The key to length gains
Regardless of your LOT, the key to length gains is found in stretching the tunica. Even guys with a very high LOT only have so much extra length found in their ligs; guys with lower LOTs have even less.
Even with a LOT of 9:00 to 11:00, I bet there is only about 1” to be found with lig lengthening. With LOTs below 8:00, there may not even be a 1/2 inch to be found.
The thing about lig gains - if they’re there - is that they come fairly quickly. But in my case, as with others, there weren’t any lig gains for me.
I started with a low LOT and didn’t begin to see length gains at all until I began stretching above 8:30-9:00 or so. Therefore, I would recommend that everyone test their LOT. If your LOT is low, then at least 80% of all your stretching should be above your LOT. If your LOT is high, then stretch your ligs in the beginning, until your length gains stop, then switch to tunica stretching.
It doesn’t hurt to mix in some stretching at lower angles also, but as Bib has often said, You should work smarter, not just harder.
So whether you’ve gained length quickly, then stopped (ligs) - or haven’t gained any length at all - it may be time to switch your focus to the tunica. When I began taking my ligs out of the stretches, I made my best length gains ever.
Give it a try.