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A major function of the P.C. muscle


A major function of the P.C. muscle

When you contract your p.c. muscle you can feel an increase in the size of your penis. The explanation for this is that the veins leaving the penis pass BENEATH the pubic ramus ( through the holes in the pubic bones), but OVER a part of the p.c. muscle.(so that the muscle is like a sling under the vein).Thus , when the p.c. muscle is contracted,the veins are clamped against the pubic bone thereby stopping venous flow from the penis and making the penis enlarge because of venous engorgement.

The longer you can contract the p.c. muscle the longer you can keep the blood in the penis =s a larger, stiffer ,penis.

The P.C. muscle is one of the muscles that is not totally voluntary muscle, but only partly so.That is, you cannot control it all the time with your mind— in many instances it is involuntary, for example after an orgasm it contracts and relaxes on it own and you cannot control it. Therefore you can contract it just so long and then you lose the ablity to hold it any longer.

Boxcar23, can you give a few examples of what you feel would be good Kegel routines? There are just so many.

I appreciate that explanation of the clamping and how it occurs. Of course, it all makes perfect sense.


I think all the ones that are out there are fine. You just have to remember that because of the type of muscle, there is a point where your control of it goes. then just start again. It can be strengthened without a doubt by repetitive contractions and you can prolong the contraction to a certain extent, but the control of the muscle is only temporarily yours.


You sure hit the nail on the head about the PC muscles being difficult to control voluntarily.

Something I’ve been wondering about lately is whether it’s beneficial to train “the PC” with heavier loads and fewer reps to better focus on developing fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Any thoughts about this?

Most PC exercise routines suggested are geared toward type I, long-endurance fibers. Endurance is nice, but when we ejaculate we’d prefer quickly applied maximum contraction to make the most of the event. This is a job best suited for for type II fibers.

Should the PC be trained with heavier weight and fewer repetitions?


Do you know the ratio of fast/slow fibres in the PC?

You’re right about the maximum contraction thing, but surely in such a small muscle isometrics would be enough.

Then again, if you hang or stretch SO or higher and do blasters, you would be doing exactly what you say right? So maybe someone who has been doing this for a long time can chime in.


Yeah, this is what I am talking about.

I have tried to think up exercises that could be a form of weight-resistance. Almost as if you had to move something with your PC.

Again, I guess it’s about the muscle fiber type.

P.C. muscle

This is anything BUT a small muscle. Go to google ,then Grays anatomy then put in Pubococcygeal muscle and click search. You will see that this is a huge muscle that forms the floor of the pelvis, does a figure 8 around your rectum ( so you can “pinch it off”) and also wraps around the Vagina which explains why women should do Kegels to keep their vaginal tone and to prevent their bladders from prolapsing.The little sling that helps us keep it hard is a very small- but for us- very important part.

Exercise it as much as you can . Every little bit helps you prolong the stiffness longer and you can make significant strides with this.

I like the idea of doing them in groups of ten and doing 10 sets per day with the accent on holding it as long as you can.

Point of clarification.

I’ve been following this thread for a while and just want to make a couple points of clarification. While the pubococcygeus (PC), which is part of the Levator ani muscle, does contribute to ejaculation, the muscle most responsible for the ejection of semen through the urethra is the Bulbocavernosus. The neighboring Ischiocavernosus muscles are more responsible for clamping down on the veins and maintaining an erection than the PC and that action is not under conscious control, but occurs with the proper mental or physical stimulation. See the discussion about these muscles in Gray’s on this page beginning with the paragraph labeled 19.

I’m still trying to get a good image of how the PC moves the penis. This drawing from Gray’s anatomy shows the Bulbocavernosus and Ischiocavernosus as well as the PC (labeled Levator ani). Notice that the PC is higher in the pelvis than the others mentioned. The PC apparently contributes some to ejaculatory force and perhaps some constriction of veins to maintain an erection, but I believe the clamping of veins to be minor and not under one’s direct control. A part of the PC surrounds the prostate and probably contributes to ejaculation by squeezing that gland. See this drawing from Gray’s which shows the PC (again labeled Levator ani) and the Bulbocavernosus surrounding the urethra as is passes out of the bladder and through the prostate.

Exercising the PC, flaccid or erect, will certainly strengthen it and allows for firmer erections, longer lasting ones, as well as for stronger ejaculation. Weighting the penis or maintaining an erection is not necessary to exercise this muscle. Simple contractions throughout the day or every other day seems to be sufficient.

How come I can feel it’s contraction so deeply when I contract with an erection?

And why does the erection diminish after a number of reps?

SS4Jelq wrote:
>Do you know the ratio of fast/slow fibres in the PC?

I didn’t find anything with a quick search.

SS4Jelq wrote:
>Then again, if you hang or stretch SO or higher and do blasters, you would be doing exactly what you say right?

Close. Blasters alternate kegels and reverse kegels. You wouldn’t do one bench press, then one bent row, and so on if you wanted to work your chest.

BusterHymes wrote:
>I have tried to think up exercises that could be a form of weight-resistance. Almost as if you had to move something with your PC.

I’ve had excellent results lately (in erection quality and frequency) from kegeling while pumping. I’d like to eventually kick up the intensity. A grueling kegel routine while hanging OTS may be the ticket. I’ve never tried. The thought of hanging for the sole purpose of working the PC hadn’t crossed my mind.

Westla wrote:
>Exercising the PC, flaccid or erect, will certainly strengthen it and allows for firmer erections, longer lasting ones, as well as for stronger ejaculation. Weighting the penis or maintaining an erection is not necessary to exercise this muscle. Simple contractions throughout the day or every other day seems to be sufficient.

Weighted crunches build stronger abs than high reps with no weight. The same holds true for most muscles. I can tell you everything is considerably stronger “down there” from tube kegels than when I did kegels with no resistance.

Clue me quick on the tube kegels, please.

As Adam Sandler’s ‘CajunMan’ would say: “Much appreciashuuun”..


WestLa——- It moves the penis by stopping the blood from leaving.That’s why when you do a kegel your penis gets bigger. I know the vessels you mentioned are contributing but when we dissected our cadaver in Anatomy class there were 2 rather large veins coming from the penis under the pubic rami on each side with a tight little band of muscle under the vein as if it were in a hammock. It was part of the pubococcygeal muscle.

If you tighten your rectum , you will feel the effect on the penis too. It is not an involuntary muscle like the heart muscle nor is it voluntary like the biceps. It is semivoluntary like the muscle in the diaphragm.You can hold it just so long and then it takes over.

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