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Cock ring, Am I really that big

Cock ring, Am I really that big

To tell the truth I’m NOT big or anything, but the measurement tells me my size is like freaking 2 1/4 in diameter?

^ That’s like L-XL in the cock ring sizes?

So I just wanted to clear this up and get the right size.

The circumference of my base unit including my balls (because that’s how they said to measure it) is 7-7 1/2 inches. They tell you to dived that by pie (3.14) and that your size. Then there’s a comparison chart to diameter size.

I’m confused because I only want the cock ring to be placed on my penis rather then penis and balls.

My base girth is only 5 inches.

Conversion Table
Circumference Diameter (ring size)
5.5 - 1 1/4”
5.89- 1 7/8”
6.28- 2”
6.67- 2 1/8”

^ I got that from which tells you how to measure.

To the experienced cock ring lovers.. Did I measure right?

Start 2/10/08 (BPEL 6") (EG 5.5") (BPFL 4)

Goal (BPEL 8 1/2") (EG 6.5") (BPFL 7) (FG ?")

In my experience, the best place to wear a cock ring is behind the balls.


You could try a sex shop that has a fitting room? :P

I also found cock rings behind the balls work better, there is a bit more give for rings that aren’t perfectly sized. If you have one on your cock that is a little big, it will slip off. If it’s too small, it can cause discomfort.
Behind the balls it won’t slip, but you might have a bit of a harder time getting it on and off.

When you measure your size, do you measure to the point where the string meets. Or to when you feel it’s snuggled?

(Said to use string to measure your circumference

Start 2/10/08 (BPEL 6") (EG 5.5") (BPFL 4)

Goal (BPEL 8 1/2") (EG 6.5") (BPFL 7) (FG ?")

Gearessentials rings are designed to be worn behind the balls. They are too heavy just to wear on your shaft, unless you put some wrap above them to stop them falling off, but not heavy enough to act as a PE weight. If you want a penis weight, go with golf swing weights or Monty’s PE weights.

If you do want to wear a Gearessentials ring behind the balls, the best way to measure is with a strip of paper about a quarter of an inch wide. Wrap it around behind the balls and pull it snug, to the point where you feel the constriction could just start to give you an erection. Because it’s paper, if you pull it too tight, it will probably snap (good safety measure!). Thin string is not good for measuring.

Mark the point where the paper overlaps, then lay it alongside your ruler and divide by Pi. It’s much easier to so this in cm rather than inches.

Repeat this several times in a row; your idea of what is ‘snug’ may change with each measurement. Do it over a few days, so that you get a good average measurement. A ring that is too snug is uncomfortable after a while, and very difficult to get on and off. One that is too loose just won’t work.

Also check out some of the posts linked at the bottom of this page.

Happy measuring! :)

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Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


Start 2/10/08 (BPEL 6") (EG 5.5") (BPFL 4)

Goal (BPEL 8 1/2") (EG 6.5") (BPFL 7) (FG ?")

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