Thunder's Place

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How Much Extra Girth Does a Cock Ring Give You?

How Much Extra Girth Does a Cock Ring Give You?

Ok so for the past while I’ve been taking my girth measurements either with a cock ring on, or by clamping down light on the top and bottom of the base of my cock.

Why? Because like a lot of other people here I get virtually no blood filling my CS or glans. I’m not sure when this started, but I know it was a long time ago. I’m quite sure that when I was 18 or so I would get CS and head fillage. Maybe I’m just older and not getting as hard/horny as I used to, or maybe I’ve damaged something (and have a “leaky” valve that I’ve read about on here).

A cock ring fixes this perfectly. With a cock ring on I get very veiny, completely full CS and glas. I basically always wear the cock ring for sex, which can be annoying as some women ask why I’m wearing a cock ring, lol… and I don’t like to put it on in front of them, so I do it beforehand.

I probably get 0.2 - 0.25” increase in girth with the ring, which is VERY significant… just feels WAY bigger with the ring on. I’m assuming this is far above average as it’s adding my whole CS to the measurement, and for most guys the CS would already be full.

So am I tricking myself into thinking I’m bigger than I am, or do most guys get as much as an increase in girth as I do with a ring on?

I dream of getting whatever this problem is fixed some day. I plan on visiting a urologist once I’ve hit my goals.

What kind of cock ring do you use ?

Um I don’t know… standard. It’s just a stretchy rubber ring.

I’m with you on that one dude.

Yeah I get around 0.125” to 0.25” extra girth and 0.25”-0.5” extra length (from glans increase) when I use a cock ring or loop. Glans becomes more full and I’m a lot more sensitive.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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