Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

According to masturbation does affect gains


Originally Posted by clanger
I think that’s just a symptom of getting older and has nothing to do with wanking.

Might be true, but you shouldn’t have trouble with erections when you’re 18, which was my experience. My first time “having sex”, if I can call it that, I couldn’t get a full erection. Could be do to nerves, but who knows. Also, there were times when I ejaculated from dry humping and didn’t even have a full erection. Masturbation caused me to get used to ejaculating early.

I think it mostly depends on how often a person masturbates. I went at it 2 or more times a day. Usually within a couple of hours at a time. I can’t help but wonder if my penis would be bigger if I had more self control. I’ve gone at this pase for almost 15 years now. I figure if you can do excersises to make it bigger, then abuse and overworking it can cause it not to work properly and even shrink it a little.

Probably opening a big can of worms. I have read some of the exchanges on this topic and it seems to be a topic with passionate views on both sides.

I’m not passionate about it. I’ll just add my experiences.

Originally Posted by skinnycorndog
I think it mostly depends on how often a person masturbates. I went at it 2 or more times a day. Usually within a couple of hours at a time. I can't help but wonder if my penis would be bigger if I had more self control. I’ve gone at this pase for almost 15 years now. I figure if you can do excersises to make it bigger, then abuse and overworking it can cause it not to work properly and even shrink it a little.

I used to ‘whack it’ until my dick would just cough. So it’s safe to say I really used to beat off alot during puberty. Not that much everyday, but I was no stranger to letting it go.

I was 8” as a 13 y/o. That kind of thing is probably genetic. But some might say that *stimulation*/ ‘working the equipment’ spurred growth? On the other side, might I have been bigger with out whacking it? Dunno.

Bib and Yguy have been big gainers. There is some controversy over Bib’s gains (to some PE’ers) since he never posted pics. Yguy did. Bib doesn’t seem like the type to whack it excessively. But I could be wrong. I guess someone could ask Bib his whack sched? But as far as proof goes, it wouldn’t settle a lot since there are no before and after pics of Bib.

But someone could ask Yguy what his whack sched was.

I read a post or two that I would tend to agree with. And those would be: ejaculation within a short period prior to a girth routine probably would affect gains because of difficulty keeping a decent level of engorgement. Just seems to be a logic thing. I could be wrong of course. Other than that I can’t see a reason that masturbation or sex, with or without climax could have an effect?

But just because I don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Life is full of connections that some see, that others don’t. I guess at this point it’s not definitive. Again, someone could ask Yguy. Of course that would be an extremely small sample group.

A true study in the sense of all participants doing all things the same, with the exception of masturbation/ sex and ejaculation would be much more conclusive and convincing. But a thing like PE, sports or anything performance oriented, genetics and predisposition come into play.

As far as me? I have relatively little gains to speak of, and I’m not even sure of that because I didn’t take a measurement before experimenting with PE. But that could be more attributed to not being consistent & devoutly committed. I want gains, mind you, but things happen and I end up not following the types of routines that others who have really gained are committed to.

Thanks rem!

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

You are welcome xeno.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I can’t help but wonder if my penis would be bigger if I had more self control. I’ve gone at this pase for almost 15 years now. I figure if you can do excersises to make it bigger, then abuse and overworking it can cause it not to work properly and even shrink it a little.

It seems there is still so much puritanical negativity asociated with masturbation.

Bigger if you had more self control? Never have I heard any correlation between pubescent penile growth and frequency of masturbation. Why would you assume this?

Abuse and overworking? Since when is masturbation abuse? Why would you assume that your masturbation schedule was “too much”? In my mind, abuse is feeling the urge to masturbate, and supressing that urge. Why do you associate masturbation with overwork instead of exercise? With every thought, you show negativity and guilt associated with a perfectly normal, healthy activity.

Horny Bastard

:thumbs: @ mravg

I consider the survey on the masturbation issue to be flawed, even with them charts and analyst he made.

Because not every guy is doing the exact same routine, same length of time, and there is also each guy having different LOT’s and more importantly the same genetic
Makeup. (LOT seems to be a very stable theory)

So anyone who takes what the survey suggests is believing something that hasn’t been studied correctly. You could give one group more people and stuff, but that is still something that would not be accepted by the scientific community, it needs to be equal amount of people as well as every other variable being the same, with the exception of what is being studied (in this case masturbation) no questions asked!

Scientist consider anything that isn’t measured correctly (this applies for the amount of people too) is considered invalid. Science would not be science if there was no measurement in it, back in the old times science was not considered science because of the fact it missed a measurement system. Hence things like why science uses metric system, atomic mass, weight.etc etc

You have to have equal number of guys, and they are all doing the same routines and same diet, the only difference should be masturbation frequency. You do all this and then you will have a study that is actually feasible by the scientific mind.

So like I said, the survey on masturbation issue is invalid. Period.

So until an experiment is done by following what I laid out, everyone go ahead and masturbate!

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log


I’m all ears on ways to control for different genetic makeups…

I think one thing you have to understand is that this is a survey, and in surveys you can’t control for anything. You can eliminate variables (i.e. take away all the people who had a LOT lower than 9:00), but to my knowledge, that is as far as it can go.

What you are asking for would require multiple experiments.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by WetMayo
…So like I said, the survey on masturbation issue is invalid. Period.


