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Kegeling in the Tube

Kegeling in the Tube

Has anyone else noticed kegels are more taxing when done while pumping? I’ve been doing them in the tube lately. The tube provides resistance as my dick tries to pull back when I flex.

I’m hoping that kegeling under vacuum may help to increase girth. Any thoughts about this?

Hi Hobby, I like to kegel in the tube too. The thing that I like about it is that it really helps to maximize the stretch in the cc and cs. Obviously, the more blood you can kegel into your shaft, the more you will feel an increase in vacuum at the same pressure. It helped me to gain girth although for me it (I may have been plateaued at the time) seemed to only be temporary. However, even if it wasn’t permanent at the time, over a period of time I did increase my girth in the tube, especially when using my cycling pressure up and down technique. I am currently using a uli jelq/squeeze/pump method which I think is giving me great results for girth,my morning wood is getting thicker and harder to the touch already after only 5 workouts with this method. You can find my post on this method in members pics under SWM22’s thread ”just made my own uli consrictor”. You should make one of these for yourself no matter if you try this method or not. I find it is so much easier to use and control pressure than a normal uli thing. I will caution you though, this is an extreme workout and addictive ‘cause you’re really going to have thick dick after this workout(at least I do).


I’m doing a similar routine, though more intense. My Uli thing is a metal hose clamp applied at the base. I use short wraps of Thera and suede under the clamp to protect the skin and spread out the clamping area. The last bit of tightening cuts off all bloodflow and builds great pressure within an already fully engorged dick. Then to kick it up a few more notches I do some manual Ulis ahead of the clamp (as much as I can tolerate), and some bending the last few minutes of each set.

I alternate these with 10 min. pumping at 5” - 6” while kegeling as much as possible.

I must admit the idea of pumping while doing extreme Ulis has crossed my mind. The hose clamp’s screw is too bulky to fit in my tube. A cable tie would work if it can be pulled tight enough to completely cut off blood flow.


I’ve been wrapping with Thera right below the head for all pumping and extreme Uli sets. The combo puts tremendous stress on the area prone to donut. Fluid buildup on the shaft has been less than I expected. The kegels may be minimizing it.

The idea of pumping with the cable tie on brings a new point of interest to this type of method and is something I had not thought of. I’m only pumping for 2- 5 minute light sets as a post exercise routine without the tie on. It is only after this I put it back on to keep me in the engorged state. I’m going to think about this and I may even try it, but my first thought is that it’s going to bring the potential for injury up a couple of levels. What do you think Hobby?

i kege in the tube works like a charm. had to get a bigger tube girth and length both increased, keep it up.


>I’m going to think about this and I may even try it, but my first thought is that it’s going to bring the potential for injury up a couple of levels.

Using the tie as a cock ring (meaning restrictive, but still allowing some blood flow) shouldn’t add much risk of injury. I think several guys here use shaft rings while in the tube. Keep a close eye on your veins though. I have a few that try to clot if I pump very long or wear a cock ring. Both together would cause me even more of a problem. Massaging between sets helps clear them out. Extreme Ulis don’t bother these veins, probably because they stay fully expanded from the pressure.

Extreme Ulis themselves are, well, extreme.:) Adding pumping will increase the risk of injury. The risk will be even greater if you aren’t used to doing X-Ulis without the pump. My current routine is as intense as I can handle, though I might try pumping with the Thing in the future. Pressure pushing from the inside with vacuum pulling from the outside should provide excellent expansion, in theory anyway.

I’m alternating X-Ulis and pumping because they target slightly different areas and work synergistically on others. The Thing hits everything except the very base. Pumping takes care of the base and really blows up my head. BTW, the anti-donut wrap makes the head inflate considerably more than without it.

For those interested in kegeling under vacumm ,try inserting a length of bike tube 9” long inside the chamber and stretching the end over the opening over the chamber.


I’ve been doing intense kegeling in the tube every pumping set for 2-3 weeks. No set rep scheme, just a mix of quick flexes, 5 second holds, long holds, etc. I work the hell out of my PC every set. Not quite to the point of watery eyes, but well into the white-knuckles-on-the-armrests phase. I’ve been doing two 10 minute pumping sets per session, and 3-4 sessions per week.

Erection frequency has improved immensely this week. Now I’m getting hard or at least fluffed at the slightest provocation, to the degree I’ve only narrowly escaped some potentially embarrassing situations in public. My dick thinks he’s a teenager again. Nocturnal erections are also more frequent and harder.

I presume the tube kegels are responsible. Extreme Ulis are the only other new thing in my routine. It could be the combination. I’ve made no dietary, supplement, exercise or sleep changes.

I don’t know how long this supercharged state will last, but I plan to continue the tube kegels. If regular kegels are push-ups for the PC, these are bench presses.

No, I isolate it very well now. I end up clenching my fists (at least figuratively) from the exertion. :D Repeatedly working the PC to failure or near failure requires a lot of focus and effort.

When I began PE the extra involuntary muscle contractions turned kegels into practically a whole body exercise, so I understand why you’re asking. But I eventually learned how to isolate the PC.

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