Cock ring, Am I really that big
To tell the truth I’m NOT big or anything, but the measurement tells me my size is like freaking 2 1/4 in diameter?
^ That’s like L-XL in the cock ring sizes?
So I just wanted to clear this up and get the right size.
The circumference of my base unit including my balls (because that’s how they said to measure it) is 7-7 1/2 inches. They tell you to dived that by pie (3.14) and that your size. Then there’s a comparison chart to diameter size.
I’m confused because I only want the cock ring to be placed on my penis rather then penis and balls.
My base girth is only 5 inches.
Conversion Table
Circumference Diameter (ring size)
5.5 - 1 1/4”
5.89- 1 7/8”
6.28- 2”
6.67- 2 1/8”
^ I got that from which tells you how to measure.
To the experienced cock ring lovers.. Did I measure right?
Start 2/10/08 (BPEL 6") (EG 5.5") (BPFL 4)
Goal (BPEL 8 1/2") (EG 6.5") (BPFL 7) (FG ?")