How long have you been PE’ing? How long have/had you done the “Newbie Routine”?
If you’re conditioned enough, you might want to look into hanging, though there are other ways to gain length. Stretching should always be able to produce gains by theory, though at some point you’d likely have to increase the amount of time that you’re stretching. So say you worked up to the 10 minutes suggested as the ‘final amount of time’ in the “Newbie Routine” - eventually, once you notice gains slow down/stop, you might want to consider up’ing the amount of time that you’re stretching from 10 minutes, to say, 15 minutes.
Also, remember to not be hesitant at hitting many different angles. Even just a 15ยบ angle change can make a big difference in the intensity placed upon your ligs, and can even do as much as single out a whole specific bundle of ligs (“isolating” one particular lig/bundle of ligs). This can prove beneficial because sometimes you may have say, for example, a total of 4 lig bundles. 3 of these 4 lig bundles have been stretched a good amount. However 1 of these 4 lig bundles has, for whatever reason, not been “hit” as much as the rest of the lig bundles. By changing your angle so that you’re hitting this specific bundle, you give it no choice but to give in at some point, thus making it catch up to the same length as the other 3 lig bundles (result = gain[s]) - you now have all 4 lig bundles at the same length.
Hope this helps, and if you have any further questions, definitely feel free to ask!
No dedication + No self-discipline = No Gains. This goes for working out as well. It\'s elementary math kids.
Starting Date: 1-17-05 - EL: 6 in. EG: 5.125 in. ... or 5 2/16 in. ..FL: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in. FG: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in.
14th Check-In Date (much 'rest time' so far): 10-01-06 - EL: 7 1/16 in. EG: 5 9/16 in. ................ FL: 5.00 in. ... or 5 in. FG: 4.75 in. ... or 4 12/16 in....1st Goal: EL: 7 in. EG: 5.75 in ... or 5 12/16 in.