanging weights (none too sucessfully), but if I decide to give up on working for length, I will consider this as part of my “all day strategy” .ie Extended periods of cock ring induced ULI effect.

However, THIS FRIEND of mine has the 7 inch ‘round dick, which he attributes to the (my words) moderately extreme use of the leather strap ring and I can assure you that it’s diffcult for oral, and I wasn’t trying it anywhere else.

My own is about 5.5 in the middle and 6 at the base , by 8 nbp. 9 bp length. hightly suckable, and it goes right around the corner, so I’m told.

I’m not recommending that anyone go to these extremes of size, just saying that if you want more girht, then here’s a way to get it.

Like any other technique, damage is possible—- I can’t imagine pissing out a vein , but anything’s possible.

I do use cock rings for sex though, usually solid metal ones but not so tight as to blow it up all that big. just as an erection enhancing and body decoration device.

I have had some of my own design cast in solid silver, and am moving towards selling them.

Guys— just buy some leather or plastic — rubber etc cock rings and experiment—- AS long as you go by how it’s feeling and looking, and let the pressure off every 15 mins, you can’t really go wrong.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

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