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A Stretch question

A Stretch question

I’m now getting Red spots on the underside of my shaft is there anything I can do about it? Should I maybe a stretch one day on one off?

The red spots are totally normal. I guess that you are new about PE. That’s why you’re experiencing red spots. Don’t worry, they will disapear in 2 weeks or less.

Actually I’ve been peing for almost a year. Red spots are not new but I usually got them from jelqing and ulis. However I am new to Blasters and A stretch so hopefully my body will adapt.

Hmm…since I’m a newbie, I don’t know much. Sorry :( Wait for another answer

I’ve read about red spots and applying a hot wrap can be a lot of help

You will get red dots when you switch routines or increase the intensity of your current routine (or if you are new of course). The skin will condition itself over time and you will get them less and less, you only need to take time off if it is quite severe, or if you are sexually active and dont want your parnter to see them. In that case, turn the lights off or cut back on your routine a little, and build it back up over time.


I tried the cup warm up method, and this got rid of some of them pretty well. Just a though.


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

Agreed with SS4Jelq. :up:

Thank you for your suggestions I’m gonna try hot wrapping again. I use to do it, but then some of the vets (DLD) said Hot wraps weren’t very helpful. I guess his member is in better shape than mine then

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