weight wrap
Here’s the technique I’m noodling with to keep the golf swing weights on: I use the sticky kind of Ace Bandage. I first wrap the strip of bandage once or twice around the base of my penis, but not so tight that it restricts blood flow. Then I stack the weights on my penis — i’m using four so far. Then I wrap the bandage around the weights a few times to hold them together.
Once I’ve wrapped to the top of the stack I stretch my penis out and wrap the bandage around the shaft — below my circumcision scar if i can stretch that far. Again, that can’t be too tight either; it may take a try or two to wrap it so it doesn’t pinch.
The remainder of the bandage goes around the weights again to make the whole unit more secure.
I find it’s easiest to do this while lying back on a couch or bed so you have gravity working for you.
I think the advantage of starting the wrapping from the base of the penis is the weights are suspended from that point, rather than weighing down on the head of my penis for hours at a time.
Also, you can pee with the weights on if you pull them up towards your body as you whiz, so your urethra isn’t stretched too much. Otherwise, you’ll be dribbling pee for the next several minutes, which will probably draw some unwanted attention to that new bulge in your pants.