I’ve been doing intense kegeling in the tube every pumping set for 2-3 weeks. No set rep scheme, just a mix of quick flexes, 5 second holds, long holds, etc. I work the hell out of my PC every set. Not quite to the point of watery eyes, but well into the white-knuckles-on-the-armrests phase. I’ve been doing two 10 minute pumping sets per session, and 3-4 sessions per week.
Erection frequency has improved immensely this week. Now I’m getting hard or at least fluffed at the slightest provocation, to the degree I’ve only narrowly escaped some potentially embarrassing situations in public. My dick thinks he’s a teenager again. Nocturnal erections are also more frequent and harder.
I presume the tube kegels are responsible. Extreme Ulis are the only other new thing in my routine. It could be the combination. I’ve made no dietary, supplement, exercise or sleep changes.
I don’t know how long this supercharged state will last, but I plan to continue the tube kegels. If regular kegels are push-ups for the PC, these are bench presses.