Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Question for Vets

A Question for Vets

As you know, PE surgery gives an immediate 1” flaccid gain and no erect gain initially. Then, if we are lucky, we get an extra 1” erect length using some hanging devices. This 1” figure is almost the same for all surgery clinic advertisements. So, the conclusion is that cutting the suspensory ligaments gives nearly 1” extra length by straightening the inner penis curvature (this curvature is due to suspensory ligament-pubic bone connection). So how PEers can see much more length gains like 3-4” by stretching the suspensory ligaments. Does it mean that we add some penis tissue in addition to inner penis release by suspensory lig stretch?

Soon to be 9''.

Absolutely. Without a doubt.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I don’t see how you can make big length gains without adding tissue. Of course with girth gains, it has to be new tissue(if it isn’t temporary gains). I do seem to have less “inner penis” than I used to when I feel around down there. Maybe that’s a good reason to do a maintenance routine when I reach my goal size?

MDC, I don’t think that the inner penis gets smaller. It becomes more straight due to relaxed suspensory ligs and that’s why more inner penis is released, but its original length doesn’t change, at least in my opnion. But I also guess there becomes a new tissue formation. Otherwise it would be impossible to explain a 3-4” length gain of a hanger that specifically targets suspensory ligament only.

Soon to be 9''.

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