A question about my 'upward' member
i was wondering whether it is alright for my dick to be curved upwards - im not sure what is the difference to a major curve or a minor one.. but i know my left curvature is very minor but in comparison to my upward curve by upward curve is more defined..
If i where to push my dick horizontally NBPEL it would be about 6 inches and a lil bit more.. however, if i where to do it against the curve it would squeeze out .3 inches.. and if i where to bone press erection without an upward curve it would be 6.45.. but if i where to go against the curve bone pressed its 6.75. my fat pat is around .4 to .5.
Should it be of any concern? i know that dick usually straightens out when it enters a vagina etc but is their any disadvantage that i may be having. Such as will this affect my ability of performing? for good or worse etc. I know i have quite an above average dick and some girls who’ve seen it would vouch for it. But i wouldn’t know how to go about making it straighter, or should i make it straight? is their greater friction for a dick like mine or does it make sex more uncomfortable then it should be.
imagine your index finger pointing stiff with its underside facing you.. bend the top 2 segments but the base segment and the middle and have the tip of the finger point to 1 o clock. its somewhere between 1 o clock and 12 mostly leaning to one.
ive been 5 1/2 weeks into PE and i didn’t take BPEL measurements before hand but i do believe i have had a girth increase of .2 on the midhsaft and about .25 length wise… this is great and all but my upward curve doesn’t prove it. my left minor curvature is almost fading away but this my efforts to get jelq straighter then i should it doesn’t seem to work.
anyone know any benefits or drawbacks of having an upward curve?