A time crunch
To keep this short, I start college in a month. I have been pe’in pretty regularily for several months now ( since March). I have followed the newbie routine and gained decently ( a little shy of 1/2inch BP) and am just now reaching the point in my PE career where I am researching moving on to more advanced PE techniques. (hanging interests me greatly, I have yet to build a hanger). Now comes the college life though, I am living on campus, in the dorms and do not know my roommate. I am trying to plan ahead for what I can do PE wise in the college life. My thoughts soo far are any extensive hanging routines or anything similar are probably out of the question, unless if say .. my rooommate goes out of town for the weekend. I can and probably will take slightly longer showers and perform some manual stretches, some non lubed jelqing and what not for more of a maintennance routine. My real question is what if any ideas might anyone have for me to use to attempt to further my PE routine. My fear is I might just have to keep on a maintenance routine untill I move out of the dorms and have more privacy to perform such excersizes. Perhaps any other youngins out there can chime in with that they have done in this ( or a similar ) situation. Thanks in advance.