If Remek hadn’t put an immense amount of time and effort into the survey we wouldn’t even have a “flawed” survey to discuss; we’d just be voicing opinions a assumptions, like we were a year ago. Remek has on numerous occasions pointed out the limitations of the survey, and “flawed” or not, we know a hell of a lot more now than we did before. You might want to consider giving him credit for that - or stepping up to the plate and conduct an experience that isn’t “flawed”.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Mayo, you are right to say the association between masturbation and PE hasn’t been proven, but that is true about almost all the information you will read at Thundersplace. I don’t think there is even enough double blind controlled data to show scientifically that PE works at all. You read people’s personal experiences and find patterns and trends which help you to draw your own conclusion. The survey is not proof, but it is information, just like all the testimonials here. No one said you have to take any certain piece of information and come to a firm conclusion and close the issue. Take it for what it is.

Horny Bastard

Here is the deal;

Indisputably, your BODY CHEMISTRY changes after an orgasm. Your brain floods with endorphins and there are a lot of chemical changes in your blood and in your chemical responses.

Do these changes in chemical responses slow down the healing process? Do they somehow undo the stresses that have just been or are going to be put on your penis? I guess that without a more intricate understanding of the body / penis / PE relationship that we won’t have a definitive answer.

What I can tell you is that every pay-to-PE web page out there (unfortunately I subscribed to many of them before I found Thunders) lays the claim that you should NOT masturbate two hours before or three hours after your PE workout because the CHEMICAL changes in your body caused by an orgasm will hinder results.

Personally, I find this to be true. My theory is this : you want your penis to stay in an engorged / elongated state for as long as possible after your workout, and when you orgasm your penis goes back to it’s smallest state quicker, therefore, I try and do my workout / masturbation separately.

But, as is the mantra around here, it will be different for different guys, and you need to find what works for you. If you jerk it a lot right before or after your workout and are not getting gains you may want to give not doing so a try.

Originally Posted by anon771
Allright xenolith,

I think his polls make’s sense. However I have read many posts here that it won’t affect gains. My own common sense says I don’t agree with the post here about masturbation and pe. When you reach an orgasm your penis has a lot off contractions. An orgasm is something heavy for a penis. That is why it needs some rest after orgasming.

How, then, do you explain those of us that have no down time after an ejaculating orgasm? I cum, fully, and never loose my erection. Then, if she can go long enough, I get another full orgasm and still won’t loose my erection , unless she is done. Even then, it takes a good 15 minutes to begin to go soft after we’ve stopped.

Originally Posted by anon771
Pe already is exhausting to the penis. So if you masturbate a lot, you will get your penis even more tired.
I am talking about masturbation with an ejaculation at the end. Not just jerking without comming. Jerking alone won’t be a problem. Just good for circulation.

Orgasms are good for you. They are healthy. I recently read on AOL news about studies conducted be scientists/doctors that show men who have sex ( with orgasm normally being a part) several times a week are healthier and have less problems as they get older .

Originally Posted by anon771
If you manage to separate the orgasm from the prostate you can jerk off as many as you want. Than youre ballooning and I read you can get gains with that also, but that’s off topic. Maybe I will chime in in you’re thread about it.

I haven’t been masturbating for a week now and I am beginning to miss it. My erections quality and morning erections have become better though. Rockhard again.

If I’m not sexually active , I masturbate from 3 to 4 ( occasionally more) times a day. With my present GF we have sex every day at least once, often several times. I still masturbate once or twice a day. So, you see, i cum a lot of times in a week. My erections are rock hard and my morning wood could be used to split bricks. I think it really depends on the health and libido of the individual. Everyone is different.

One other point, poll information is hardly scientifically conclusive. Even if the data can be trusted, how can you know what other things might be effecting the results these people are having? You can’t. Therefore, poll information is only slightly valuable in forming a truly educated opinion on any matter. Accepting poll data as hard scientific fact is about like accepting the fuzzy scientific process the government has used to “prove” that tobacco causes cancer. Well…a lot of people do accept that.

Shows to go you that the average person knows little about true scientific method. Where are the control groups? How do you isolate the elements that might effect the outcome? Can you really bend your own standards , like that, and still have your statements have meaning and value ( oh, that one only applies to the smoking issue- sorry. I got carried away.).

Last edited by devilknight666 : 09-09-2008 at .

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
Here is the deal;

Indisputably, your BODY CHEMISTRY changes after an orgasm. Your brain floods with endorphins and there are a lot of chemical changes in your blood and in your chemical responses.

Do these changes in chemical responses slow down the healing process? Do they somehow undo the stresses that have just been or are going to be put on your penis? I guess that without a more intricate understanding of the body / penis / PE relationship that we won’t have a definitive answer.

What I can tell you is that every pay-to-PE web page out there (unfortunately I subscribed to many of them before I found Thunders) lays the claim that you should NOT masturbate two hours before or three hours after your PE workout because the CHEMICAL changes in your body caused by an orgasm will hinder results.

Personally, I find this to be true. My theory is this : you want your penis to stay in an engorged / elongated state for as long as possible after your workout, and when you orgasm your penis goes back to it’s smallest state quicker, therefore, I try and do my workout / masturbation separately.

But, as is the mantra around here, it will be different for different guys, and you need to find what works for you. If you jerk it a lot right before or after your workout and are not getting gains you may want to give not doing so a try.

Edging right after a PE session keeps you plump so to speak hours after ejaculations. I’m convinced the more you ejaculate the more you grow it!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!



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